Everyone must choose between freedom and enslavement, not just for themselves but also for their descendants...and the option to choose freedom is rapidly closing. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWhy aren’t state lawmakers beside themselves over the failure of the state school system, which has been flooded with more money over many years? - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullConcentration camps (jails, private prisons and detention facilities) have been established to house political prisoners and others deemed to be enemies of the state --BY JOHN & NISHA WHITEHEAD
Read FullContinue to demand that local, county, and state governments provide strong legislation to protect the rights of the people they represent. -BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe educratic system already has taken the algorithms...to pigeonhole your child’s education, even their assessments! What will your family or children be worth in that scheme? - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read Full...when asked if he could say that there were not individual terrorists or terror cells operating in the United States Wray said, “we’re not tracking that.” - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullJews are the prime target today, but, make no mistake about it, the barbarians are coming for everything and everybody in the civilized world. Complacency kills. - BY
Read FullGreen goals, it turns out, have fueled the fires of war and left the West awkwardly needing fossil fuel energy more than ever... - BY DUGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullWe stand witness as Justin Trudeau pushes the buttons for a revolutionary purge of Christianity from Canadian society. - BY BRAD SALZBERG
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