Marxist O’Biden Secret Weapon: “Education”
Marxists spoke: Never talk about politics and religion. Don’t trust your parents. Be the silent majority. Sadly we listened.
By Karen Schoen
A newly released report from Steve Moore, states that there is no one, NOT ONE, ZERO person in the O’Biden regime that knows anything about business. think about this: These people are pushing their untried, untested, complete failure policies on We the People because they don’t care about people or results. They only care about power.
It seems as though our SCOTUS believes in the US Constitution. We won great decisions in the Supreme Court but got screwed by the Gutless Outrageous Prostitutes = GOP. (Thank you Sally Baptiste for that great new name for the GOP.) Are you still going to vote for the same traitors again? Chaney is out begging democrats to vote for her. I hope that even Wyoming Democrats are not that stupid.
To understand what’s going on today we really have to go back and look at the 60s-70s. Most Americans pushing abortion are Boomers from that era. The boomers, myself included, were the hippies, the flower children, the rock n rollers, anti-God, Anti-family and Anti-America. Morality was tossed out the window when God was removed from public buildings, due to 1 person complaining in Engel v. Vitale . Then we accepted perversion, drugs, liquor, sex as the new lifestyle. We would do anything our parents didn’t do. We hated the establishment.
In the 60s-70s we were so despondent and in such despair at seeing our great American heroes being assassinated in front of our very eyes. We strongly believed that the assassinations were part of a government coup. Of course, we were told we were conspiracy nuts. HA! John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King JR, Robert Kennedy, our hope for a bright future was slowly fading. We were forced into a war by draft in Vietnam that no one wanted. We were forced to fight a war in Vietnam against communism while promoting communism at home in school. How sick was that? We were taught to lay our hatred on the heroes that were forced to fight. While those who avoided the draft became teachers in this new education called Social Studies/sustainability aka communism.
And so, like all other peoples of the world when we were abused we responded. We were angry. We demonstrated, we marched and we rioted. We destroyed statues, burned buildings and listened to the emotional news about the war even though we knew they were lying.
We were taught to divert our attention into sex and drugs which we learned in school through a variety of “new” SEX Ed courses, and we learned fast. After all we learned in school, so it had to be OK. We had multiple outlets to express our new found “free love” like Studio 54, Plato’s Retreat and Playboy Club. We often took out our hostility in our music and art. Bill Ayers (Obama’s mentor and leader of the Weather Underground responsible for multiple bombings of federal buildings, now a professor) asked John Lennon to write a song for the revolution. John wrote “Revolution.” Bill was pissed. (Read the lyrics https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/johnlennon/revolution.html)
We took massive quantities of drugs and had Love Ins with sex, drugs and lots of liquor hooking up at any time with anyone. Nothing has changed. Those teens grew up and are now running America using their never tried utopian/Marxist theories that they write when under the influence of something. If they wanted the drug war over, they would end it instead of participating in it. These insane illogical theories don’t work, can’t work, will never work. They are instead designed to take forever and be way over budget. If their programs worked, they couldn’t bleed us dry.
What did we learn? Well, my group of teenagers were told never talk about politics and religion. Don’t trust your parents after all anyone over 30 doesn’t know what is going on. Be the silent majority. Never talk about the war. We were told the government knows best. We grew up to being so anti-establishment that it didn’t matter what the establishment did or said we figured they were just lying. The GOP and DNC are filled with these globalists who vow to take down America’s greatness and steal everything they can’t get legally. Check out the “GOP-Gutless Outrageous Prostitutes” who just voted to take away the only protection we have with our guns while they bring terrorists into America. They hate Americans. They want us to suffer so we will be happy with their government crumbs. We will do more for less while they take everything, and we will be happy with drugs and video games. Yuval Noah Harari from World Economic Forum describes their intent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex3_brOUdpA
War makes their problem of too many useless eaters, easy to dispose of. These globalists will protect the border of Ukraine and provide Ukraine guns while disarming Americans. All they want is for us to DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) so they can steal our property and keep power.
Where did we turn to vent our frustration and agree to transform America? Our educators took care of that. In 1989, Shirley McCune from the McRel Foundation told the Governors Association:
We will change education from fact based to value based (on emotion) learning.
(Emotional people are easier to control using emotional triggers.)
We will stop focusing on the individual and focus on the collective (we can conform everyone to the group mentality.)
We will train for work, not educate for life. (We need workers not thinkers or experts).
Communists learned that uneducated people are easier to control.
While all eyes looked at colleges, they infiltrated K-12 while convincing the family to “keep up with the Jones” by overspending so both mom and dad had to work ensuring the breakup of the family. The evolution of the family went from Father Knows Best to All in the Family to Married with Children showing how dysfunctional families are really the norm.
Today we suffer the results of those teachings as our government officials and experts are only capable of reading their talking points. I am just following directions; you will hear as their excuse for their third world actions of government against the people. Our police, after being emasculated (the goal of the feminist movement), will stand and watch as children are being slaughtered because they are just following directions. The hell with the Americans. They are just useless eaters. Less people is better they have been taught. According to Stalin, “Less people, less problems.”
We turned to a new type of government called socialism. It sounded so social, fun and inviting. It sounded so nice. All people will look after each other. Everyone would share. It will be wonderful. Everyone will all have the same stuff. And so the confused children turned to the communists who were so ready to open their arms for their new flock. The commies changed all the words and definitions to reflect Peace and Love. We followed Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and they offered the people exactly what Khrushchev said. I will feed you little bits of socialism and one day you will be a communist.
Now we have America’s new normal. How does that work?
From libertysentinel.org