Worldwide protests erupt against deadly vaccines that are KILLING people at an alarming rate
Protests are erupting around the globe. It has become increasing clear: Mandatory vaccines equal mandatory suffering, dependence and death. Cities in Canada, Europe and Australia are in a constant state of protest now, as people fight back to reclaim their rights, their sovereignty, their health and their life. As governments and corporations demand endless vaccine compliance, more people are withdrawing their consent. But the fight against the vaccine passports and mandates isn’t just a fight for freedom. It’s a matter of life and death. Deadly vaccines are killing people at an alarming rate, and the world is starting to notice.
Hundreds of thousands protest for vax freedom, to put an end to this mandatory death sentence
Curfews, lock downs, work-from-home orders, digital passports, vaccine mandates and various restrictions are being imposed simultaneously across multiple European countries. The people are rising up, from Japan to Australia, from Germany to Austria, and dozens of countries in between. In Austria, a full lock down is scheduled for the next ten days, with mandatory vaccine policies coming in its wake.
In the Netherlands, protests have turned violent after the government decided to restrict the “unvaccinated” and banish them from society. In the port city of Rotterdam, the police refuse to defend the rights of the people, and they continue to foolishly clash with freedom fighters who have nothing more to lose. On Friday November 19th, protests turned into riots in the city of Hauge, the third largest city in the Netherlands. Fires dotted the city, as police moved in to make dozens of arrests.
In Australia, people are rising up in greater numbers. Over the weekend, tens of thousands rallied in Heldenplatz square in Vienna to chant, “My Body, My Choice,” “We’re Standing Up for Our Kids!” and “Resistance!” There were an estimated 350,000 people gathered in Melbourne, 150,000 in Brisbane, 150,000 in Sydney, and an additional 40,000 in Perth and 30,000 in Adelaide. These protests were peaceful and strong, sending a clear message to the ruling elites and the enemies of humanity.
The ruling elite and the enemies of humanity have tried to steal, kill and destroy people’s lives using division, segregation, discrimination and threats of violence. The enemies of humanity have tried to take away people’s careers, livelihoods and futures, while threatening to starve people out until they comply with mandatory kill shots. The people are rising up to defend their lives!
In Croatia’s northwestern capital city, Zagreb, over one hundred thousand people poured into the streets, demanding an end to the government’s so-called “health passports” and a slew of other insidious restrictions. People there chanted: “We are not giving you our children!”
The people of Rome gathered by the thousands in the capital city. Rome is forcing every citizen to carry a “Green Pass” forcing all citizens to get permission from the government to access restaurants, public transportation, cinemas, theaters, sports venues, gyms and workplaces. The “Green Pass” includes permanent submission to vaccine mandates and PCR tests, turning people into subjugated slaves, who are trained for certain suffering and death.
US fights back using state rights, nullification and the implied threat of the Second Amendment
The United States is in a unique position to fight this global medical tyranny. The country is united in its common defense, but the power of the people is localized and distributed across fifty states. Governments obtain their power from the consent of the governed. Because the citizens of the United States are heavily armed, governments are more hesitant to wield absolute power. In the US, governments are held in check to this force of accountability.
Moreover, the rights of the people are not numerated, according to the US Constitution. The people of each state are responsible for defending any rights not numerated in the Bill of Rights. Because of this, different states are taking different approaches when it comes to freedom versus medical tyranny. Some states are standing by the rights of the people, no matter if the threat of medical tyranny is coming from the government, Big Tech or other private companies. Other states are nullifying any attempt by the federal government to claim ownership over individuals. Still other states are imposing various levels of medical martial law and encouraging segregation against the “unvaccinated.” Protests have cropped up in Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco, where medical tyranny has taken hold. In Florida, the legislature continues to axe vaccine mandates and restore parental rights, forcing companies, school, and hospital systems to respect people’s rights once again. In the coming year, states and the people will have to take a stand against the vaccine program itself, as it proves to be a debilitating and effective form of genocide against humanity.
Sources include:
From naturalnews.com