Freedom of information act requests show direct communication within the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84 and the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force
Influence peddling Marxist ideology at North Idaho School District
Public records yield jaw dropping details within Lake Pend Oreille School District #84
By Casey Whalen
Barbara Russell, President of the Boundary County Human Rights Task Force (BCHRTF) has been working intimately with an employee of the Lake Pend Oreille School District (LPOSD) #84, public records indicate.
A handful of players in the Boundary & Bonner County area are coordinating regionally in North Idaho to influence and solidify the organizations goal in tandem with other human rights task forces; Spokane and Kootenai.
These groups are also in direct communique with the following hate organizations: Institute for Research Education and Human Rights (IREHR), Western States Center (WSC), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Montana Human Rights Network (MHRN), Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) and the Anti-Defemation League (ADL).
Relaying information by use of satellite networks using reporting forms regarding what they deem as hate incidents. Ultimately picked up by the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Justice and the US District Attorneys Office as exposed in a recent article.
This is a massive fifth column movement aka the AMERICAN STASI STATE occurring in real time across the country targeting Christians and nationalists. This article merely focuses on organizations currently operating in North Idaho under the guise of promoting Human Rights per the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, ideals contrary to the United States Constitution.
This is the reason for the current cultural Marxist revolution, globalists and local useful idiots implementing this ideology to destroy America’s heritage and values in the process.
Boundary County Human Rights Task Force mission is:
We support federal, state and local laws that guarantee due process of law and equal protection of the law for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, creed, gender, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation. We reject the doctrine of white supremacy or any other doctrine that advocates the superiority of one group over another.
BCHRTF assists individuals, groups and the community in establishing effective peaceful means to eliminate acts of harassment and violence.
Bonner County Human Rights Task Force mission is:
to promote and secure mutual understanding and respect among all people. BCHRTF recognizes that it is the racial, social, and cultural diversity of our people that makes Bonner County a rich and worthwhile place to live.
What we do:
in addition to community activities, the Task Force organizes annual human rights conferences, aids in the development of school curriculum and promotes human-rights activity at the elementary, middle and high schools.
On March 9, 2023 Barbara Russell President of Boundary County Human Rights Task Force used her private email – barbcalrussell@gmail.com contacting Lake Pend Oreille School District employee Jessica Hanna – jessica.hanna@lposd.org to address editing recent agenda items and expressed appreciation for being the organizations secretary.
The Idaho State Board of Education document Rules Governing Uniformity, addresses ethics issues regarding employee’s using personally allotted LPOSD email address to do business outside of work.
I.A.D.P.A (11) (d):
Using institutional privileges for the promotion of political candidates or for political activities,except for local, state or national education association elections.
In another email, Jessica Hanna notifies Russell ensuring to blind carbon copy (BCC) future emails as a few members of the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force were making fun of Idaho State Legislators Heather Scott and Scott Herndon.
Is this what your expect your tax dollars to be used for???
The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force friends of Boundary HRTF promote political agendas.
Bill watching and urging action on issues during legislative session
Is it appropriate for the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84 to allow an employee to work during school hours for a private entity using a LPOSD email?
In another email Bonner County Human Rights Task Force board member Lynn Bridges emailed Sandpoint High School Art Teacher Zabrielle Dillion in hopes of meeting with a student and member of the schools Human Rights Club to ‘strengthen ties’ between the liason and the task force.
Make your voice heard, contact the Lake Pend Oreille School District at:
Lake Pend Oreille School District #84
901 Triangle Drive
Ponderay, Idaho 83852
Main Office Phone: (208) 263-2184
Main Office Fax: (208) 263-5053
Parent-Community Support
Kirsten Van Pelt, ext. 1026
Dr. Becky W. Meyer, Superintendent
Article updated: June 12, 2023