Color Revolutions are NOT About Color
(Reprint) Originally published on 9-10-2020
A color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change. The color revolution is what is happening in America, and its front line soldiers are Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).
“America’s Own Color Revolution,” a June 29, 2020, Geopolitics article explains how “Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a U.S. President, but in the process, the very structures of the U.S. Constitutional order.”
The organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about black lives. BLM is a Marxist organization disguised as a civil rights organization. Instead of improving race relations, BLM exploits racial tensions to collapse America from within and replace our constitutional republic with socialism/communism. BLM is the ultimate humanitarian hoax being perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans who still believe that BLM cares about black lives. They don’t.
Marxism, socialism, and communism are often used interchangeably, but Sandra Campbell clarifies the differences and shows how each builds on the other. “Marxism is the theoretical framework that lays the foundation for the economic and political philosophies of socialism and communism.” Communism is the end game. . . .
Karl Marx argued that capitalism, with its strict adherence to free-market principles, divided people because of competition. He believed communism was the solution.”
The failure of Karl Marx’s experiment is that in the real world, socialism and communism create the same centralized government with the same tyrannical, binary feudal structure of rulers and ruled. Globalism is centralized government on an internationalized planetary scale.
Now, back to race in America. Of course black lives matter – all lives matter in the United States of America! The foundation of life in the USA is that we all matter – all of us – white, black, blue, red, yellow, young, old, thin, fat, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, etc etc etc.
Our founding fathers rejected the tyranny of the aristocratic attitude that puts monarchs, emperors, oligarchs, caliphs, political elites, Hollywood glitterati, professional athletes, etc above the people. Ideologically, our founding fathers rejected the oppressive construct of rulers and ruled. Instead, they created a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our forefathers rejected the tyranny of elitism and embraced the individual freedom and upward mobility of the people. They dreamed the American dream – the opposite of the ruler and ruled nightmare of Marxist socialism, communism, Islamism, and globalism.
Our founding fathers fought for our freedom from the British monarchy and prevailing social pyramid of the few privileged elites at the top ruling their enslaved subjects below. The American War of Independence replaced the binary socio-political structure of feudalism with a threefold system that embraces an upwardly mobile middle class. Our forefathers dreamed a more perfect union of inclusion.
The United States of America is the greatest experiment in individual freedom the world has ever known. “Only in America” is the phrase that captures the possibilities of freedom. For 232 years, United States Presidents tried various methods to achieve the American dream of equal opportunity and upward mobility. Then came Barack Hussein Obama, the anti-American president who tried to fundamentally transform America and kill the American dream.
Barack Obama was the most divisive president in U.S. history. His promise to fundamentally transform the United States was the insidious effort to destroy the American dream, and replace our decentralized constitutional republic with the centralized government of socialism.
What’s wrong with socialism?
The problem with socialism, communism, Islamism, and globalism, is that NO LIVES MATTER except the lives of the ruling elite! Citizens’ individual rights and freedoms are forfeited to the state. The individual is not valued in collectivism, only the state and what the state deceitfully labels “the greater good” matters.
Obama’s eight anti-American presidential years were devoted to weakening the country. Obama’s four anti-American post-presidential years were dedicated to overthrowing duly elected America-first President Donald Trump. Obama marketed his Marxist movement as “resistance.” Obama’s resistance movement is ideologically aligned with Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
BLM and Antifa are Marxist communist organizations leading the color revolution in America, attempting to destabilize the country and effect regime change. Out with America-first President Donald Trump, and in with communist China’s puppet, Beijing Joe Biden.
Let’s connect the dots and examine the picture that emerges. Follow the money – always follow the money.
John Haywood’s June 11, 2020, Breitbart article, “The Complex Funding and Ideology of Black Lives Matter,” is very informative. Despite BLM’s attempt to present itself as a grassroots, humanitarian, civil rights organization, it is heavily funded by radical leftist corporate sponsors pushing Obama’s anti-American Marxist agenda:
BLM’s major financial supporters include:
- Airbnb – $500,000 to BLM and the NAACP
- Anastasia Beverly Hills fashions – $1 million pledged, $100,000 donated so far to groups including BLM
- Bad Robot Productions – film studio involved in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mission Impossible, $10 million pledged to “anti-racist” groups. BLM among the first recipients
- BTS, a Korean pop group – $1 million, matching donations from fans
- Cisco, electronics giant – $5 million to groups including BLM and its own Fighting Racism and Discrimination fund
- DECIEM cosmetics – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
- Democracy Alliance – another Soros-linked group, added BLM to its annual $500 million donor list
- Door Dash – food delivery company, $500,000
- Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy – Left-wing groups that established a $100 million donor fund
- George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – $33 million
- Glossier cosmetics – $500,000
- Pokemon Company – owners of the popular card game and its characters, $100,000
- Scopely – mobile phone game developer, $1 million to BLM, NAACP, and Equal Justice Initiative
- Spanx – undergarment manufacturer, $100,000 to groups including BLM
- Square Enix computer games – $250,000 to BLM, also matching employee donations
- Ubisoft computer games – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
- The Weekend – Canadian R&B singer, $250,000
This brings us to public enemy #1, the king of radical leftist Democrats, humanitarian huckster extraordinaire, George Soros—the principal funder of Antifa and BLM through his Open Society Foundation. Antifa and BLM should both be designated as domestic terrorist organizations. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kirk says, “The FBI should investigate to see who’s doing this. Who’s behind these groups? Because when you look up the definition of terrorism – threats, intimidation, and extreme violence or violence for political reasons – that’s what these people are doing. . . .These aren’t protesters. These people are paid radical left-wing anarchists that come to instigate and engage in extreme violence, arson, and looting.”
Lew Rockwell’s June 21, 2020 video, “The Soros 2020 Color Revolution Explained,” is very instructive:
“They [Antifa and BLM] are created to disrupt and to continue the sowing of division. And in connected news earlier this year, Mr. Soros has launched his open societies University Network with a $1 billion gift and he will thus continue to help mold the thoughts of young people in the increasingly stifled halls of academia worldwide long after his death. While there is much back and forth, as to whether Mr. Soros has paid out of pocket for the mysterious flats of bricks conveniently left for looters and rioters to use in the recent round of violence, arson, looting, and murder, it doesn’t really matter.
“He has for decades helped build the infrastructure, the organization, and the command-and-control that can immediately be fielded, once a single case of police brutality is caught on video and within a few days, have cities put to the torch with elected government officials bending the knee to violent mobs while the corporate mainstream media cheers it all on from the sidelines.”
Why are these corporate sponsors and radical leftist organizations so eager to support Antifa and BLM? Color revolutions and the war on America are expensive, and the corporations that rely on cheap Chinese communist labor to manufacture their goods need Trump OUT.
America-first President Donald. J. Trump is the existential enemy of globalism, socialism, Islamism, and communism. He is committed to Americanism, American sovereignty, the U.S. Constitution, and the American dream. The enemies of America must remove America-first President Donald Trump in order to fundamentally transform America into socialism and then communism.
BLM and Antifa soldiers need money and materials to launch the next phase of their Marxist revolution after President Trump is reelected – armed insurrection. Marxist leader Angela Davis warned in a Vanity Fair interview that, “the violent BLM and Antifa protests across the country are the early stages of a far larger far-left ‘revolution.’” Then what happens?
Then the unholy alliance of America’s enemies including Marxists, leftists, socialists, globalists, Islamists, and communists will battle each other for dominance, unless they are denied ascendancy in November 2020. VOTER BEWARE!
All lives matter in Trump’s constitutional America. Only elite lives matter in the 2020 radical leftist Democrat party.
Linda Goudsmit
Linda Goudsmit is a devoted wife to husband Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls clothing store in Michigan for 40 years until retiring to the beaches of sunny Florida in 2013. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus?, the children’s picture book series, Mimi’s Strategy, and The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’. It is with pride and humility that she is sharing her thoughts, observations, and philosophy of behavior in the many articles she has written that are featured on this website.