How they voted on the NDAA
By Campaign for LIberty
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 (U.S. Senate) and Thursday, December 14 (U.S. House), Congress voted in favor of the nearly ONE-TRILLION DOLLAR FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act and sent the bill to President Biden for his signature.
Those who voted in favor of the bill voted for more of the same policies passed into law under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi. More woke Defense Department policies. More taxpayer money for abortion expenses. More spying on innocent American citizens. And hundreds of millions more for a proxy war in Ukraine.
Find your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators below to see how they voted. If they voted in favor of the NDAA, despite the cheating, lies, and deceit, you need to let them know it’s not acceptable and they will be held accountable.
Call their office at 202-225-3121 and let them know 2024 will be different!
From campaignforliberty.org