North Idaho Catholic Rosary Walk Reported By Human Rights Networks & Police To F.B.I.
The Tangled web of Marxist entities working with law enforcement to report Christians
By Casey Whalen
As documented here over the last year, we have discovered networks of Marxist groups in North Idaho, working directly with law enforcement to report hate.
Namely, the Human Rights Consortium Steering Committee (HRC), hosted by the Human Rights Education Institute (HREI). The Human Rights Education Institute was created by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations (KCTFHR). The current President of the task force is City Councilwoman Christie Wood.
HREI slide, shows the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations created by the Human Rights Education Institute. Located downtown Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
The HREI and KCTFHR both espouse Marxist ideology and force the community to comply with the mandates of these private organizations. Promoting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, which is counter to the United States Constitution.
The Human Rights Consortium Steering Committee consists of local community businesses members, select city council and the Idaho State Police.
HR Consortium Steering Committee: Slew of bad players working to implement global policy, locally.
Recent public records requests verified that Captain John Kempf, Commander of Idaho State Police District 1, is a founding member of the Human Rights Steering Committee.
Other law enforcement players include: Michelle Beach of the Idaho State Police, as well as local FBI Agent Bryant Gunnerson. Gunnerson participated in the United Against Hate Event at the Coeur d’Alene Casino, November 17, 2022 informing the public how to report hate incidences in conjunction with the KCTFHR and the HREI.
After the arrest of 31 members of Patriot Front charged with Conspiracy to Riot. This network was activated by the very people in charge of the Pride in the Park event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on June 11, 2022.
Records show that Jessica Mahuron of the North Idaho Pride Alliance, host of the Pride in the Park event asked to report a Catholic Rosary Walk, at neighboring McCuen Park. Approximately, 500 yards from where the pride event was held.
North Idaho Pride Alliance asking HR Consortium Steering Committee members, to report a first amendment protected activity to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Officer Beach of the Idaho State Police and Jeanette Laster of the Human Rights Education Institute, proactively reporting Catholic’s to the FBI.
Now that this mechanism has been exposed to the public, reporting to law enforcement any opposed to the groups radical ideology. Some serious questions need to be asked, ensuring people are held accountable. This is a huge conflict of interest and a dangerous precedent if allowed to stand.
Video: Highlighting ISP Officer Michelle Beach, the North Idaho Pride Alliance, the fact that Love Lives Here is the Montana Human Rights Network and the big gay elephant in the room.
Love Lives Here = Montana Human Rights Network
Now that this has been exposed, we can start asking some very serious questions to the folks running human rights networks in North Idaho. Why, are you conspiring with the Montana Human Rights Network and the Feds? The answer is pretty simple, Operation Over Report (not an official title, yet).
Please share this vital information, proving these entities are out right lying to the public about true intentions.
Help Coeur d’Alene promote liberty by voting out current city council members: Christie Wood, Dan Gookin and Dan English this November!
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