By Jennifer Noel
First a recap of the Kootenai Metropolitan & Planning Organization (KMPO) meeting held on June 8th. We had an amazing turnout for the KMPO meeting! Over 170 residents were in attendance from a mom with her six-month-old baby to an 80 year-old and everything in between! The energy in the room was powerful and the testimonies of every single person were passionate and laser focused. We could not have done a better job if it had been scripted. It was unanimous that not one resident in attendance was in favor of the Traffic Management Center (TMC) and as a result the commissioners agreed to take an early vote during their July 13th meeting to either cancel the TMC project or proceed with the process for the next two or three months for a final vote. The KMPO meeting video is at bottom.
There will be a town hall meeting this Wednesday, June 28th at Altar Church, Cd’A, at 6:30 pm. The 11 KMPO commissioners, as well as the Director of KMPO, Glenn Miles, have been invited to attend to answer the questions and concerns of our N. Idaho residents. This will be an opportunity to ask the commissioners the hard questions and to hear their answers.
KMPO’s monthly meeting is on Thursday, July 13th at the Post Falls City Hall Chamber at 1:30 pm. This is an extremely important meeting to attend as well. The commissioners will be voting on either cancelling the TMC project or continuing on as planned for several more months before the final vote. Make sure to bring as many people as possible if you want to shut this project down! Note the TMC is for North Idaho not just Kootenai!! Kids are welcome!
The short video on what KMPO and the TMC are is attached below. Please watch and educate yourselves (and share with others) before these two meetings.
Please note that some commissioners have stated that they will vote for the TMC only if “it pencils out.” Of course, it will pencil out with federal grants. Commissioners must say NO to this spy hub even if the federal government pays us to accept this TMC!
Second comment made by several commissioners is that, “You already are being tracked with your cell phones and door ringers.” The big difference is that these are items we choose to have and we can “un-choose” them. Surveillance Cameras, Smart meters, 5G, LED lights, and AI data harvesting for our social credit scores were implemented without our permission. Big difference! We did not ask for the Smart City infrastructure, and we do NOT want this United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030!
Third comment made by Director of KMPO, “We need the TMC in order to synchronize the traffic lights.” This is a false statement. Traffic lights can and have been synchronized for decades without the use of traffic management centers. The bottom-line is there is absolutely NO reason for the TMC other than for surveillance and AI data harvesting for our social credit scores. More information is coming on this topic.
Hope to see a huge turnout at our town hall and the next KMPO meeting for the sake of our children, grandchildren and humanity!
**Donations are greatly appreciated to help further our cause to educate our community and pay for our billboard on Huetter and Seltice. Go to www.stopsmartcities.org.
What can I do I am just one person said 7 billion people!
Also, see; Smart CitiesKMPO