Bill Hahn
What Really Happened at COP28
So we’re told that a monumental deal was struck at the latest Climate Change conference that will phase out fossil fuels. But is it true? You can be sure that corporate media reports on climate change will be slanted to support its globalist narrative. This is why it’s important for us to attend these conferences and get a first person look at what goes on, so we can deliver to you the truth.
And the truth is you don’t want to miss this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we offer perspective and solutions.
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So let’s set the scene. The New American, a media outlet of The John Birch Society, sent a team of three investigative journalists to COP28, the United Nations climate change conference that was held in Dubai, an Arab police state that does not allow dissent within its country.
The New American had covered many of these UN conferences in the past and was once again granted official access to the event. That’s where the common ground with all the other media outlets ended. Among the 84,000 participants, The New American was essentially alone in its responsible reporting that challenges the globalist narrative. Those on our team experienced a hostile environment that more resembled a police state than a UN conference open to offering truthful answers to tough questions—questions that need to be asked and questions that expose the real agenda behind climate action.
A senior editor of The New American, Alex Newman, who has attended these conferences since 2009, reported online that “Governments at the United Nations COP28 ‘climate’ summit agreed to ‘transition’ away from ‘fossil fuels’ today. But don’t believe the hype from the media about a ‘phaseout’ or ‘phase down’ of hydrocarbon energy at the UN summit. What is really happening is a planned phaseout of the Western world — what used to be known as Christendom or the ‘Free World’ — as the UN and Western leaders work to usher in a new ‘multipolar’ world order.”
For those of you that are regular viewers or listeners, you know we have been providing evidence of this for quite some time. Advocates of the globalist agenda have been quite open about this since at least the early 1970s regarding building a New World Order or NWO. Over the last few years, the Council on Foreign Relations has offered a new course of direction for the NWO. It focuses on moving away from the leadership of the U.S. and other Western countries to also include other countries like autocracies of China, Russia, and other participants of BRICS.
Richard Haass, the longtime President of the Council on Foreign Relations wrote in the March 23, 2021 Foreign Affairs magazine, “The international system is at a historical inflection point. … the Western-led liberal order that emerged after World War II cannot anchor global stability in the twenty-first century.… The best vehicle for promoting stability in the twenty-first century is a global concert of major powers.”
What he is describing is also known as a multipolar New World Order. An important point to remember is that the U.S. was used as the main leader for the post-WWII era. It unconstitutionally used its vast resources to help build up Communist countries, as well as those that would belong to the European Union, while at the same time building up world government bodies like the United Nations and its many affiliates.
In a multipolar world order, the U.S. and its Western allies would continue to utilize its resources by transferring large amounts of wealth to poorer countries. Doing so will bring down the standard of living for the average American while raising up those in developing countries as well as countries like China and Russia who give lip service to the agenda of the United Nations, but work to build themselves into the leading superpowers.
To demonstrate this, Mr. Newman reported, “Throughout the COP28 ‘climate’ summit, the Biden administration and Western governments pledged ever-more suicidal energy policies and draconian wealth redistribution from the middle class under the guise of saving the planet. According to an analysis by the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore, just the U.S. government’s latest methane promises — a de facto ban on natural-gas power plants — will take out upwards of 60 percent of American electric power generation.
But that pain will not be shared around the world. In fact, officials from the United Arab Emirates and Communist China, among others, were exposed planning to make oil and gas deals at the summit. That is according to leaked documents highlighted by the state-owned British broadcaster BBC and other international media. The head of the state-run oil company, Sultan Al Jaber, actually served as president of COP.
The news was spun by the establishment press to portray the UAE government hosting the climate talks in a negative light. But the real significance of the scandal was lost: It highlights the fact that the anti-energy hysteria and silly ‘solutions’ such as solar panels and windmills being peddled to Western populations by the UN and the media are primarily undermining the economies of Western nations, including Europe and the United States — not China or other autocracies, whose emissions are all soaring with no end in sight.”
Leave it up to the suckers in the U.S. and the EU to follow the “rules,” but Communist countries are in no way participating in their own economic destruction by dismantling their industries or turning off a major flow of revenue through resource or product sales. The value they place on human life disqualifies them from actually carrying out this agenda based on a democratic or just way of living.
Ironically, the Kremlin posted this statement when Xi Jinping visited Russia earlier in 2023: “We jointly work to create a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the UN, its Security Council, international law, and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.”
If that’s what they are working toward, then the free world should want nothing to do with it given the Communist’s idea of justice and democracy that has been demonstrated in the hundreds of millions of its own dead citizens at the hands of government.
As Mr. Newman pointed out, the only sane voice seemed to be the head of the conference. He wrote, “The president of the COP28 conference, ADNOC chief Sultan Al Jaber, outraged climate alarmists worldwide when he ridiculed their pseudo-scientific pronouncements. ‘I’m not in any way signing up to any discussion that is alarmist,’ he told former Irish President Mary Robinson, blasting Western media for being ‘biased and wrong.’ ‘There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C [degrees of supposed global warming].’”
He also wrote, “It was not just Sultan Al-Jaber. Other oil-producing Arab governments also injected a major dose of reality into the summit while undermining the UN-backed Western media narrative. Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman ridiculed the idea that the world would “phase out” hydrocarbon energy. “And I assure you not a single person — I’m talking about governments — believes in that,” he was quoted as saying in the press.”
This is the heart of the matter: Climate action is nothing more than a front to usher in totalitarian world government — a New World Order that proponents in globalist and communist circles have been discussing for more than 100 years.
Those elected officials and other so-called dignitaries in the climate change movement do not honestly believe in their cause, or their actions would have reflected their convictions.
Mr. Newman expounds on the future if proponents get their way:
Flying to the conference after sundown over the Arabian Peninsula, all that was visible were bright flames scattered throughout as far as the eye could see across the dark expanse — oil wells producing energy to power homes, businesses, tractors, ships, trucks, and all of the other systems that make life possible for eight billion people on the planet. Unfortunately for Americans and those in the West, the flow of that precious energy is rapidly changing direction away from the once-great Christian nations of the West that built civilization and blessed the lives of so many billions of people.
Instead, if Americans do not stop Biden and the UN, that energy will flow toward mass-murdering regimes such as the CCP based on principles of government more compatible with what globalists call the “New World Order.” Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Rockefeller, Justin Trudeau, and countless other Western “leaders” have openly told the world they view Communist China as the model of the future: totalitarian in every respect. That is what awaits the entire world, at least if the West is murdered by its own leaders cutting off the energy needed to survive through this UN “climate” fraud.
This is why it is critical for The New American to report on these conferences and actions of the movement. This is why it is important to actually do something about stopping this steamroller.
The John Birch Society was created to do just that. If the JBS would not have been established, Americans would already be living in the dystopian nightmare that is sure to come if we do not stop it. The United Nations can only make so much progress through Congress, so it is directly targeting the states and local communities through its Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 projects.
We invite you to join today to learn more and take action by working with like-minded patriots in your area. We’ll show you how.
Also, bills to get the U.S. out of the UN have been recently introduced in the House and the Senate, the first time in a long time. Let’s generate some pressure in Congress to get these voted on.
I’m Bill Hahn for The John Birch Society, and until next time, learn more and take action!
William S. Hahn
Bill Hahn is the CEO of The John Birch Society.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com