Barack Obama’s 2021 Thanksgiving Gift to America
Meanwhile, Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans with the exception of Barack Obama, still working to destroy the country who reelected him through Joe Biden—four years after he’s been out of office!
By Judi McLeod
Rip the tacky wrapping paper off of ‘Obama’s 2021 Thanksgiving Gift to America’ and let the wind blow it away.
Obama is hoping it’s the last Thanksgiving Gift he’ll ever have to give because his and his globalist master’s plan is to have America fully ‘disappeared’ by the GREAT RESET on or before Thanksgiving 2022.
Barack Hussein Obama’s final gift to the people of the country that brought him so much fame and fortune?
Joe Biden, completely under Obama’s personal control. A temporary president who personifies Obama’s arrogant and defiant ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’: a visibly doddering old dude, real or pretending to be. The former or the latter matters not because Biden serves the purpose of signally to her enemies, that America is far too weak to fight back, and therefore vulnerable to massive takedown.
Up to the fateful year of 2008 when Obama was first elected president, America, by and large, celebrated Thanksgiving with pride and joy as the Holiday celebrating its pilgrim founding; a day when people of every race, color creed, and from all walks of life thank God Almighty for His generous and loving Bounty.
Things have changed dramatically over the past five years.
“The icon has no place at The Catholic University of America”
“The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., has reportedly displayed a painting that depicts George Floyd as Jesus Christ in two locations on campus. (Washington Examiner, Nov. 22, 2021)
“The painting is titled “Mama,” which references the cries for help Floyd made while being arrested by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
“The piece, painted by artist Kelly Latimore, shows Floyd being held by the Virgin Mary, similar to religious depictions of Christ being taken down from the cross, the Daily Signal reported .
“Karna Lozoya, vice president for university communications, said Jesus, as well as Floyd, is shown in the painting.
“You can identify Jesus by the marks in the halo,” Lozoya said.
“A description posted with the painting says the artist completed the work following “the violent death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020.”
“The image is evocative of the Pietà — the Mother of Sorrows,” the description continues. “May Mary, the Mirror of Justice hear the cry of all who have known the sorrow of losing a loved one to violence and injustice. Amen.”
“Some students expressed concern with the piece of art.
“The icon has no place at The Catholic University of America; it is blasphemous and an offense to the Catholic faith, but it is not surprising at all that it was put there,” a student at the university told the Daily Signal. “It is just another symptom of the liberalization and secularization of our campus.”
“There are many students, faculty, and staff who are concerned about this, but there is nothing we can do,” the student continued. “And if we sound the alarm, we will be labeled racists.”
Indeed Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ keeps rolling along and millions of dollars for Obama keeps rolling in
“RACIST” is how Obama defined America during his two terms as president. “RACIST” is how his protégé and former vice president Joe Biden continues to define America.
“Liberal outlets are sounding the alarm about President Biden’s ability to succeed, not only delivering on all that he promised on the campaign trail and in the months soon after taking office, but at the ballot box, too. With less than a year until the midterm elections, “the cold reality for Biden is that his presidency is on the brink of failure,” writes Jonathan Chait for New York magazine. (Townhall, Nov. 23, 2021)
“On his dismal polling numbers, there’s no indication he will make a rebound, either. Indeed, Biden’s “like a patient wasting away from some undiagnosable disease,” Chait said.”
Indeed Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ keeps rolling along and millions of dollars for Obama keeps rolling in:
“Barack Obama has a big new backer: Jeff Bezos. (New York Post, Nov.22, 2021))
“The Amazon founder and world’s second richest man is donating a whopping $100 million to the former president’s charity, the Obama Foundation said Monday.
“The Amazon founder and world’s second richest man is donating a whopping $100 million to the former president’s charity, the Obama Foundation said Monday.
“The donation comes as Amazon seeks to fend off challenges from the Biden administration.
“As part of the donation, Bezos has asked that Obama rename the plaza at his controversial Chicago presidential center in honor of former Congressman and civil rights advocate John R. Lewis, according to the Obama Foundation.
Bezos’ $100 million donation — which represents less than 0.1 percent of his estimated $210 billion fortune
“In a release sent to The Post, Bezos gushed that he’s “thrilled to support President and Mrs. Obama and their Foundation in its mission to train and inspire tomorrow’s leaders.”
“Bezos’ $100 million donation — which represents less than 0.1 percent of his estimated $210 billion fortune — is the largest individual contribution ever received by Obama’s foundation. It’s also one-fifth of the reported $500 million Bezos recently spent on a yacht.
“The donation was arranged by Jay Carney, a former Obama press secretary and Amazon’s current public policy and public relations chief, according to Puck News, which first reported the donation.
“Obama and Bezos spoke directly to each other earlier this year and have occasionally seen each other socially, the outlet reported.
“Bezos’ buddying with Obama comes as Amazon clashes bitterly with the Biden administration over antitrust issues. Lina Khan, the Biden-appointed chief of the Federal Trade Commission, has a long history of blasting what she says are anticompetitive practices by Amazon and is reportedly probing the company’s $8.5 billion purchase of movie studio MGM.
Amazon is also trying to fend off legislators in Congress
“Citing past criticisms Khan had made of Bezos’ empire, Amazon demanded in June that she recuse herself from any FTC probes of the company.
“Amazon is also trying to fend off legislators in Congress, some of whom are chomping at the bit to take on Big Tech through bills that would stop Amazon from favoring its own products in search results or even break up the company altogether.
“The Obama Foundation was vague about what Bezos’ money will be spent on, writing that the cash will give “the next generation of emerging leaders… the necessary tools, resources, and training needed to be the change they want to see in the world, just as Congressman Lewis did.”
“The Obama Foundation’s $500 million presidential center on Chicago’s South Side, however, has attracted backlash from some residents, who have blasted the former president for cutting down trees in a historic park and fostering gentrification.
“Obama has defended the center, saying, “The overwhelming majority of the community has been not just okay with it, but are hugely enthusiastic about it.”
This is the worrisome reality of Thanksgiving 2021 in America.
Meanwhile, Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans with the exception of Barack Obama, still working to destroy the country who reelected him through Joe Biden—four years after he’s been out of office!
Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives
From canadafreepress.com