Pharma-controlled media begins pushing “Mu variant” hysteria in preparation for new lockdowns, vaccine mandates
By Ethan Huff
The “Delta variant” is so last week. The latest “strain” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to infect the mainstream media is the “Mu variant,” which is supposedly “beginning to rise in America” just as the government is gearing up to reintroduce another round of lockdowns.
Since tens of millions of Americans are refusing to take Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections, the medical police state is running through the Greek alphabet trying to scare people with letter after letter.
As the story goes, the Mu variant was first discovered in Colombia back in January. Since that time, it has mysteriously spread to at least 40 other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.
In the U.S. alone, there are now said to be at least 2,300 “cases” of the Mu variant that have been detected using fraudulent PCR tests.
The only state in the country that is supposedly Mu variant-free right now is Nebraska, we are told. Conveniently, the Mu variant magically appeared in the U.S. just as the Delta variant is said to be “nearing its end.”
As usual, the “scientists” are supposedly freaking out about the Mu variant, which mainstream media reports claim “could be the most dangerous to spring up yet.” Does anyone still believe this nonsense?
California, Florida lead nation in new Mu cases
The Mu variant is so serious that there are now 384 cases of it, supposedly, in the entire state of Florida. California, and specifically Los Angeles, is another Mu “hotspot,” we are told, also with 384 cases.
When they are not too busy filming TikTok dance videos, hospital staff say they are “overwhelmed” by all the new Mu cases flooding their work facilities. They would rather be on social media than have to deal with all those pesky patients, apparently.
The World Health Organization (WHO) officially named the Mu variant back in late August, readying the world for the next “wave” of medical fascism to come with it.
This time around, the U.S. could see even more draconian restrictions than it did for the Delta variant, which is obviously the goal. With each new Greek letter of the virus that is introduced, the medical police state hopes to ratchet up the tyranny as much as possible.
Los Angeles County, which has a total population of around 10 million, is said to have 167 cases of the Mu variant. This represents a 0.0000167 percent infection rate, which health authorities consider to be very scary.
“The identification of variants like Mu, and the spreading of variants across the globe, highlights the need for L.A. County residents to continue to take measures to protect themselves and others,” announced L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.
“This is what makes getting vaccinated and layering protections so important. These are actions that break the chain of transmission and limits COVID-19 proliferation that allows for the virus to mutate into something that could be more dangerous.”
Prior to California taking the lead, Alaska supposedly had the highest number of Mu cases at 146, followed by 73 in Connecticut, 42 in Maine, and 39 in Hawaii.
Fake television “doctor” Tony Fauci is extra fearful about Mu, having told whoever still watches him talk the other day that it is critical to “pay attention at all times” to every new variant that is introduced.
It is all so tiresome that the only logical response is to laugh. The plandemic has been over for at least a year, if it ever even began, and yet the talking heads are still bombarding the world with made-up bull excrement at every turn. This truly is a clown world.
More of the latest fake news about Chinese Virus “variants” can be found at Propaganda.news.
Sources for this article include:
From naturalnews.com