By The John Birch Society
Alert Summary
Members of the Washington State Legislature will consider Initiative 2117, which would repeal the state’s disastrous cap-and-trade program.
Members of the Washington State Legislature will consider an initiative to repeal the state’s disastrous cap-and-trade program.
In 2021, the Legislature enacted the Climate Commitment Act, which established a cap-and-trade program. Cap-and-trade creates a system of carbon credits, mandating businesses pay extra for using more carbon than is allotted to them by the government. Additionally, businesses would be forced to purchase carbon credits if they had exceeded the usage allotted to them by the government. This represents a clear departure from limited government. Capping emissions of individual emissions is a clear and significant step towards the total administrative state that controls actions of all citizens.
Now, Governor Jay Inslee is proposing to merge its program with California and Quebec. In response, Washington citizens have submitted signatures to place Initiative 2117, which would repeal the state’s cap-and-trade program, on the November 2024 ballot.
Cap-and-trade has created outrageous conditions in California, where the cost of living has continually ballooned after adopting cap-and-trade. President Barack Obama attempted to create a national cap and trade program early in his presidency, but this was too radical even for Democrats at the time. Washington State’s cap-and-trade program pushes forward climate-change lies, and will transfer wealth from regular everyday citizens to globalist entities such as the United Nations. Above all, it would fundamentally change Washington into a state that blatantly violates fundamental rights granted in the Constitution in the name of so called climate change.
Cap-and-trade would do nothing but harm small and local businesses in the area, which are groups that already are struggling under burdensome regulations. These businesses are the lifeblood of Washington State, and subjecting them to this will only serve to push business out of the state towards different pastures.
For decades all levels of government have increasingly disregarded the Constitution by imposing a wide range of unprecedented and totalitarian restrictions. If freedom-loving Americans are to stop and prevent the imposition of a left wing autocratic state — whether now or in the future — it is imperative that citizens push back, rein in these government entities, and ensure they cease to violate our constitutional liberties.
Urge your state legislators to support Initiative 2117, and to oppose all cap-and-trade programs in Washington State.
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