Just How Evil is Canada’s Crime Minister?
“Both Maggie and Pierre were self-admittedly sexually liberal, and the hyper-sexed Fidel Castro was a Marxist hero to Pierre.”
I’ve been afraid to write and publish on this topic because I live in Canada, where our Crime Minister was the first globalist thug to freeze citizens’ bank accounts under the lie of an insurrection. Now that in the UK, Nigel Farage, plus an Anglican priest have been financially cancelled (they’re not the first), the canary is good and dead already. So you’ll understand my hesitancy.
But here goes, anyway.
The concern of this exploration predates our boy wonder’s rise to political power in this particular commonwealth country. So I’ll not deal here with his many illegal and unethical political scandals nor his cringey bumblings on the international scene, nor will I belabour the now hackneyed exposure of his past black-faced get-ups. Nor even his hypocritical, misogynistic identity as a self-proclaimed “feminist.”
I must however mention his suspected DNA match with a certain Cuban dictator, as it bears significance to the point of this post. So let’s first look at the paternalism issue:
Margaret Joan Sinclair, upper class hippie girl of 23 and 51 year-old bachelor Pierre Elliot Trudeau (who’d dated Barbra Streisand and other stars) met while vacationing in Barbados in the 1960s: her father was a prominent member of the BC Liberals. They married in West Vancouver on March 4th 1971 (having managed to keep it mum till the last moment), then drove immediately to Whistler for a ski honeymoon. But two or three weeks later, the couple took a second honeymoon to the Caribbean, hopping between islands. Justin was born December 25th. The dates given for that trip are April 8th to the 15th, but given the government’s longstanding attempts to discourage such speculations, the precise time frame might not be entirely accurate.
Both Maggie and Pierre were self-admittedly sexually liberal, and the hyper-sexed Fidel Castro was a Marxist hero to Pierre. Additionally, some have suggested that Pierre may have been infertile given his advanced age with no history of progeny.
The body language captured in photos with their pal Fidel, shows an easy intimacy between the three.
Justin’s physical appearance as a grown man makes it hard not to think that whether accidentally or on purpose, our Canadian PM is in fact Fidel Castro’s son. We can see that not only does he look a dead ringer for him (there are lots of images of both Justin and Fidel in the video attached below). There’s the simple fact of his height, relative to the rest of the Trudeau family.
Justin is the same height as Fidel was (6’2”) while Pierre was 5’10”. His mother is 5’6” and he towers over his two younger brothers. No one else, from my research, has mentioned this starkly apparent detail. (Come to think of it now, Michel resembles neither Pierre nor FC. Hmm… .)
But more germane to my story is the question of personality—nature or nurture? Pierre Trudeau did have a snobbish arrogance about him, but not the murderous streak that Castro displayed throughout his iron rule over the hapless Cubans. That trait requires a level of psychopathy that might indeed lurk deep within Justin’s psyche: besides behaving as a full-fledged fascist during the Truckers’ Convoy, these videos betray a disturbingly unnatural response to his brother Michel’s death in 1998. The “duper’s delight” that you will see here is a body-language signal that investigators normally pay close attention to:
More troubling still: at the 1:56 mark the interviewer asks Justin about the last conversation he had with Michel a few days before the accident, and he replies:Yeah and he actually said;
“well I’m going up, uh, doing a little backcountry skiing I can’t wait for it, it’s early season so we have to be careful but I’m really looking forward to it” and I knew nothing about avalanches or backcountry skiing at that point so sort of said yeah you do need to be careful, and four days later…
“Say, what?!
Prior to this time, Justin Trudeau had been a Whistler ski bum, teaching snowboarding! He was clearly no stranger to all things snow and mountain.
In an interview with CBC radio, friend and a fellow shred instructor, Sean Smillie said [Justin] Trudeau is “one of the most dangerous people in the world to snowboard behind!” According to Smillie, he mainly used a “ridiculously long snowboard, totally built for speed” and although Smillie says the prime minister wasn’t completely out of control, “it was always touch and go.
And there’s this:
Is it just me, or does it come across as callous to use a pejorative term like “the stupid line” in reference to a family member’s tragic accident? I’ll venture that Margaret herself is doing so here under Justin’s influence, as he seizes the opportunity to champion a cause ‘in honour of’ his brother.
But that aside, why would the family have so easily given up the search for Michel’s body? He was “with friends” (reports vary how many), who were also said to have been swept into the lake but were able to swim ashore. Not one of them has ever been identified, let alone interviewed to tell the story first-hand.
At the time, the tragic event was cloaked in murkiness.
And usually it’s later in the season that avalanches occur:
A bizarre event in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on November 13, 1998, when snowpacks were low and avalanches were uncommon, resulted in Michel Trudeau’s death. Because snowpacks have not accumulated enough to generate the conditions necessary for avalanches to naturally develop, an avalanche in November is a highly rare occurrence.
According to Evan Manners, manager of the Avalanche Centre in Revelstoke, British Columbia, “he had never heard of an avalanche sending someone into the river who then perished, until the Trudeau death. Not long after the incident, he told the National Post, “It’s really uncommon.”
At the time, the police reportedly conducted an “extensive search,” but Michel Trudeau’s body has never been located. This is surprising given that the location of where he is said to have fallen into the water is well-known and there aren’t any known lake currents that could have carried the body away.
Was Justin Trudeau’s younger brother, Michel Trudeau killed?
So we have an out-of-season avalanche, a quickly called-off search, conflicting accounts of who and how many friends were with Michel at the time, and no word from any of them.
All that’s missing here is a motive. The brothers weren’t close, from what we know. But Justin spent time with him shortly before the accident (which in fact was preceded by a close brush with death from a hit and run motor vehicle accident). Had Michel at some point threatened his older sibling with public disclosure of a family secret, such as even, perhaps, Justin’s true father? We’ll never know.
There could be another explanation for Justin’s persistent facial give-aways, where we’d expect to see genuine sorrow if not deep grief for a brother lost. Namely: Justin’s speech always comes across as performance, and in the absence of genuine feelings, he defaults to his acting skills (such as they may be).
We see him do this every time he makes a statement on the news. One has the sense he’s not in touch with any real feelings of empathy, introspection, or authenticity. He “puts it on” all the time, everywhere because he is a man completely out of touch with, or lacking altogether, his own emotions. So we could possibly be persuaded that what looks to be a darker signal is only a display of his emotional vacuity.
But there’s a gap between trying to compensate for unfelt feelings, and the presence of a particular type of smile (duper’s delight means the speaker can’t suppress the mischief and self-satisfaction he feels at having deceived).
To be sure, this is pure conjecture (I’m not the only suspicious one) that, if true, would prove Justin Trudeau’s status as a criminal of the worst kind. After witnessing nothing but treachery and smug condescension throughout his eight years as Prime Minister, it is too much to ask of us not to surmise even that level of darkness?