Fr. James Altman Calls to Account False Shepherds in the Church
Since his viral YouTube message last fall, Fr. James Altman, of La Crosse, Wisconsin, has called Catholics who voted for Democrats to account. Fr. Altman has been a heroic and uncompromising voice for truth. He joins Christian pastors worldwide who are persecuted for standing against government tyranny and unchecked evil during these extraordinary times. Though labeled “divisive,” and his ministry “concerning,” Father Altman remains a fearless warrior for Christ and for freedom. Despite being censured by his local bishop, he continues to preach every Sunday at St. James the Less Church. Please visit Fr. Altman’s Facebook page, Caritas in Veritate.
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Annalisa Pesek
Annalisa Pesek is a writer, editor, and librarian. She joins The New American after spending nearly a decade in New York publishing.
Published with Permission of thenewamerican.com