A Fundamental Problem
The Marxist Democrat Party has sowed the seeds of lawlessness, chaos, hate, and discontent to undermine the nation our founding generation secured for us
In the wake of the Texas school shooting, we’ve heard all kinds of positions, reasons, and excuses in regard to that event. Likewise, there are a myriad of solutions being offered, none of which address the root causes of the problem. The root cause is a defect in the human soul. Did that young man even have the critical thinking skills to be able to discern right from wrong?
Of course, the Marxist Democrats, as usual, want to blame guns. The fact that some prominent Republicans are making noises about being complicit in new gun legislation is scary. Justin Trudeau wants to use Texas as a reason to further restrict hand guns in Canada. NEWS FLASH: Guns don’t kill people, broken people kill people.
Liberals everywhere and Marxist Democrats in America love to use “the gun” as a distraction from the proximate and root causes of all societal problems
Liberals everywhere and Marxist Democrats in America love to use “the gun” as a distraction from the proximate and root causes of all societal problems. As long as the distractions keep working to deflect the real issues from people’s attention, politicians only need to look like they are doing something, rather than actually doing anything. With “the gun” as a visible target, distraction is easy. How many deaths are caused by knives? How many people are killed by hammers, baseball bats, and 2 X 4s? How many people are intentionally killed by automobiles? Guns are not the only lethal weapons people use to kill each other.
How many people were murdered nationwide in America over the Memorial Day weekend? Reported as of noon (Montana time) on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, there were 179 murders, 463 injured, and 15 mass shootings. It doesn’t make the national news does it? Under Marxist Democrat rule and with the complicity of the media, Americans will never know how bad it is unless they search out the numbers themselves.
A few decades ago, I would have identified the breakdown in Christianity and the family unit as the root cause of these fatal events. Today, I consider them only proximate causes. Today I consider the failure of the Marxist American education system as the root cause of the continued decline of the Judeo Christian values system and destruction of the family unit. In our world today, not only is the family unit frowned upon, schools and teachers are further breaking down the family unit by making decisions about student behavior and activities that should rightfully only be made by parents.
Up until about the 1980s, students were taught necessary skills and concepts needed to succeed in life and in the modern world. Students were taught how to think, how to assess decisions, and what the long range impact those decisions might have on the student and society. In other words, they were taught critical thinking skills (i.e. how to connect the dots).
The American Marxist’s education system is driven by ideology without context
From about 1980 on, the Marxist influence in the education system began having a bigger impact. Then the transition was started to teach students what to think, not how to think critically. That is also when teachers voluntarily started to adopt the Marxist agenda to influence the young with idealistic theories rather than skills for living in a world of imperfect human beings that they would have to live and work with to get along.
Sadly, America is saddled with a couple of generations of teachers that don’t teach young people critical thinking because they were never taught that skill themselves. The American Marxist’s education system is driven by ideology without context. It provides an education that serves the needs of the agenda, not the individual or a free society.
In 2022, I believe we still have a majority of the American voting population that was of the generations who were taught how to think critically. By 2030, or even as early as 2024, we might not have that majority again in our lifetime. I fear our American critical thinkers are a sleeping giant that may not wake up in time to rid America of the evil that is trying to destroy the American Dream and all the liberties Americans now enjoy. The Marxist Democrat Party has sowed the seeds of lawlessness, chaos, hate, and discontent to undermine the nation our founding generation secured for us. On November 8, 2022, we will discover whether we are a sleeping giant or the awakened sleeping tiger Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto feared after he bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
Steve Rossiter — Bio and Archives
After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.
In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
From canadafreepress.com