Mika Brzezinski Spews Lies
By Larry Horist
In a couple of past commentaries, I was critical of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough for being a bit of a boorish chauvinist – especially in his treatment of his wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski. He hardly allows her to get a word in edgewise. He rudely interrupts her. She often looks peeved as he rolls on and on in rapt admiration and affection for his own voice.
I even wondered if it was not creating some off-screen tensions between the couple. How could it not? After all, she is a state-of-the-art radical leftwing feminist. Maybe she is okay being marginalized on a program she is ostensibly an equal co-host. I do not know.
This week, Scarborough is off for some reason, and Brzezinski is in control of the microphone. Weeeell … as bad as his obviating bluster may be, he is doing something of a public service in minimizing Brzezinski’s airtime.
While there were hints of it in the past, having the forum to herself for several days has confirmed what one could only assume previously. She is a sanctimonious scold. The only thing that is missing from her soliloquies is that authoritarian finger-wagging.
Brzezinski stresses her points with a sense of agony – seemingly distraught that not everyone is conducting themselves as she sees fit. Not everyone is agreeing with her opinions.
That is when she gets really ugly. She is a name-caller of the first rank. And she is seemingly obsessed with a belief that every human frailty and evil is caused by President Trump – then and now. She claims that he has subjugated every Republican and conservative into his “cult.” She actually describes millions of Americans as “evil” – and compares her mythical cult to the Jonestown mass suicide/murder.
Brzezinski takes hyperbole to new heights as she describes anything to do with Trump and Republicans in general in the most extreme manner. But there is good news if you keep your brain engaged while listening to her. She is terrible at presenting a cogent and convincing argument – unless you are simply a receiver and regurgitator of her words – a member of her political cult, perhaps — you will see right through all the bs.
It is not only her peevish delivery and her arrogant assumption of perfection and righteousness, but in the way she builds her arguments – or more precisely fails to build them.
For example …
In a recent harangue, Brzezinski was proffering the argument that the folks not getting vaccinated were members of the cult-of-Trump. She claims his cultist followers (her language) are responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people because they are being dissuaded from getting vaccinated.
First, we must understand that a deeper examination of those unvaccinated shows that a LOT of Democrats are not taking the shot in the arm. The percent of vaccine rejection is high among blacks, the 20-to-40 crowd, and even hospital workers. All predominately Democrat demographic groups.
While I am not a believer in polls for a lot of reasons, it is noteworthy that pollsters claim when they ask why a person refuses the vaccine, they almost never cite Trump or Republican leaders as the reason.
That makes sense because Trump pushed through the vaccines in record time, got vaccinated himself and encouraged folks to get vaccinated. I have yet to find anytime Trump told anyone not to get vaccinated – and I am sure Brzezinski would have used it if such a clip actually existed. So much for following the leader.
Brzezinski pulled the rug out from under her own argument by noting that Republican Congressman Steve Scalise got the vaccine in a public show of support – even though he was already immune by having had Covid-19. She noted Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has strongly encouraged folks to get the shot. Conservative personality Sean Hannity has supported getting vaccinated – and made a major plea in a recent show.
In fact, I have not heard a single Republican leader tell folks not to get the shot. The closest may be Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who believes everyone should make up their own mind – although she has been vaccinated and urged people to do the same.
Brzezinski proffers a viscous narrative against Trump and Republicans and then produces the exonerating evidence clearly establishing that she is … lying.
In style and substance, Brzezinski is unpleasant and inaccurate. She apparently believes that the American people are incapable of critical thinking. That what she says must be believed. We know that because she once blurted out a truth.
In response to a guest offering his interpretation of an event, she not only disagreed with his opinion, but insisted that it was not his place to tell people what to think. “That is our (journalists) job,” she shot back. Typical progressive doctrine. Do not think for yourself. Just believe what they say – even if grossly untrue.
I still find Scarborough’s chauvinist attitude offensive – but for a different reason. I wish he would allow Brzezinski more time to make a fool of herself.
So, there ‘tis.