Great Reset Globalists: “They will own NOBODY. They will be unhappy”
The reality is that humanity will never allow them to write the obits of the U.S. and the Free West
By Judi McLeod
The world as we know it entered The Twilight Zone on Nov. 12, 2016.
That’s the day when the egomaniacal Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum—according to Wikipedia funded by its 1,000 member companies (typically global enterprises with more than 5 billion US. dollars in turnover) took it upon themselves to try to recreate God Almighty’s Creation that global pagans call The Universe.
Try to imagine the kind of ego that would even attempt such an undertaking!
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy!”
Suffice to say that there were no Hallelujahs, no little ditties, songs, or even Rappers serenading Schwab and his Great Reset for his delusional efforts.
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy!”
Who says that?!
Who even believes that?!
Only madmen in love with their own insanity!
And that “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy!” is just the first one of 8 predictions of the World Economic Forum for 2030 (Source)
8 predictions for the world in 2030
(Ceri Parker, Commissioning Editor, Agenda, World Economic Forum, Nov. 12, 2016)
Parker, who worked as WEF Commissioning Editor for seven years, moved on in January 2021 and is now based in Geneva as editor in chief for The Content Engine
“As Brexit and Donald Trump’s victory show, predicting even the immediate future is no easy feat. When it comes to what our world will look like in the medium-term – how we will organise our cities, where we will get our power from, what we will eat, what it will mean to be a refugee – it gets even trickier. But imagining the societies of tomorrow can give us a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities of today.
“We asked experts from our Global Future Councils for their take on the world in 2030, and these are the results, from the death of shopping to the resurgence of the nation state.
- All products will have become services. “I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”
- There is a global price on carbon.
- US dominance is over.
- Farewell hospital, hello home-spital.
- We are eating much less meat.
- Today’s Syrian refugees, 2030’s CEOs.
- The values that built the West will have been tested to breaking point.
- By the 2030s, we’ll be ready to move humans toward the Red Planet.
If the above all sounds like Pie in the Sky, it’s because it all really IS Pie in the Sky. Trying to grab onto it would be akin to trying to nail jelly onto the proverbial wall.
Coming along hand in hand with the Great Reset is the hypocritical ‘Build Back Better’ virtue signalling of world ‘leaders, whom we know NEVER build back better but only tear apart and desecrate any thing good—including the whole of the Free West.
How many can see clearly though where Biden’s Build Back Better Act is going?
The Build Back Better Act would provide $1.67 billion for the Fake News Media
The Build Back Better Act would provide $1.67 billion over the next five years for newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations and other outlets that primarily cover local news.
In other words, the Fake News Media.
Giddy with the kind of drunkenness that comes along with power, the purveyors of the Great Reset have yet to notice that there is no one save for the media and world governments marching behind them—only other globalists like them.
Convinced that their lure “You will have nothing.
You will be happy” will bring foot soldiers of the world marching dutifully behind them, they remain blithely unaware that the masses will NEVER willingly go marching off to their own annihilation.
There are no words to describe how out of touch Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the Democrats, media, government ‘leaders’ and all self-appointed globalists really are.
The steadfast silence of the masses tells their story
There are no sounds from billions of marchers following faithfully behind the so-called Great Reset; no tell-tale signs of overnight lemmings springing into action, no footprints in the snow from Joe Biden’s predicted “dark” winter.
The steadfast silence of the masses tells their story. The screams of indignation are all coming from the Great Reset believers. No one in the masses is screaming like the Democrat AOCs. They are not trying to hold themselves above others like the bought-and-paid-for media scribes and the fast-talking heads of cable television. They are instead praying steadfastly and silently in the prisons Covid scare-mongering governments have made out of their private homes.
On board with Schwab’s Great Reset is the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres. He states;
“We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics.”
Meanwhile, WEF globalists and their deluded followers are counting on a myriad of pandemics keeping people under their control.
In the fullness of time they will be forced to acknowledge that: “They will own NOBODY. They will be unhappy”.
The reality is that humanity will never allow them to write the obits of the U.S. and the Free West.
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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, and Foxnews.com.
From canadafreepress.com