ICAN banned and new emails make Fauci look like a fraud
By M. Dowling
We have new emails from ICAN and they are posted on their website for you to view. Twitter banned ICAN’s account just for tweeting that they had new emails.
ICAN first tried to obtain the emails a year ago via FOIA and eventually had to sue.
In response to that lawsuit, NIH agreed to produce Dr. Fauci’s emails on a rolling basis. To date, ICAN has received 2,957 pages of Dr. Fauci’s emails, sent from early February 2020 through May 2020. There is some overlap between these emails and those recently made public by BuzzFeed.
Del Bigtree, the founder of ICAN, believes in holding our healthcare officials to account. He stated that “one can only assume that Twitter is concerned that Fauci’s own emails undermine the narrative it has been pushing regarding coronavirus and the coronavirus vaccine.”
ICAN posted the new emails, the second set of emails, to their website and also summarized some of the key emails.
But Just Briefly
A new batch of emails from ICAN exposes a very duplicitous Anthony Fauci. You can read them on this link. The summary from ICAN is here.
Fauci reframed the conversation in February 2020, pushing the media and fellow scientists to only look at a natural origin of the virus, not a man-made origin. This was in response to WHO asking for names for the mission to China to study the origins.
Also in February, Fauci sent an email saying it was unlikely the virus originated in a wet market.
When the virus mortality rate went down to what he said was a normal seasonal rate, he did an about-face and claimed it was far more dangerous.
At the end of February, he discovers there was far more spread of the virus in China than reported. He also asks a NIAID deputy director to handle scientists who are saying the virus was man-made.
By this time, he knows transmission is by respiratory droplets, and children have a very low transmission rate. He knows the mask is more appropriate for someone who is infected.
At that time, he tells Morgan Fairchild to tell her followers to get ready for “social distancing, teleworking, temporary closure of schools, etc.” He’s also giving private updates to FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
In March, it’s clear the White House is not muzzling him and he knows masks aren’t doing a thing. He also knows the virus’s target population is the elderly, but he is going to lock everyone down.
In April, he’s tight with Bill Gates and Lilly, the pharmaceutical company. And he finds time in his busy schedule to discuss a film about “the importance” of his life. He also wouldn’t assign blame for the virus to China. He sends copies of studies indicating the virus originated naturally to WaPo – unasked.
Then comes April 22nd, and the ties with Gates, NIH, WHO, the European Commission, and NIAID look suspect.
On April 27th, Fauci appears to dismiss life-saving treatments. By May 1, he’s pushing vents in public and something quite different in private.
A copy of Fauci’s emails obtained by ICAN can be downloaded here. Highlights from these emails are outlined below by ICAN’s founder.
- February 5-6, 2020 (000239) – Fauci asked to recommend names for WHO group with the broad mission to “look at the origins and evolution of 2019n-CoV.” Fauci responds by seeking to reframe the mission in a manner that would only look for natural and not lab made origin. He does this by restating the mission one to “examine the evolutionary origin of the 2019-nCoV” and later that day as the “coronavirus evolution working group.”
- February 7, 2020 (000189) – Fauci sent an internal NIAID communication reflecting that it was unlikely that the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in a wet market.
- February 16, 2020 (000447) – Fauci tells CBS reporter that if the mortality turns out to be 0.2% to 0.4%, then SARS-CoV-2 should be treated like a severe seasonal flu. But when the case fatality rate was later revised to between 0.2% and 0.4% by the CDC, Fauci continued to act as if the virus was something far more dangerous.
- February 17, 2020 (000422) – Fauci receives communication from a Chinese citizen that is part of an international student program in the United States stating that, based on his contacts back in Wuhan, including correspondence from a nurse working in a Wuhan hospital, there is far more spread of the virus and far more deaths than China is admitting.
- February 21, 2020 (000300) – Fauci asks a Deputy Director at NIAID to “Please handle” an email received by a group of doctors and scientists, including a virologist, that opined that “we think there is a possibility that the virus was released from a lab in Wuhan (sic).”
- February 23, 2020 (000257) – Fauci states “Transmission is definitely by respiratory droplet” and that “Children have very low rate of infection.”
- February 22, 2020 (000274-277) – Fauci confirms that “The vast majority of people outside of China do not need to wear a mask. A mask is more appropriate for someone who is infected than for people trying to protect against infection.”
- February 27, 2020 (000649) – Fauci tells Morgan Fairchild to tell her followers to be ready for “social distancing, teleworking, temporary closure of schools, etc.”
- February 28, 2020 (001054) – Fauci, while uncertain what animal may have served as the intermediary jump from bats to humans for SARS-CoV-2, keeps repeating the narrative that it was a jump from bats through some natural non-lab means that was the origin of the virus.
- February 28, 2020 (001059) – Fauci giving personal update to Mark Zuckerberg regarding developing a COVID-19 vaccine including telling Zuckerberg that “We may need help with resources” and that if there is a delay in the development timeline he just told Zuckerberg about, “I will contact you.”
- March 1, 2020 (000922) – CBS’s Chief Medical Correspondent, seeking to please Fauci, emails Fauci a link to his segment which he appears to repeat what Fauci has told him, including that face masks “may give some partial protection by catching droplets containing virus but the virus is so tiny the virus can go right through it or around it” and describing the origin of the virus as “jumping from animals to people.” Fauci responds with “Outstanding!!” apparently pleased that CBS pushed Fauci’s narrative that the virus was a natural jump from bats to humans.
- March 1, 2020 (000937) – Despite media reports, Fauci makes it crystal clear he was not being muzzled by the White House.
- March 16, 2020 (001554) – Fauci is asked “Given the relative safety of all but the elderly and those whose immune systems are compromised, and that they are far fewer than the rest of the population, why not quarantine only them?” and responds by stating “Stay tuned.”
- March 17, 2020 (001537) – The next day, it does not appear Fauci intends to change his tune of pushing everyone, even healthy people with low risk of the virus, to give up all civil liberties and remain prisoners in their home, as reflecting in an email exchange between Fauci and Mark Zuckerberg, in which they share mobile numbers and plan to coordinate efforts to get people to comply with Fauci’s messaging, including social distancing for everyone, but the details of their plan are not included in the email exchange.
- March 31, 2020 (001816) – Fauci receives a summary from his agency of the studies regarding how effective masks are to preventing the virus and the conclusion is as follows: “Bottom line: generally there were not differences in ILI/URI/or flu rates when masks were used.”
- April 2, 2020 (001778) – Fauci and Bill Gates have phone call where they agreed to a “collaborative” and “synergistic approach to COVID-19 on the part of NIAID/NIH, BARDS and the BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).” It is concerning that one private person, Bill Gates, and his organization, BMGF, can exert that much behind-the-scenes influence on decisions that will impact the civil rights of all Americans during the pandemic.
- April 8, 2020 (002351-2352) – Fauci rejects most requests for calls, but accepts without any questions a request to arrange a call with the CEO of a Lilly, a major pharmaceutical company.
- April 11, 2020 (002263-2264) – While Fauci claimed to have little time for anything else, Fauci confirmed the continued filming of “a film that will celebrate the importance of your [Fauci’s] life, science and public health” including filming during his “drive to NIH … once or twice a week,” “capture your working/appropriate conversations,” and “work on the Task Force.”
- April 12, 2020 (002229) – Fauci writes “Many tests that have been used thus far are not accurate and ARE MISLEADING.”
- April 13, 2020 (002197) – Fauci says, when confronted with China’s potential complicity, states that “This pandemic has been extremely challenging for many countries around the globe including China and the USA. I … prefer to look forward and not to assign blame or fault.”
- April 16, 2020 (002142) – Fauci advises that even in the health care setting the mask policy should remain “voluntary.”
- April 20, 2020 (002548-2549) – A Washington Post reporter contacts Katie Miller at NIAID for copies of article that Fauci stated are proof that the virus originated by natural means rather than being developed in a lab. Instead of letting Katie Miller or someone on his staff respond, Fauci, who stated he gets 1,000 or 2,000 emails per day and only has time to respond to a tiny number of these emails, personally responds to the Washington Post reporter (who did not even write to Fauci) with the copies of the studies.
- April 22, 2020 (002471-2472) – The National Academy of Science representative confirming to Dr. Francis Collins, head of NIH, that “WHO, Gates Foundation and European Commission have been leading and planning” the “global coordinating effort to accelerate vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics” and that “there will be an announcement on the global structure with will [sic] involve Gates, WHO etc.” and Fauci explains in an email that “we have Gates reps on our ACTIV (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines) working groups.” Why is an unelected individual with his own private interests getting this incredible level of influence over decisions that will affect the freedoms and liberties of everyday Americans?
- April 27, 2020 (002910) – Fauci appears to dismiss potential live saving treatment. Fauci receives a report from the Chief, Section of Viral Pathogenesis at NIAID, Dr. Paolo Lussa, that “they treated a first group of five patients with potent anti-aggregant therapy (Tirofiban/Aggrastat) and apparently in all of them the p02 started to rise within less than 2 hours, they got off the ventilator and went on to full recovery.” In response to this incredible news, Fauci merely writes “Thanks, Paolo.” Apart from pushing Remdesivir, made by Gilead, a company with which Fauci has deep and long-standing connections, Fauci’s response to Dr. Lussa accords with his otherwise singular focus on developing and pushing a vaccine.
- May 1, 2020 (002838) – While pushing one narrative regarding ventilators publicly, Fauci writes in a private email that “You are correct in that there is a more recent tendency to use ventilators only as a very last resort since oxygenation rather than ventilation appears to be key to recovery.”