Secret Service Agent Speaks Out, OBLITERATES ‘Magic Bullet’ JFK Assassination Theory With New Bombshell Revelation
This new revelation further debunks the Warren Commission’s findings.
By Roger Stone
Six decades after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the truth continues to be hidden from the public. But, as those closest to that historic tragedy move closer to their deathbeds, they are speaking out, dropping facts that shine more light on what really happened on that historic and tragic day.
The latest major information comes from Paul Landis, an 88-year-old former U.S. Secret Service Agent who was present during JFK’s assassination. Landis was one of two agents tasked with guarding first lady Jacqueline Kennedy that day. The claims by Landis bolster the conclusions I reached in my own New York Times Best Seller, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, published in 2013.
The Warren Commission, appointed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, was essentially tasked with rubber-stamping the conclusions of an FBI investigation concluded at the direction of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover just seven days after Kennedy’s actual assassination in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
The Warren Commission concluded that President John F. Kennedy was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman who they claim fired three shots from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository building, all allegedly hitting Kennedy from behind. When the existence of a fourth bullet which hit a curb near where Dallas car salesman James Tague was standing to get a glimpse of the presidential motorcade, the Warren Commission’s Chief Investigator Arlen Specter was forced to assert that one of the three bullets fired by Oswald had traveled through Kennedy’s throat from behind and gone on to strike Texas Governor John Connally who was gravely, but not fatally, wounded on that horrific day.
In a stunning interview with The New York Times, Landis drops a bombshell about what he saw that day, alleging that he found a ‘near pristine’ bullet in Kennedy’s limousine after the assassination occurred. The details he recalls, while seemingly minor, further discredits the key conclusion made in the already discredited Warren Commission. If what he states is true, the ‘magic bullet’ theory is proven to be impossible.
Landis’ book lays out what he witnessed on that day, a story he has not told in detail due to PTSD he has suffered from since that fateful day which he had not recalled due to PTSD suffered on that day over 50 years ago.
On that day, Landis was approximately 15 feet away from Kennedy when he was shot and killed. Following the assassination, Landis was also one of the few to accompany the first lady to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he and fellow Secret Service Agent Clint Hill had to convince Jackie Kennedy to release her husband, whose body she was cradling in her lap.
After convincing her to release the president, and placing his body on a stretcher, Landis claims he saw and did something he has kept secret until now. According to Landis, he spotted a bullet on the back seat of the presidential limousine, which he picked up, put in his pocket, and brought into the hospital. Once in Trauma Room No. 1, where besides the first lady, he was the only non-medical person in the room; Landis alleges he placed that bullet on a white cotton blanket on President Kennedy’s stretcher.
The placement of that bullet is extremely important, and obliterates the ‘magic bullet’ theory, which is one of the main conclusions listed in the Warren Commission.
That theory claims that one bullet struck Kennedy in the back, exited out his throat, and then struck Governor George Connally in the back before exiting his torso, hitting his wrist, and finally embedding itself in his left thigh. That bullet was recovered from Connally’s stretcher, with no mention of any bullet in Kennedy’s stretcher in the Warren Commission report.
Just look at the diagram below to see how ridiculous this theory is:
Landis states that he believes the bullet he found hit Kennedy in the back, but not deeply. So when Kennedy was removed from the limousine, the bullet fell out onto the seat. The shocking new claim by Landis is bolstered by Parkland Hospital nurse Phyllis Hall, who said that she saw the pristine bullet on Kennedy’s stretcher—exactly where Secret Service Agent Landis said he placed it.
The former Secret Service Agent believes this may be proof of a second shooter in addition to Lee Harvey Oswald.
This new revelation from Landis further debunk the Warren Commission’s findings, and highlights a concerted effort to pin Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman, despite mountains of evidence saying otherwise.
All of this is consistent with the findings in my 2013 book. In my New York Times Best Selling tome, I use eyewitness testimony, fingerprint evidence, and deep Texas politics to make the case that John F. Kennedy was the victim of a murder plot which included the CIA, the Secret Service, organized crime, and Big Texas Oil. In The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, I outline the precise motive of each of these entities but also detail the unique relationship that Vice President Lyndon Johnson had with each.
It was Johnson, however, whose motive for the murder of JFK was both most acute and time sensitive.
Johnson was the focus of two high-powered corruption investigations, the Billie Sol Estes investigation, as well as the Bobby Baker investigation, and Attorney General Robert Kennedy had begun telling political intimates that LBJ would be dropped from the 1964 ticket and would be prosecuted.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of the slain President and currently a candidate for President of the United States, has said in numerous recent interviews that he believes that the CIA was involved in the murder of his uncle John F. Kennedy, and may have been involved in the murder of his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy. RFK Jr. cites the book JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass in his conclusions. There is nothing in my own book which contradicts Douglass’ excellent scholarship and conclusions, but I believe it is vitally important that Kennedy’s assasination also be seen through the prism of organized crime, the Secret Service, Big Texas Oil, and even the international banks who were adamantly opposed to Kennedy’s assistance on a silver-backed dollar.
Even before the most recent revelations by Secret Service Agent Landis, the conclusions of the Warren Commission had been generally debunked. In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations, for example, concluded that contrary to the Warren Commission conclusions, John F. Kennedy was murdered as a result of a conspiracy and that organized crime was involved in that conspiracy.
I strongly commend my book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ to those who want a fuller and heavily documented account of the Kennedy assassination, which has only been strengthened by the recent revelations by both Secret Service Agent Paul Landis and Parkland Hospital nurse Phyllis Hall.