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Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die
By Brian Shilhavy
It should be obvious to most people today that the medical system in the United States, incorrectly labeled the “healthcare” system, is radically being transformed where political agendas now rule hospital policies, with hospitals becoming the distribution centers for Big Pharma products and services, including drugs, vaccines, and other medical procedures, where patient outcomes only matter in terms of how much financial revenue hospitals can make, and not health outcomes.
In fact, the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from patients’ deaths than they do from healing them.
A video from a frustrated nurse has been making the rounds on the Internet recently, where she explains that her co-worker doctors and nurses now openly state that they want unvaccinated people to die, including herself.
This is from our Bitchute channel.
This does not appear to be an isolated instance, but something that is happening all across the U.S. as the division between vaccinated and unvaccinated medical staff grows more divisive.
Matt McGregor, writing for the Epoch Times, reports:
Describing a climate of vaccine shaming and bullying, two Mississippi nurses have reported once amicable work environments degenerate into a division between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
One nurse in Jackson, Mississippi—who requested to remain anonymous—told The Epoch Times that when faced with the vaccine mandate at her hospital, she quit and took another job paying $16 an hour more at another health care system that hadn’t implemented the mandate.
However, with President Joe Biden’s announcement on Thursday to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for health care systems that participate in Medicaid and Medicare programs, the nurse said, even at her new job, her days could be limited.
“They said it’s not a matter of if, but when,” she said.
For the nurse, it began in December 2020 when the vaccine was offered to staff and she declined.
“Then, we had a financial incentive, but eventually it became a mandate,” she said. “We had to take the shot in order to keep working there.”
Though she considered a religious or medical exemption, she said, eventually she decided that she didn’t want to work in a place that would mandate the vaccine.
Without having a plan, she put in her two-week notice.
“I was just going out on a limb and trusting God,” she said.
Before her two weeks were up, she landed her new job.
For a nurse who had just graduated nursing school in May 2020, keeping a low profile became a navigation tool to get through most days, she said.
“Most people knew I hadn’t taken the shot, and when it was mandated, some asked me if I were going to take it, but ‘no means no,’” she said. “I’m not wavering.”
As the mandate approached, she said she witnessed the workplace become toxic.
“Some doctors—two of them that come to mind—went as far as to say that they did not think that unvaccinated people should be treated,” she said.
If unvaccinated people came to the hospital, she said the doctors claimed that they should have the “door slammed in their face.”
“There was another provider who was actually trying to turn patients away if they were not vaccinated,” she said. “I don’t think she was able to go that far, but she definitely tried to have the front desk ask if patients were vaccinated, and if they said they weren’t, she wouldn’t see them, or would only see them over the phone.”
Overall, she said, “It was hard to watch.”
In Hattiesburg, Mississippi, another nurse told The Epoch Times that the hospital where she works had become equally divisive after a clinic in the system was used as a test site for the Moderna vaccine trials.
Several physicians had participated in the clinical trials, so there was an obligation on the clinic’s part to “declare its success.”
Clinic and hospital employees were some of the first to receive the Moderna vaccine after clinical trials, she said.
“There were a lot who jumped on board, and then there were a lot who didn’t,” she said.
And that’s when the work culture changed, she said.
Until then, she said, “The environment had always been such a wonderful place to work.”
“There were a lot of co-workers reporting that physicians would call them stupid or dumb for not getting vaccinated, telling them they will harm or injure others, or be responsible for spread,” she said. “Suddenly, the unvaccinated became this germ source.”
As time went on, it became even more evident that there was no science behind the claim, she said.
She pointed to a study by the Oxford University Clinical Research Group published in The Lancet that showed vaccinated individuals who got infected with the Delta variant of COVID-19 carried 251 times the viral load in their nostrils compared to those with natural immunity from previous infection with older variants (pdf).
In addition to being shamed, she said the unvaccinated are required to wear N95 masks, which she called a “policy of bullying.”
“What’s basically happening is: we are being told that if we don’t want to get vaccinated, we will make you uncomfortable until you submit,” she said.
With the hospital already facing a staffing shortage, the N95 memo caused even more to quit, she said, because the masks make it difficult to breathe and can adversely affect people, causing a strain on the body that could result in conditions such as heart dysrhythmia.
Though there are media reports of hospitals “filling up” because of COVID-19 patients, she said the story not being told is that this has more to do with a staffing shortage, not a lack of beds.
“Mississippi is already having trouble keeping staff due to lack of competitive pay, but with COVID there have been a large number of nurses that have left hospitals in our state,” she said.
To address staff shortages, Gov. Tate Reeves brought in federally funded staff for hospitals in the state, comprised of nurses who are being paid more than the local nurses.
That, combined with the mandates and discriminatory behavior of employers, she said, caused even more to leave.
Brian Shilhavy is Editor, Health Impact News
From healthimpactnews.com