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Election “Deniers”? They’re Election Realists — and a PLURALITY of America
By Selwyn Duke
The mainstream media would have us think that to believe the 2020 election was stolen, you must be a fringe character, a person who’d protest with a painted face beneath a fur hat and horns. But a new poll reflects a very different reality:
Americans are more likely than not to believe the 2020 presidential contest was rigged or stolen.
In fact, it’s people who insist that the election was valid and can’t imagine how anyone could suppose otherwise who are quite the minority — less than a quarter of the nation.
The poll, conducted October 30 by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on behalf of Newsweek, surveyed 1,500 eligible voters in the United States. Forty percent of these respondents agreed that the 2020 election was fraud-ridden.
“Of these, 24 percent ‘strongly agreed’ that the election was stolen while 16 percent ‘agreed,’” Newsweek elaborates.
Thirty-six percent of respondents believe the election was legitimate, yet 34 percent of this group said it was understandable that people could think otherwise.
“Some 15 percent of respondents neither agreed nor disagree[d] with the idea that the 2020 election was stolen, while eight percent said they didn’t know,” Newsweek also informs.
In other words, more than 52 percent of Americans believe either that the election was stolen/rigged or that this point of view is understandable, according to this poll. This accords with past research, too, as a March Rasmussen Reports survey found that by “a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that ‘cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election,’” related RealClearPolitics earlier this year.
Moreover, returning to the Newsweek poll, when “we factor in those who believe that the election was not rigged, but understand why Americans are skeptical based upon the facts they’ve observed, we find that over three in four Americans (or 75.2 percent, given Newsweek’s numbers) think the election was rigged, understand why other Americans think the election was rigged, don’t know whether or not the election was rigged, or refused to take a position on the subject of a rigged election while talking to a pollster,” writes American Thinker’s William Sullivan, providing yet more perspective.
That fewer than one in four Americans believes that the 2020 contest was valid and that claiming otherwise is unfathomable — despite the drumbeat of establishment propaganda pushing this very position — is striking. But Sullivan has an explanation.
“We Americans aren’t buying that narrative because it’s obviously not true,” he writes.
“We saw it with our own eyes,” Sullivan continues. “And in case we didn’t see it, we were told by the conspirators who bragged about rigging the election while they did their victory lap.”
Sullivan then mentions Time’s Molly Ball, who “told readers all about the ‘secret history’ (that was not so secret for Americans who paid any attention at all in 2020) of the ‘shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election.’” The “participants,” Ball wrote, “want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
“Presuming the gullibility and stupidity of her readership, she goes on to claim that this doesn’t actually amount to ‘rigging’ the election, but ‘fortifying’ it,” Sullivan then states.
“But if a shadowy cabal of wealthy and powerful people working covertly to change laws and manipulate the flow of information provided to the public in order to elect those elites’ preferred candidate isn’t ‘rigging an election’ and ‘a subversion of democracy,’ then those phrases have no meaning at all,” he continues.
Then there’s vote fraud, which has been covered extensively at The New American. Sullivan writes of the post-Election Day vote counting and the batch after batch “of undiscovered-and-uncounted-on-election-night ballots that became newly-discovered-and-totally-legitimate votes in the Democrat cities of crucial swing states, like Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Detroit, in the days following.”
(There are many other types of vote fraud, too, nine of which The Heritage Foundation lists here.)
There’s also the circumstantial evidence, which in the 2020 election’s case is literally overwhelming. Just consider the findings of Claes G. Ryn, a professor of politics and founding director of the new Center for the Study of Statesmanship at The Catholic University of America. The “historical record indicates that when a sitting president increases his vote totals relative to his original election, he is reelected,” he wrote January 5, 2021. President Trump did increase his total — by a staggering 10 million votes (plus however many were discarded/deleted).
Trump also markedly increased his voting share among Hispanics and blacks, who traditionally vote for Democrats.
Ryn mentions bellwether states and counties as well. The winner of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio has won the presidency for perhaps as long as the three states have been part of the union — and certainly had for 60 years, since Richard Nixon won them but lost an “election that was almost certainly stolen for JFK in Illinois (Cook County) and Texas,” writes Ryn. Trump won all three states — by comfortable margins.
Then there are the 19 bellwether counties that had supported the presidential victor in every contest since 1980. “Trump won no fewer than 18 of the 19!” relates Ryn — and “improved his performance in these counties.” The one he didn’t win, do note, was a place where a new, less-secure voting system had been instituted.
In summary, Ryn stated, what “I have found to date gives me no choice but to conclude that in the 2020 election, there was major and organized vote fraud and that it probably stole the election.”
This being said, there are always two sides to an issue. Why, one could just imagine the mainstream media protesting in response: Well, you only say that because it’s true!
To learn more about restoring election integrity, click here.
Selwyn Duke
Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.
Published with permission of thenewamerican.com