Reports Of Facebook Meta Death Not At All Greatly Exaggerated
By Judi McLeod
This may not be the “darkest” winter when millions of citizens die of the pandemic, as Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci keep hinting. But some of us might—just might—die laughing at the absurd antics of Mark Zuckerberg, going through hoops to change Facebook’s corporate name and logo, now that so many folk know what he’s been up to.
“Facebook unveiled a new corporate name and logo this week, “Facebook Meta,” prompting some hilarity among tech-savvy Israelis, who noted that the the phrase, when translated into Hebrew, also means “Facebook is dead” or “Facebook died.”
The word “meta” is the feminine form of the verb “met,” which means “dead.” (Breitbart, Oct. 29, 2021)
“The BBC reported Friday that Hebrew speakers were ridiculing the new Facebook name and logo:
“Facebook’s announcement that it is changing its name to Meta has caused quite the stir in Israel where the word sounds like that for “dead”.
“To be precise, Meta is pronounced like the feminine form of the Hebrew word.
“A number of people have taken to Twitter to share their take on the name under the hashtag #FacebookDead.
“The emergency rescue volunteers Zaka even got involved, telling their followers on Twitter: “Don’t worry, we’re on it”.
Zuckerberg’s obsession with the Cult of Death
“Facebook also earned ridicule from English speakers over the new name, which the company adopted just as it came under intense scrutiny from both left and right.
“The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that Facebook had suppressed Breitbart News’ traffic for political reasons (though Breitbart News continues to lead among political news sites on the platform).
“Breitbart News also reported on the coordination among establishment media outlets in reporting the “Facebook papers,” which apparently led to a Slack channel among the various sites being shut down earlier this week.”
But it’s not just “tech-savvy Israelis”, who note Zuckerberg’s obsession with the Cult of Death.
Millions are aware that Zuck’s clumsy attempted switcheroo from Facebook to Meta, all to hide his company’s data-base scandals, relies on another kind of death, the Death of Reality, forcing through his ridiculous theory that there is no such thing as a real world but only a digital one.
The reality is as the Rolling Stones’ song says, ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’.
Not always getting what you want, billionaire or not, includes You can’t Get Everybody ‘Woke’ when people are awakening to the truth in increasing numbers; You Can’t Portray All Americans As Racists—without becoming a racist yourself.
Queen of Cackle Vice President
There are too many other You Can’t Get Everything You Want to list in this column.
But You Can’t Remain In The Oval Office Forever when your handlers intend to use senility to replace you with the Queen of Cackle Vice President.
You Can’t Keep Paying Three-Quarters Of A Million Dollars to all border crossers separated from families by the administration before you when you run out of taxpayers’ money.
You Can’t Keep Calling Parents Domestic Terrorists without a revolution.
You Can’t Disappear Donald J. Trump when he keeps popping up like the Energizer Bunny at rallies attended by multi thousands who keep on wanting to see and hear him.
Most significantly, You Can’t Kill Off Reality With Something Called Meta when people are leaving your platform in droves.
Finally, You Can’t Stop The Hilarity that comes from Canada Free Press readers like Don and Maxine, who translate Mark’s Meta to ‘Make Everything Trump Again’.
No, Mark Zuckerberg, You Can’t Always Get What You Want!
Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives
From canadafreepress.com