Fire Ronna McDaniel. Here’s Your “Model:” Study What Texas A&M and Mississippi State Football Teams Did This Past Weekend
By Wayne Allyn Root
Ronna McDaniel is the CEO of the Republican Party. The GOP is a failed political party. When the CEO presides over a failing organization, it’s time to fire the CEO.
The Republican Party is a joke. The GOP is weak, feckless, pathetic, cowardly, scared of its own shadow, not to mention bribed, bought and paid for. Almost the entire GOP leadership is either morons, scared of being cancelled, or in bed with the enemy – paid to lose elections.
That starts at the top with Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party – otherwise known as “Romney 2.0.” That’s her Uncle by the way – Mitt Romney, the loser.
You know Mitt: The US Senator who hates Trump far more than any Democrat destroying this country. The guy who never misses an opportunity to denigrate the GOP, but never says a bad word about open borders, or the radical communist takeover of the USA.
More on Mitt’s niece Ronna in a minute. First a look at how easy it is to fire a CEO of a losing organization.
Did you see the college football game this past Saturday between Texas A&M and Mississippi State? Texas A&M won 51-10. Mississippi State immediately fired head coach Zach Arnett. He was fired after only 11 games at the helm. His bosses decided they’d seen enough. The team was headed in the wrong direction. It was time to stop the bleeding. So, they cut their losses in the middle of the coach’s first season.
That’s what losing does to people with a burning desire to win. It eats away at them like a cancer. And cancer must be cut out of the body before it kills the patient. Mississippi State made the decision to move forward and save the program, by cutting out the cancer. Bravo. A fresh start is always a step in the right direction.
But check out the other side of the ball.
Texas A&M won the game 51-10. And they also fired their coach after the game. A&M gave walking papers and $77 million to Coach Jumbo Fisher to make him go away. That’s how much money was guaranteed on his new 10-year contract extension.
You read right. The coach who just won 51-10… who’s team moved to 6-4… thereby qualifying for a Bowl game… fired a winning coach with a 45-25 record at Texas A&M. That’s a winning percentage of 64%. Yet A&M was willing to bite the bullet and fire him immediately after his 51-10 win and pay him $77 million to go away.
Because the people who run Texas A&M aim for the stars. 64% winners isn’t high enough for their standards. They want to go undefeated. They want to compete for the SEC championship every year. They want to win the national championship. That wasn’t happening. So, they will find a new coach who can meet their lofty expectations.
Bravo. This is what winners do. Just winning isn’t enough. Winners want to win it all, not just 64% of the games.
That brings me back to Ronna McDaniel.
64% winners? Ronna would sell her soul for that winning percentage. Unfortunately, Ronna loses 64% of the time. Then she makes excuses why it wasn’t her fault. Time, after time, after time.
Ronna’s like the Captain of the Titanic. She’s like the lieutenant in Vietnam who every soldier wants to frag. She has demoralized virtually the entire GOP base. I’m no expert psychologist, but if your entire 70 million strong voter base hates their own leadership, I think it’s time to fire the CEO.
You know what they call people who accept losing? Losers.
I’m no “Johnny-Come-Lately.” I’ve warned for years Ronna McDaniel is a loser. She is poison. She is destroying the GOP. She is either the dumbest, most clueless, incompetent, political operative in history, or she’s collected a $100 million bribe from George Soros to make sure the GOP loses again and again. This is just my opinion. I believe someone is getting filthy rich while the GOP keeps losing.
What exactly does Ronna McDaniel do? I don’t know, but whatever it is… fire her… and stop doing it.
Hey GOP, do you need a “model?” Both Texas A&M and Mississippi State showed you how to do it. Why should the GOP think differently? If someone loses, you say goodbye, and start with someone fresh. Someone with a plan. Someone who hates losing. Start aiming for excellence, not mediocrity.
Stop accepting losing.
No one re-signs a loser for more losing. The RNC committeemen who voted to re-elect Ronna must all be on the payroll of China. Fire them all. Then check their offshore bank accounts. Something smells rotten in Washington DC.
If you don’t get rid of Ronna McDaniel, say goodbye to the GOP. She will preside over its final death in 2024. Once a loser, always a loser. Ronna’s not turning this around. We need new blood. That’s why we fired Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. Mike Johnson is a big upgrade. Now we need to upgrade Ronna McDaniel.
And please… no one who is related to Mitt Romney.
The base wants MAGA. They want a “take-no-prisoners” attitude. They want courage. They want aggressive attack. No more playing defense. They want to WIN!
Give your best customers what they want. Give them a coach who plays on “offense” 24/7. Who has balls. Who doesn’t make excuses. Who doesn’t settle.
That will motivate your base, excite them, energize them. That leads to winning. And winning leads to us saving America.
And that is the point of all of this.
Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET… and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at FrankSpeech.com. He is also host of the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here!
Published with permission of rootforamerica.com