A DAY AT THE LIBRARY – Taxpayers Push Back Against LGBTQ+ Insidious Propaganda at CDA Library Board Mtg.
Video by CDA Freedom Watch
Disclaimer: The footage of children’s materials covered in this video is not for minors.
The video relates to this recent CDA Press story: Library board declines to remove, sequester books
Community members raise concern that regional libraries are exploiting an Idaho state exemption that gives legal defense protection to provide materials that may cause harm to children.
This video illustrates the questionable books, promotional videos, Idaho state law, and public comment.
Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene Library Board Meetings, February 2022.
The Coeur d’Alene Library gives children access to these books without separation or notice.
Idaho House Bill No. 666 aims to remove the exemption that has been exploited by the libraries. If this bill passes, and the case is proven that children are harmed by these materials, the public library may be held liable for child abuse.
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