By Kat Stansell
Another institutionalized slap-down of the will of the people has happened. The Red Wave wasn’t allowed to occur. Election fraud has become factual. Undeniable. It’s time to use it to fuel freedoms’ fires. America is hot and needs to put this energy to good use.
As of sunrise on November 9, the latest polls told us that as many as 81% of Americans wanted change. THAT was the will of the people which should have shown up in the ballot count – THAT DAY.
Of course, many of that 81% had already voted early and by mail, which was the worst thing they could have done. It allowed their ballots to be held and inserted when and if necessary for the desired outcome. Keep what you need to engineer the results you want and toss the rest. That’s the game. In some leftist states, mailed ballots are the only choice. Now, it is easy to understand why Vote By Mail is so favored by the Left.
I do believe that a lot of Constitutional patriots who had a choice, voted early or by mail with good intent. With furor, even. They were steaming – as was most of the country – about the abuses to which our lives and our laws have been subjected, and a huge majority were ready to prevent that from ever happening again. They couldn’t wait to vote.
But it did happen again. The control of one house of Congress wasn’t the change we’d voted for at the polls.
The “Red Wave” became a red tide.
A red tide is an overgrowth of a simple lower life form, which occurs when colonies of them grow out of control and “produce toxic or harmful effects on people, … food sources (sic.) and birds. The human illnesses caused … can be debilitating or even lethal…. ” The algae…produce toxins that kill … and make the surrounding air difficult to breathe. Thanks, NOAA, for the apt definition.
That pretty much describes Election 2022. The scum-sucking lower life forms that have been infesting the workings of our nation and poisoning our lives were washed up for all to see. No doubts this time. They have caused illnesses, both debilitating and lethal. They have destroyed food sources. They have produced toxins, both scientific and societal, which kill. The air is getting difficult to breathe.
The only positive side of all this is that the misnomer of party labels has been washed away and we now see clearly. The enemy is on both sides. It’s just more apparent than ever.
So, now we can act, clearly and strongly. NO more questions or confusion.
The will of the people was throttled by force. This time around, it included courts and the military as well as election officials and machines programmed to cheat. But angry Americans held their powder, and did not provide the violence the Left so fervently desired, and for which they were thoroughly prepared. Good for our cooler heads.
Now, we must rethink. EVERYTHING. Every approach should be analyzed for effectiveness and funding. I believe that we must reassemble into the kind of majority that we know we are, and become a real force with which to be reckoned. Forget appealing to the scum in DC. They just tuned you out and turned you off on Nov. 9.
It is mandatory that we “reverse-pollute” their Swamp with people who truly represent the Republic, not the Deep State corporation. This applies to national offices as well as positions of power such as party chair, on both states and national levels. Fresh air gags the mouth breathers, and fresh water makes for greater transparency down through the depths of the algal growth. For now, we must work within the current structure, while we begin to overhaul the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. There are great minds at work on this even now.
To do this requires stronger and better local action, to stand hard on those currently in office while searching out those who can and will do better. We are well past the time for contemplation.
The lessons from the last stolen election are now readily and factually apparent. We must ACT.
There is a growing tide of citizens reaching out to us at The American Policy Center, who are ready to start or expand their local action groups. A second electoral debacle has opened a lot of eyes. We are ready to help by showing you how, step by step.
Rather than going on about local action at this point though, I want to show you something else, a real object lesson on it. I hope that what you are about to read makes something inside you go “pow***!” Settle in for a few…there is a lot of information here.
After all, reassessment following loss can be very valuable. Hillary Clinton will show you about this…
* * *
On the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration, January 20, 2017, two progressive local action organizations were formed. They were dedicated to getting people involved, trained and organized to run for office. Hillary had decided to reassess and build back the losses from 2016, when their planned fraud had failed “hugely.”
Their losses honed their energy. May ours do the same.
The first organization of 2017 was Hillary’s “Onward Together”, designed to get more people involved in, and donating to, the Leftist political process. In May of the same year, Hillary selected “Run for Something”, as one of her “partner organizations”. RFS was a new progressive organization founded on the same exact date as Onward”, by Hillary’s former email director, a young up and coming socialist, Amanda Litman, and I am sure, with Hillary’s help.
RFS was dedicated to recruiting and supporting young progressives, aka, socialists with hard left mindsets, as candidates to run for “down ballot”, or local offices and to fight back against “American gerontocracy” (the old people in their own party!) “Make public office desirable, interesting, and honorable again!” By turning it Marxist. Yeah. That’s the soul of honor.
Right under the candidate’s name, on their website, is their pronoun preference, in case you aren’t yet convinced that this group is the real Marxist deal. Just FYI.
The political neophytes recruited by RFS are taught how to run, how to get on ballots, and, frankly, how to lie. One young girl ran for school board in Chattanooga, TN, and said she was presenting herself as a “conservative” because that’s what they like down there. Tell the people what you think they want to hear. Funding is provided by thousands of donors, large and small.
Read up on this gang. It’ll help with the “pow***”. Then, stop for a minute to consider one of the lighter notes in this all: Hillary Clinton, the washed up old politician/crook founded an organization to get kids to step over their elders. It would be funny, if it weren’t so serious.
Painting older more experienced people as something to disrespect and fight against is a perfect Marxist model.
Remember Progressive Insurance, who “can’t prevent you from becoming your parents”? Now, this attitude has found an official spot in local politics. But, I digress.
“Down ballot offices” is the operative thought here.
These are vital but frequently ignored positions on school boards, city councils and county commissions, lower judicial benches, even water control boards. Any office will suffice to get the candidate’s name in front of the voters, and the seat, held by a Progressive Leftist.
They even work against the local Democrat party office holders – “White men who have networks to draw on for funding” – to break their hold. Traditional party structure – even their own – is the enemy of the socialists/Marxists. The old “blue dog” Democrats are in the process of being put down by their own.
Remember that the goal of the Democrat Socialists of America, who elected AOC and Omar and dozens of others, is to turn the entire Democrat Party into socialists/Marxists. Since the DSA first appeared in 2017 (that magic year!), they have helped elect dozens to national office, while a number of current and past congressional Democrats have joined that wing of the Party.
Everybody on the Left works in concert. Onward helps RFS helps DSA. Another object lesson for us.
Since 2017, the year we elected Trump and were about to enjoy four good years, RFS has brought over 90,000 people into its pipeline. They have endorsed 1800 candidates and elected 637 – before 2022, in every state in the union. I found different numbers in different places, but I’m not going to quibble. It’s about infiltration and power.
PLEASE click on the link below and read it all. The lists are several years out of date, but you’ll get the picture! Check your home state. The very first socialist was elected to a local office in 2017, Year One of the anschluss. Now, they are in every state.
For further inspection, here is a wake-up call for a few of the “good red states” who seem to think they have nothing to worry about. Below are the RFS candidates, who were run AND elected in “safe states” between 2018 and 2021. It is unclear, due to discrepancies between sources, if 2022 election numbers are included. This information is compiled from their own and other websites. I highlighted some of the real surprises…
AL: | Run: | 18; Elected: | 4 | Success rate: | 22% |
AR: | Run: | 26; Elected 13 | Success rate: 50% | ||
FL: | Run: | 77; Elected 32 | Success rate: 42% | ||
GA: | Run: | 38; Elected | 5 | Success rate: | 13% |
NC: | Run: | 49; Elected | 0 | Success rate: | 0 |
OK: | Run: | 21; Elected | 4 | Success rate: | 19% |
SC: Run: 22; Elected 9 Success rate: 41% | |||||
TX; | Run: | 80; Elected 18 | Success rate: 22.5% | ||
VA: | Run: | 54; Elected 6 | Success rate: 11% |
Other red states’ numbers vary, but are very telling. Just in number of candidates run, MO has had to deal with 44; OH, 113; In, 68; TN, 40. Even WY, arguably the most conservative state out there, has had 2 on their ballots. The numbers in PA explain their problems: a total of 138 socialists have been on ballots, statewide, since 2018.
The numbers of candidates run, differ by year and by state, of course, but also it seems, by what was happening on the national scene, it seems. If they thought they had a good chance, they ran more people; if not, they seemed to hold back. But always know they are there, and they will be back in the next cycle.
So, yes, worry. Please. It’s past time. If you have not done so before, start NOW. The enemy who would steal our freedom is crafty and very well organized and funded. It will be YOUR job to ferret them out and expose them for what they are. No national hero is going to come in and do it for you.
Of course, NC deserves kudos for not having elected a single one of the young progressives, to date. Might be by accident, might not. We know, though, that NC is a target state for the socialists to flip as soon as possible. So, the NC legislature has already voted to start a “trial run” of ERIC, the far-left voter registration organization masquerading as a voter roll maintenance group. If you live in this state, or care about anyone who does, sound the alarm on this. After Jan. 2023, the name of every citizen of NC will be fed into the maw of the massive artificial intelligence system of ERIC and will be utilized in any fashion seen fit by the Left. This is what they do. If they fail on one front, they attack on another.
* * *
That is the message here. The enemy, who is stealing our freedoms and chipping away at the bedrock of our society – family, education and religion – works at it diligently and LOCALLY! Right under our noses, they are putting advocates of CRT onto our school boards; greenie weenies (who can’t explain why CO2, which supports all life, is such an enemy) onto our county boards; and those who revile our Constitutional law onto our judicial benches, and into law enforcement.
Are teachers off the rails in your mind? Do the local DA’s make you crazy with their rulings FOR the crook and against innocent people everywhere? Now, you understand that it is by design.
Look what they have done since they lost in 2016! What have WE done since 2020?
I’m almost finished here…please stay with me. I’ve got to get it out of my craw where it’s been building for a long while.
* * *
If you care about your freedom, you MUST get involved locally. The summary above, of just one of their organizations, shows without the shadow of a doubt, the persistent and fanatic energy of those who want our freedoms to be lost forever. These people are proudly “socialist” and fundamentally, Marxist. Go after them!
Yes, our Lord is there behind us, but it’s His blessing of a free nation which is at risk. He gave us a free country; soon it won’t be. Now, we are still free to worship and conduct our lives; soon we will not be. I am convinced that He doesn’t want us squandering His gift. His son overturned the tables of the money changers. Does he not expect us to do as He did?
I have spoken with, and been uplifted by, freedom-loving patriots in nearly every state. They know what is needed. For them, I provide the information here as fertilizer for their growth. This article is dedicated to them. Kudos for your insights and hard work.
For those who still wonder if local action is “where it’s at”, I wanted you to know the answer, and join in.
It bears repeating: In five short years, a group of people who just lost a big election, and were shocked because they weren’t “supposed to”, managed to put over 600 of the farthest left youth into our local governments.
They persist. When Trump was elected in 2016, they regrouped. Although their planned Coup failed that year, they forged ahead. Remember the shocked glassy expressions on election night when DJT was declared the winner? How can we forget? But they’re back, and their faces now reflect determination instead of shock. They have since stolen two national elections which has furthered their totalitarian agenda at lightning speed.
Again, what have WE done since 2020?
We must shock the waters to neutralize the red tide. Lower life form must be removed from elective office, and replaced by people we trust. Recall votes function well in many places.
We at APC will help you, wherever you are, and however many people of like mind in your community you have gathered. We can tell you how to make it happen. See our website; email or call us. https://www.americanpolicy.org Let us know what questions you have.
My gratitude to the millions of people across this great nation who love their freedoms enough to work to save them. I dedicate this to you. Now, off the couch and out the door! We have a country to save.
‘PS>>>*** “Pow” is an emotion, both visceral and physical, that tightens the gut and focuses the mind. Nausea, followed by new energy and clarity; as found in Kat’s dictionary, Litter Box edition.
Kat Stansell
Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.
Published with permission of americanpolicy.org