Public Libraries: “Yes” to Drag Queens, “No” to Cameron’s Christian Books
By Gary Randall Ministries
Earlier this month more than 50 public libraries rejected an offer for a Kirk Cameron story hour featuring his new children’s book, even though they allow drag queen story hours, according to his publisher.
In an interview with Fox News, Brave Books said over 50 public libraries had either not responded to their request for a Cameron story hour or declined.
Now, two public libraries have “changed their mind,” if not their heart.
Be informed, not misled.
“Our messaging does not align.”
Earlier this month Fox News said this:
With a new children’s book out that celebrates family, faith and biblical wisdom, actor-writer-producer Kirk Cameron cannot reach scores of American children or their families in many U.S. cities via the public library system because over 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf.
A story-hour program for kids and parents connected to new book releases is an activity that many libraries typically present to their patrons and communities.
Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering “drag queen” story hours or similar programs for kids and young people, according to Cameron’s book publisher and according to a review of the libraries’ websites and current program listings.
Some library programs promote gender fluidity, inclusion, and diversity. Others offer “name change” clinics for older teens and adults who want to alter their official paperwork for gender-identity reasons.
I’ve written about these library programs here and talked about them on our daily radio program.
The Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, for instance, told Cameron and his book publisher by phone, “No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space.”
“We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align,” the library worker also told Brave Books.
When the publisher asked the library official about filling out the proper form to apply for a story-hour slot, the individual replied, “You can fill out the form to reserve space, to run the program in our space — but we won’t run your program.”
On its website, Rochambeau Public Library promotes a regular offering for young people called, “Queer Umbrella.”
It’s “open to all members of the LGBTQ+ community who are 12+,” the library’s website listing also notes.
Kirk Cameron notes that public schools are grooming kids with critical race theory, sexual chaos, and racial confusion” but won’t allow his faith-based children’s book to be read in a taxpayer-funded public library.
Clearly, there is no room in the publicly-funded library for Jesus.
Brave Books, as part of its extensive outreach to libraries for Kirk Cameron’s new book, also contacted the City Heights/Weingart Branch Library in San Diego, California, hoping to be able to schedule Cameron for a story-hour program.
The publisher explained that this would be for “Kirk Cameron and his new children’s book ‘As You Grow.’”
But the library representative told Cameron’s publisher, “I don’t think that’s something that we would do.”
There’s more, but we get the message. Jesus just doesn’t align with their messaging.
Except when it does align.
“Sure, we’ll have Kirk read his book.” Change of heart? No, Change of mind.
Christian actor Kirk Cameron said that two public libraries are now working with him to host a reading of his new faith-based children’s book.
It’s not a change of heart, but a change of mind…following the news that Kirk and his publisher are prepared to file a lawsuit against multiple libraries across the United States.
The actor is scheduled to speak at the Indianapolis Public Library in Indianapolis, Indiana on Dec. 29 and at the Scarsdale Public Library in Scarsdale, New York the following day. The two libraries, which have previously hosted drag queen story hours and other programs celebrating the diversity of opinions, initially refused to host Cameron.
The libraries changed their minds after the actor and his publishing house, Brave Books, threatened to challenge the denials in court.
“I’m happy that the two libraries changed their decision and will allow my voice to be heard and my book to be read,” the actor said in a statement Monday.
According to a Rasmussen Reports poll from last month, 60% of respondents believed that drag queen story hours were not appropriate, versus 29% who consider them appropriate for children.
Now, about the book
Last week, Cameron released a children’s book titled, “As You Grow,” which centers on a character known as Sky Tree that grows to become a protector of Freedom Island.
“Starting from a seed, Sky Tree has grown into a massive tree through the trials and triumphs along the way,” explained the book’s Amazon description.
“As you track the gentle giant’s growth, read the words of wisdom that guided this tree, and learn about love, joy, and gentleness with your family through the BRAVE challenge at the end of the book.”
Kirk is the real deal. I have not read the book yet but I am certain, based on the evidence of his Christian life, that every kid should read it.
Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Persistent. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.