Recent events only reinforce our need for gun rights and community militias
By Brandon Smith
I want to stress a very important point first and foremost, because I don’t think the political left and the average gun grabber understands the gravity of the situation and they need to be educated:
Liberty advocates will NEVER give up their guns. It’s not going to happen. We have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and we are not going to move, not even an inch. It does not matter what legislation or executive orders Joe Biden promotes, and it does not matter if there are future criminal events involving firearms. There is no scenario in which we are going to hand over our ability to defend ourselves and rely on the government alone. All the indignant wailing and preaching from anti-gun leftists is for naught; they will get nothing.
Gun rights are integral to a free society because they act as a deterrent to potential government over-reach and authoritarianism. Tyrants might infiltrate politics and take over governments, and they might even THINK they have the ability to oppress the public, but they will never be quite sure they can get away with it as long as the public has the means to “reach out and touch them” from a distance. They will always have doubts and this is vital for freedom – When tyrants have doubts, liberty prevails.
I covered the issue of incoming gun bans in the latest issue of my newsletter, The Wild Bunch Dispatch, but I wanted to examine here the wider implications of disarmament; including what the consequences will be if we were to comply, and what the establishment should fear when most of us don’t.
I have said for many years now that I am certain that anti-gun interests WILL try to disarm the American people before 2030, simply because they must. They cannot achieve the implementation of the “Great Reset” or the “New World Order” (their terminology from their own mouths) without first taking away our ability to fight back. They know that if they do not disarm Americans they will eventually fail. It’s really that easy to understand; if we keep our guns we will win. If we let our guns be taken, we will lose.
One thing must be made abundantly clear in this debate: Gun crimes are irrelevant to gun rights. They do not matter in terms of the constitution, nor should they matter. Our rights supersede the potential for abuse by bad people, and they supersede the whims of government.
The political left seems to think that gun crime is all that matters. They obsess over every single tragedy not because they actually care about the victims or the families involved, but because they assume that each gun crime is a kind of currency that they can use to pay for the eventual purchase of the 2nd Amendment. They think they can buy the option to erase our gun rights using the lives of shooting victims as a trade.
I’m sorry I have to inform them, but that’s not how it works. That’s not how it will EVER work. And if they think they can force the issue, then there are millions of us in the liberty movement that will teach them a painful lesson in humility. There will come a day when they’ll wish they had been more reasonable and not turned to authoritarianism.
In the meantime, they will try every trick in the book to con the public into thinking that incremental measures or executive orders are needed as a means to save lives. They won’t save lives, they’ll only lead to the disarmament of the population, making it easier to subjugate us and eliminate resistance. The key to understanding gun control laws is to accept the reality that gun grabbers have NO INTENTION of staying satisfied with “common sense” gun control; they will only be satisfied with gun confiscation. This is why no quarter can be given to them. No compromises. No diplomacy. Nothing.
It’s important to clarify where gun rights advocates are coming from, because leftists don’t get it. They are perfectly willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for false security. Let me put it this way:
History shows us that disarmament of any population or subset of a population is eventually followed by the oppression and often genocide of that same population. Statistically, disarmament has led to some of the worst mass murders in the history of humanity. We risk losing far more lives by giving up our guns than we risk by keeping our guns.
By extension, a common argument among gun grabbers is that other western nations have extensive gun restrictions and they don’t have tyranny. I beg to differ. As we recently witnessed with the covid mandates and the attempted vaccine passports, many governments from the EU to Australia and New Zealand took the mask off (pun intended) and showed their true totalitarian colors to the point that they even created covid camps where people were locked up without due process.
I would argue that had it not been for the growing opposition among conservatives in the US and in parts of Canada, the covid mandate agenda would still be active today and most of our freedoms would be erased. The opposition in the US is the reason why medical tyranny was scrapped through most of the world. For if we can be free despite the existence of covid, then so can everyone else.
And how were conservatives able to defeat the mandates? Ultimately, it’s because we have guns.
But what about the deaths of children in Uvalde and elsewhere? Don’t they matter? Of course they do, and every pro-gun person out there agrees. What we don’t agree on is the idea that government should have a monopoly on security and on force. When government has a monopoly on force, millions of people die instead of dozens.
In reality, the events in Uvalde prove once again that defenders of the 2nd Amendment are right. Reports from the scene of the shooting now indicate that police actually failed to stop the shooter (Salvador Ramos) from entering Robb Elementary School and they were ordered to stay outside and do nothing as the shooter moved freely for over an hour. Ramos was finally stopped by a single Border Patrol agent who went in on his own.
Adding insult to injury, police used force to prevent parents and community members from going in and doing the job they refused to do. I want to point out that the fact that the police were “ordered” to stay out and keep people out is no excuse – Some orders should be ignored and if you don’t ignore them then you are partly responsible for the consequences.
I suggest that two simple solutions could have saved lives in Uvalde without erasing our constitutional rights.
First, if public schools removed their “gun free zone” status and allowed teachers to conceal carry, then Ramos likely would have been dead before harming a single child. Or, he would have at least faced opposition and been cornered.
Second, if community militias still existed in the US as the Constitution demands, then parents could have organized a much faster response and walked right over any police that refused to go in and do what needed to be done. Parents are allowed to risk their lives for their children, and anyone that says otherwise should be ignored or trampled.
The answer to crime of all kinds (not just crimes that involve guns) is more community involvement and a visible armed presence. We need more people to be armed and more individual responsibility for the security of those that cannot defend themselves.
A gun ban will not protect us from crime, it only encourages tyranny. It also doesn’t matter because there’s nothing that Biden or the political left can do to take our guns anyway. Other solutions need to be tried, and there is a reason why gun grabbers refuse to acknowledge any alternatives – Because they don’t care about protecting the innocent, they only care about eliminating a portion of the constitution that has long prevented them from gaining more power.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, further encroachments on the 2nd Amendment will lead to war. Leftists might welcome this in the assumption that they have the government and the military on their side. They may not realize that many in the military are also gun rights supporters. They also might have forgotten the results of asymmetric wars in places like Afghanistan, and frankly, many Americans have far better gear and much better training than the Taliban. This will not end well for anti-gun authoritarians.
From alt-market.us