Situation Update: Idaho House Legislators Will Return to Boise on Wednesday
By Representative Heather Scott
House Legislators are planning to return to Boise for Session on Wednesday, September 15th to address the Biden edicts.
It is horrible what is happening to citizens across the state! Taking any medical product (with the risks involved) should be your personal decision alone. No government, private business, or employer should be allowed to coerce or mandate their will on an individual.
In light of recent developments across the country and state, Idaho House members are planning to return to Boise for Session next week to address this issue. This will be an attempt to attain a 35-member quorum of committed legislators to pass a bill to protect individuals from medical tyranny.
Some legislators may be hesitant to attend because of their connections to big PHARMA, IACI, and hospitals through campaign donations. Legislators need to do the right thing and stand up for the individual citizens in this situation. If these same legislators do the right thing, I believe that citizens will overlook their connections to these pharmaceutical companies and global corporate funders.
Yes, the solution could be that easy!
The argument has been made that “conservative government should not interfere” with the contract between the employer and the employee. The Idaho legislature “interferes” and writes thousands of laws, code, and administrative rules that regulate businesses and protect citizens all the time. They even use the language “the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens.” A few examples include:
• All occupational licensing requirements for over 50 different occupations including contractors, electricians, barbers, morticians, dentists, architects and more!
• Anti-discrimination rules and laws in employment.
• American Disability Act workplace access laws.
• Workers compensation insurance, and employee safety and fair labor laws.
• Requirements that employers provide insurance for employees under law for death, disablement, or injury of employees. This is “interference.”
• Idaho’s minimum wage law is the state’s interference in the employer/employee relationship with mandates in favor of the employee.
If you listened to my last audio legislative update, you will understand what is really happening and know that this ” interference argument” is not true.
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P.O. Box 134 | Blanchard, Idaho 83804 | (208) 920-3120