Rep. Rob Chase: Legislation impacting Second Amendment rights
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Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I have heard from many of you regarding gun legislation. I wanted to provide you an update on four bills that survived the house of origin deadline this week and are still moving through the Legislature.
Please keep in mind I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and will vote against any legislation that may infringe upon those rights.
Here is a breakdown of the legislation:
Senate Bill 5078, the so-called “high-capacity magazine” bill, would ban the sale and distribution of magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds of ammunition. This legislation was requested by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson. I believe this is the sixth session Ferguson’s office has requested the legislation. It passed the Senate 28-20.
The House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee has already held a public hearing on the bill. The committee could vote on the bill at any time sending it to the floor for a vote by the full House of Representatives.
House Bill 1705, referred to as the “ghost gun” bill, would limit the purchase of firearms that are untraceable. If passed, all firearms, receivers and frames purchased in the state would need either a unique serial number or a registration. Unfortunately, it would keep target shooters and gun enthusiasts from participating in their hobby of assembling their own firearms from various parts. This will not deter criminals from obtaining guns. It is just punishing hobbyists and law-abiding citizens. I would add, this legislation is retroactive to 2019! That means many gun owners would be required to turn over their gun or potentially face charges. I believe this is unconstitutional and unenforceable.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 57-39. It is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee on Monday, Feb. 21 at 9:30 a.m. To testify, click here.
House Bill 1630 would prohibit the open carry of firearms in government buildings and at public meetings. Concealed pistol licenses would still be allowed. Violators would be charged with a gross misdemeanor, which could bring a year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000.
This bill is also scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee on Monday, Feb. 21 at 9:30 a.m. To testify, click here.
House Bill 1901 is an attempt to protect those seeking restraining orders by updating the state’s laws to include the ability to revoke an individual’s firearm rights under certain conditions. However, the measure would permit those petitioning for civil protection orders to assert that someone has “coercive control” over them. The accused could be ordered to surrender their firearms.
The bill passed the House 71-25. It is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee on Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 10:30 a.m. To testify, click here.
I voted against the three House bills when they came up for a vote. I can assure you I will oppose the Senate bill limiting magazines if it comes before us as well.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns on this legislation or any other legislative or state issues. Your input and feedback is important to me.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!
Rob Chase
Constituent comment:
Why don’t you also tell us that the state Constitution Art. 24 would make all these Bills null and void even if they are passed because they would be an unconstitutional infringement on our rights. You should make an effort to educate your district and your fellow legislators that we live in a State that is a Constitutional Republic governed by a Constitution not by the majority vote of the Legislature. Nobody I know is obeying I 1639 or enforcing it because everyone except the State Supreme Court knows it is unconstitutional and an infringement on our God given right of self-protection. Please urge your fellow Republicans to defend constitutional government and support the nullification of these illegal and ungodly “laws”.
– Stephen Dunham