The absurdity of it all
By Joe Bastardi
We are told every day how bad it is. Well, for most, it is not bad at all, it’s ideal. In fact, much of the populated parts of the planet may be experiencing a climate optimum.
A climate emergency is deception, distortion, and delusion. as I put in one of my previous blogs: https://www.cfact.org/2023/05/09/the-three-ds-of-the-climate-change-agenda-deception-distortion-delusion/
Check this headline out from one of the leaders of the meteo misinformation media:
So, how do you explain this?
But I want you to look at this:
This is the map of all the weather stations around the world
I would say it is likely 90% of the world population (probably more) live in this area, In addition, the areas that are not covered are the driest areas on the planet (some coldest) where the addition of water vapor (WV) if one simply looks at saturation mixing ratios correlates to more warming where it’s coldest and driest (and also almost perfectly aligned to the observed rise over the last 30 years). This points the finger directly at water vapor, which increases due to oceanic warming, which I can argue is driven by geothermal forcing in the decadal sense (obviously, if we are looking at longer stretches, it is the sun) and which is backed up by this interesting paper that seems to have been swept under the rug:
But you have heard me rant about all this for quite some time.
But referring to the map above with the saturation of global weather stations, how is that large an area of the planet and with the people living in that area, only .11F above average, anywhere close to an emergency?
Again, remember all this warming is the product of cumulative increases in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and WV since 1990 and the onset of increased geothermal input.
The greatest of that warming has occurred in the areas where there are no weather stations, and it is the driest and coldest.
Again, the weather station map:
You can’t make this up as to how deceptive pushing the idea that it is getting worse for people is.
The Marxist ideology-driven green agenda is asking you to believe them and not your lying eyes. You have heard me refer to the warming that has spiked due to the volcanic input from last year (that ripped the band-aid off the scab of deception) and this El Nino coming on, all on top of the 30-year oceanic warming as our San Jacinto. It is the battlefield we want. There is no way man-made climate change could have caused this spike. But it’s also a Waterloo. Since the debunking of all this would stop the runaway train driven by a mixture of ideology, politics, and economics, which has become a fanatical religion, with the intent of getting the world under control … not of weather and climate, that’s impossible, but of a select group of elitists that embody perfectly what HL Mencken (a democrat btw) said years ago.
(note. Mencken has been accused of being a racist.) Notice his political affiliation. See Mark Levins’s outstanding new book (redundant, they all are), The Democratic Party Hates America. He outlines that part of all this since it has become apparent, so-called environmental justice and its implication to race is being linked to climate. What a stinking sewer they have turned the weather into, it’s unreal.)
Along with Orwellian ideas, spot on right. And this whole green agenda is exactly that.
From cfact.org