Can You Handle the Truth? My Brutal Takedown of the GOP Election Disaster and What’s Happening to America

Can You Handle the Truth? My Brutal Takedown of the GOP Election Disaster and What’s Happening to America



By Wayne Allyn Root


Well, this is starting to feel like “Groundhog Day.”


The GOP lost again on Election Day this week. This is my post-election analysis of what has happened to America and why the GOP keeps losing elections.


The first answer is simple: The number one problem in America… and the number one problem for the GOP… is open borders.


Republican voters are being replaced and erased. We are being outvoted. Thanks to Democrat traitors waving the whole world in, America is now a foreign nation to Americans. We’re the strangers in our own land.


This open border is the greatest catastrophe in our nation’s history – times 100,000 and squared.


This is “The Great Replacement” strategy at work. The citizens are being over-run and outvoted by illegal alien invaders. How do you think Democrats turned California from the land of Republicans like Nixon, Reagan and Pete Wilson into a 100% deep-blue Democrat state? They kept adding illegal aliens by the millions until they outvoted California’s legal citizens. Eventually no Republican could ever again win a statewide race.


Now Biden (and his boss Obama) are using the California model on the whole nation. Democrats keep waving in hordes of illegals. Then Democrats, and unions, and Soros-funded organizations, and I’m sure Catholic Charities too… immediately show them two things… how to sign up for welfare and food stamps… and how to register to vote.


We are being over-run. This is the Alamo – Part 2. This is the remake of “Custers Last Stand.” I don’t know about you, but I didn’t like Part 1 of the Alamo. And I never wanted to die like Custer – with 100 arrows in my back. My pinstripe suits don’t go with arrows!


I believe open borders is one of the main reasons for the turnaround in Virginia. Two years ago, Republicans led by Glenn Youngkin swept the state from top to bottom. Only two years later… with our country a mess… with massive inflation… a crappy economy… and the failed presidency of Joe Biden… Virginia voters decided to reverse course and vote Democrat? Really? Or is it possible there are 100,000 new illegal alien Democrat voters in Virginia since Youngkin’s victory in 2021?


There may be 20 million new illegal aliens in the USA since Biden took over. Where do you think they’re all going? To every red and purple battleground state (like Virginia) to turn them deep blue.


Until the GOP figures out how to stop this, we will keep being overrun by this invasion of illegal Democrat voters. Until America and the GOP is gone forever.


Trump either wins in 2024, or he is the “Last Republican Ever.”


After 2024, in this Big Brother weaponized police state with Democrats in full control of the country, Democrats will classify all Republicans as “domestic terrorists” and outlaw being a Republican.


The 2024 election really is the end of the line. 


But there is more to this story than open borders, or what Democrats are doing to America. The GOP has plenty of responsibility for its own demise.


The Republican Party is a joke. We are weak, feckless, pathetic, cowards, scared of our own shadow, not to mention bribed, bought and paid for. Almost our entire leadership is either morons, or in bed with the enemy – paid to lose elections.


That starts at the top with Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party – otherwise known as Romney 2.0. She’s like the Captain of the Titanic. She’s like the lieutenant in Vietnam who every soldier wants to frag. She has demoralized our entire Republican base. I’m no expert psychologist, but if your entire 70 million voter base hates their own leadership, I think it’s time to fire the CEO. Don’t you?


I’m no Johnny-come-lately. I’ve said for years Ronna is poison.  She is destroying our party. She is either the dumbest, most clueless, incompetent, political operative in world history, or she’s collected a $100 million bribe from George Soros to make sure the GOP loses again and again.


She has lost and lost and lost some more. What exactly does she do? I don’t know, but whatever it is… fire her… and quickly do the opposite.


In sports, if the coach loses, you fire them. It’s that simple. Maybe you fire them in the middle of the season… if there’s still a chance to turn the season around… or maybe you wait until the season is over. But no one re-signs a loser for more losing. Can the GOP possibly be this stupid? It’s not possible. The RNC committeemen who voted for Ronna must all be on the payroll of China. Fire them all. Then check their offshore bank accounts. Someone is getting filthy rich every time the GOP loses.


If you don’t get rid of Ronna McDaniel, say goodbye to the GOP. She will preside over its final death in 2024. Once a loser, always a loser. Ronna’s not turning this around. We need new blood. That’s why we fired Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. Mike Johnson is a big upgrade. Now we need to upgrade Ronna McDaniel. And please… no one who is related to Mitt Romney.


Next up on the brutal honesty list is rigged elections. Open borders and terrible leadership alone are not defeating the GOP. Democrats are cheating. We all know they rigged and stole 2020. Nothing has changed since then. Stop lying and trying to tell me we’ve made progress.


There is no difference between now and 2020.


Democrats rigged the 2022 midterms to prevent a well-deserved 80-seat GOP Congressional landslide victory. Then they rigged 2023.


Yes, the GOP leadership is dumb, clueless and incompetent, but still, we’re not losing elections fair and square. The system is rigged. Democrats are cheating.


Or do you believe with this miserable inflation destroying the middle class, everyone in Virginia just raced to the polls to vote Democrat? Every poll shows 75% of voters hate the direction of America. Yet they voted for more of it? C’mon, I may have been born yesterday, but I wasn’t born in the past 15 minutes.


Until the GOP finds a way to ban mail-in ballots with no Voter ID, ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting, no signature match, corrupt machine voting, dirty voter rolls, and votes counted for days after the election (among many other problems), we aren’t going to ever win again. Democrats have found a way to permanently rig and steal elections.


And they are damn close to turning America into a one-party communist state. 


Are you aware, in world history, once entrenched in power, no one has EVER defeated a communist government at the ballot box? That’s because voting isn’t what matters in a communist country. All that matters is who counts the ballots.


We are there now. Except the dumb, weak, cowardly GOP is too stupid, blind, or bribed to know it.


So, knowing that it’s literally next to impossible to throw this communist government out, with their rigged elections, censorship of conservatives and weaponization of government against conservatives… what are we going to do? Who is riding to our rescue?


I only know one man (for sure) is on our side. Donald J. Trump.


I know the Deep State hates him. I know he’s super-human. I know he’s a one-man-army. But… even Trump needs a little help. I’m sad to say, I think it’s pretty clear now, with people like Ronna McDaniel in charge, the GOP is never going to give it to him.


So, we better come up with another plan. Fast. 


I’ve got a half dozen more brutal reasons the GOP keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. No one can be this stupid. It has to be intentional.


Get ready for Part 2 next week.


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