Winning America’s Fight Against Socialism

Winning America’s Fight Against Socialism


By Rich Loudenback




Simply because nobody has stopped them.


They are always way ahead in their schemes, with lots of Soros types of money to plan, implement, present, and justify, and are always emboldened by their corrupt media komrads supporting them.  The good people of America watch, try to play catch up, then actually just go along since we can’t win against all the corrupt judges and sorry un-Supreme Court of late.




America really is supposed to be ours, ‘we the citizens.’ Not the President’s, not the legislative leaders’ and not the Supreme Court’s. Precious documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights made us a nation of laws that have guided us through much tribulation to become the most successful nation in history, the envy of the world. To call our Constitution outdated is absolute tripe promoted by those who would take us down.




We must restore absolute voting integrity, or running properly vetted, dedicated, constitutionally minded candidates will again be for naught and our republic will be lost.  NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT!!!


It’s a fact that the criminal left are relentless cheaters and can be counted on to do anything to win.  If we don’t get back to the following ‘traditional voting standards’ another election will be stolen for sure:


1.) NO VOTING MACHINES of any kind  in any area of an election

2.) NO MAIL-IN BALLOTS for any reason other than out-of-country military.



This system worked successfully throughout our history and new methods of using voting machines, mail-ballots and no photo ID, that are proclaimed to be helpful, everyone knows, has been pure manipulation and utter crime by the left.  Without restoring traditional voting integrity we will finally lose our wonderful republic in the next election. Afterall, you must recognize that all the fixes are in.  Again, even the not-so Supreme Court.


A lot of hard work is being done currently to have successful elections for some very qualified ‘vetted’ candidates, and it all may be for nothing if some of the same focused efforts aren’t successful in eliminating these scandalous voting schemes in way too many states.  Especially in Washington State, where all ballots are mail-in.  That’s akin to allowing up to $950 to be shoplifted from merchants legally, like in San Francisco.




We put our elected representatives on notice that we expect them to do the hard work of developing a grand plan that can work to turn things around by returning us to a functioning republic following our Constitutional laws before we go off the cliff. That must include ACTUAL READING of all bills and, most importantly, they MUST CREATE A NEW RULE that all bills going forward must be stand-alone bills that cannot include any other than one issue.


There will be much gnashing of teeth, screaming and whispering threats from lobbyist and special interests PACs. But that has to be expected, if we are to really get us back to a functioning republic. Then we need to eliminate the lobbyists and PACs also, since the federal government has ENUMERATED POWERS that don’t include the right to make national laws favoring their special interests.  Lobbyists and PAC’s need to go to the states where the power should be.


This has nothing to do with political parties. Both parties are full of socialist leaning members. It has everything to do with patriotism, because we as Americans are supposed to care about and run our country. Not political PAC’s, or the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the corrupt UN and especially not George Soros and his ilk.


Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell and their democrat and RINO counterparts must go in this next election because they are so Deep State entrenched.  McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chow, is actually a member of the globalists’ CFR.


To continue as ‘Americans,’ not citizen members of a globalist state, we must make certain that we continually watch voting records published quarterly on both houses here in Idaho at and the U.S. congress, also published quarterly, at’s Freedom Index while making sure our representatives know we are watching their voting records.




But, we MUST AWAKEN OTHERS to the importance of knowing the Constitution, vetting their news and this most important restoration of voting integrity. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF WINNING AMERICA BACK. We only gain strength in numbers and effectivness. Don’t confuse effort with results. Dedication and extreme hard work must become the order of the day.


Getting our elected representatives engaged in the proper direction with EFFECTIVE TACTICS TO GET THEIR CONSTITUENTS COMMITTED TO THIS FIGHT before we are gone is a most important goal and the clock is ticking.

