The Surprising Reason for Bill Gates’ Divorce
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
- After 27 years of marriage, Melinda and Bill Gates are getting divorced
- Melinda reportedly contacted divorce attorneys in 2019, shortly after reports of Bill’s repeated meetings with notorious child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein emerged
- Epstein’s “madam,” Ghislaine Maxwell, was arrested in 2020. Her case will be heard in fall 2021. There’s a possibility the Gates’ divorce may be a preemptive effort to protect the Gates Foundation’s reputation and influence should embarrassing truths emerge
- Gates is facing mounting criticism for his defense of Big Pharma’s monopoly control over COVID-19 vaccine patent rights
- Gates claims there aren’t enough vaccine factories available to assure safety in the manufacturing process. But there are at least three factories on three continents that have the capacity to produce hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines if granted access to the technical blueprints
- Gates is also increasingly being blamed for the introduction of health apartheid around the world as vaccine passports are being rolled out
After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates are calling it quits. The May 3, 2021, divorce filing cites the marriage as “irretrievably broken,”1 which is standard legal jargon in a no-fault divorce.
The philanthropic mission of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, worth an estimated $50 billion despite having doled out $45 billion since its inception, will continue as before. Combined, the couple has a total net worth of about $146 billion in personal assets, including large swaths of prime farmland.2,3
Gates’ Halo Is Starting to Tarnish
A number of rumors began swirling after the couple’s divorce announcement, many of which are bound to be off-target. What we can be fairly certain about, however, is that any information coming out about Bill and Melinda in the future is bound to be carefully crafted PR, and if my suspicion is correct, we’ll start seeing Melinda being portrayed as the saint in the relationship, as Bill’s halo gets walloped off his head.
I suspect the split may have less to do with irreconcilable differences and far more to do with protecting the Gates Foundation and other assets as the truth about Bill’s true character starts seeping out.
Facing mounting criticism and potentially embarrassing exposure on multiple fronts, it may be just a matter of time before his reputation turns to dirt, just like it did a little over a decade ago when his heartless, unethical business dealings4 and abuse of monopoly power5 became known.
Gates’ situation was similar to that of John D. Rockefeller, the widely-disliked oil baron who transformed his reputation from ruthless industrialist to generous philanthropist by creating the Rockefeller Foundation. Gates followed the same playbook when reestablishing his image. He created the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and started buying favorable press, as detailed in “Gates’ Keepers of Journalism.”
If I were to venture a guess, Gates’ divorce might well be a preemptive maneuver to salvage the family legacy in case Bill gets ensnared in too many major scandals. I could be wrong, of course, but I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future, as Bill’s star fades, Melinda’s will rise and she’ll become the new face of the Gates Foundation’s philanthropic wheeling and dealing.
Sadly, I don’t foresee the goals of the Gates Foundation improving. It’ll probably remain a self-serving enterprise, dishing out “solutions” to problems that make the Foundation lots of money while making the situation they’re trying to fix all the worse.
Gates — The Father of Health Apartheid
So, what are some of the scandals that might knock Bill off his self-made pedestal as the global savior? For starters, Gates is increasingly being blamed for the introduction of health apartheid around the world. He’s been a primary spokesperson for vaccine passports, repeatedly stating that the whole world must get vaccinated or else we’ll never get back to any semblance of normal life.
In an April 2020 blog post, he stated, “We need to manufacture and distribute at least 7 billion doses of the vaccine … possibly 14 billion, if it’s a multidose vaccine.” He also said, “I suspect the COVID-19 vaccine will become part of the routine newborn immunization schedule.”6
What he doesn’t openly share is that he stands to make enormous amounts of money on this global vaccination program, as he’s heavily invested in COVID-19 vaccines. This is the same scheme the Gates Foundation has become infamous for.
Gates invests in businesses and industries and then tells us the best or only way to solve a problem is by using the services and products of those same industries and businesses. It’s nothing but a self-serving racket.
As noted by Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., for well over a decade Gates has engaged in business schemes that undermine vitality and life in all its form, in an effort to seize control over and profit from it. By funding research and financing public institutions, he’s been able to force those institutions down a path where they’re forced to use his patented intellectual property.
The more Gates tries to “save” the world — be it through GMO crops and chemical-driven monoculture, synthetic beef and fake food, or vaccines for every ailment — the closer he drives us toward our extinction.
While mainstream media insist Gates is a target “simply because he is rich and famous,”7 that’s hardly the case. There are many rich and famous people that aren’t the target of global outrage, and there’s a reason for that. They didn’t get rich by pushing false and dangerous “solutions” into the world while pretending to be a savior and hiding their support of eugenics.
Patent Controversy Heats Up
As reported by The Nation,8 there have been growing calls to suspend COVID-19 vaccine patents and open them up so that vaccine production can be expanded. Lifting the patent protection would open the doors for generic versions to be manufactured, which would increase supplies and lower costs — and ultimately get more vaccines to middle- and low-income nations. Not surprisingly, Gates has been an outspoken defender of Big Pharma’s monopoly control.
“The reporting has highlighted the former Microsoft CEO’s hard-wired ideological commitment to patents, intellectual property, and the private sector, but may have understated the full scope of the Gates Foundation’s interests in this debate,” The Nation writes.9
“Like the sprawling array of intellectual property, the charity has acquired access to through its grants and investments. Or the fact that the foundation co-owns a vaccine company.
Last October, The Nation reported on a $40 million investment the Gates Foundation made in 2015 in a start-up company called CureVac, which is currently wrapping up clinical trials for its COVID vaccine …
The foundation is no longer a leading shareholder, but its 2015 investment may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars today, as last November CureVac agreed to supply up to 405 million doses to the European Commission — a deal that seems to raise new questions about Gates’s role in perpetuating vaccine apartheid.
While the Gates Foundation currently stands to financially benefit from CureVac’s prioritizing sales to the wealthiest nations and preserving its intellectual property and patents, doesn’t the foundation’s charitable mission — and related tax benefits — require it to direct immunizations into the arms of the global poor? CureVac and the Gates Foundation both failed to respond to questions about if or how they plan to do so.”
Global Health Is Another Gates Monopoly Grab
The Gates Foundation also has the ability to influence vaccine markets — and hence its own profits — through a number of other networks, including the World Health Organization, which it is one of the largest funders of. According to The Nation, Gates:10
- Directs the WHO’s vaccine delivery efforts
- Advises the G7 delegation on pandemic preparedness
- Meets with U.S. trade representatives to discuss intellectual property rights related to COVID-19 vaccines
- Holds regular calls with drug company CEOs and Dr. Anthony Fauci
- Has brokered vaccines deals between the University of Oxford, AstraZeneca and the Serum Institute of India. He actually talked Oxford out of its original promise to create a patent-free vaccine and partnered them up with for-profit AstraZeneca instead11
Gates also sits on the boards of the GlobalFund and Unitaid, has a close relationship with the World Bank, and personally supported and participated in Event 201, which simulated a worldwide pandemic triggered by a novel coronavirus. As noted by The Nation:12
“It is increasingly urgent to ask if Gates’s multiple roles in the pandemic — as a charity, a business, an investor, and a lobbyist — are about philanthropy and giving away money, or about taking control and exercising power — monopoly power.”
The Nation quotes Rohit Malpani, a global health consultant and board member of the global health initiative Unitaid, who said:
“What we’re seeing is the accumulation of 20 years of very careful expansion into every aspect in global health — all of the institutions, all of the different companies that often have these early-stage technologies, as well as all of the advocacy groups that speak to these issue, and all of the research institutions.
It also therefore reflects the failure of the Gates Foundation. The fact that they exert so much influence and even control over so many aspects of the [pandemic] response… and the fact that we are seeing so much inequity speaks to the influence that they have, and [suggests] the strategies that they’ve set out have not worked. And they have to own that failure.”
Gates — A Not-So-Equitable Technocrat
James Love, director of the advocacy group Knowledge Ecology International, told The Nation:13
“Everything Gates has done in the vaccine area since 1999 has been to push the line to strong intellectual property rights, reliance on really big companies, secret agreements, and restrictive licensing. That’s his secret to success. And that’s the exact opposite of what we want to see happen.”
Indeed, as noted in a recent Jacobin Magazine article14 by staff writer Luke Savage, if the COVID pandemic doesn’t call for international cooperation, nothing does. Yet, Gates is choosing “patent rights over human lives.”
Don’t get me wrong. I believe these mislabeled vaccines are a disaster in the making and don’t recommend them. The point here is that Gates is showing his true colors. When push comes to shove, and the world is asking for true generosity — there are to date more than 100 countries that haven’t administered a single dose of COVID vaccine15 — Gates offers up a firm no.
Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has generated $3.5 billion in revenue in the first three months of 2021, and the company expects “durable demand” for the vaccine to continue in coming years, similar to flu vaccines. Estimates suggest revenue will reach $26 billion for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine by the end of 2021.
Gates is in it for the money. It is patently obvious he doesn’t believe that vaccines are going to actually save the world. If he did, and were he a true philanthropist at heart, he’d advocate for the removal of patent rights and help blanket the world in vaccines. Instead he fights for patent rights and focuses on amassing intellectual property for all his global solutions.
Gates Is Lying About Need for Vaccine Patent Protection
TV political commentator Krystal Ball doesn’t mince any words when she says Gates is lying when he says that lifting patent protections on COVID vaccines won’t help developing countries. As the self-appointed global vaccine czar, Gates says there aren’t enough vaccine factories available to assure safety in the manufacturing process. But that’s not true, Ball points out.
An Associated Press investigation found three factories on three continents that have the capacity to produce hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines “if only they had the blueprints and technical know-how.”16
It’s all about greed, Ball says — and keeping Pharma profits as high as possible. The bottom line is that, despite his insistence that he wants to get vaccines as quickly as possible to developing countries, Gates is purposely holding up the manufacturing and distribution processes.
Big Pharma’s goal is to keep their profits high. They lobby heavily in the U.S. and EU to protect patent monopolies so generic versions of their products cannot be manufactured. According to Corporate Europe Observatory:17
“Many pharma companies have pledged to put global health before profits during the pandemic, but documents released to Corporate Europe Observatory — after long delays — reveal that the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) lobbied against a tool designed to facilitate equitable access and pricing for pandemic treatments in Europe.”
Big Pharma Reaps Profits of Taxpayer-Funded Research
Drug companies claim that patents are necessary to protect their intellectual property rights so they can continue to research and produce lifesaving treatments, but they’re largely reaping the profits of taxpayer-funded research.
In a working paper18 released by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, it’s revealed that funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health — $230 billion in total — contributed to research associated with every new drug approved in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019.
What’s more, 22,000 patents resulted from the taxpayer-funded research, which allowed for marketing exclusivity for 8.6% of the new drugs approved during the study period. “It also demonstrates the limited mechanisms available for recognizing the value created by these early investments and ensuring appropriate public returns,” the paper noted.
Even the mRNA technology that’s being used in COVID-19 vaccines is the result of federally funded basic research conducted by the NIH and the Department of Defense.19 “This is the people’s vaccine,” Peter Maybarduk, director of Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines program, told Scientific American.20 “Federal scientists helped invent it and taxpayers are funding its development … It should belong to humanity.”
Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has already generated $3.5 billion in revenue in the first three months of 2021,21 and the company said it expects “durable demand” for the vaccine to continue in coming years, similar to flu vaccines. Estimates suggest revenue will reach $26 billion for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine by the end of 2021.22
What Might Come Out of the Maxwell Trial?
There’s also the possibility of shadier aspects of Gates’ life coming into light. According to one MSN report,23 Melinda made inquiries with divorce lawyers in October 2019 — the same month The New York Times published an article about Gates’ repeated dealings with the notorious child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.24
The New York Post25 and the Daily Mail26 recently dedicated articles to Gates’ “womanizing” ways premarriage, citing information from Gates biographer James Wallace, who claims Gates had a penchant for strippers and naked pool parties.
The Washington Examiner goes a step further, stating the “Gates divorce [is] partially motivated by dealings with Jeffrey Epstein.”27 A spokesperson for Gates responded to questions about his meetings with the pedophile ring leader, saying:
“Gates recognizes that entertaining Epstein’s ideas related to philanthropy gave Epstein an undeserved platform that was at odds with Gates’s personal values and the values of his foundation.”
While Epstein died under suspicious circumstances in his prison cell in August 2019, his business partner, Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested in July 2020, charged with transporting a minor for the purpose of criminal sexual activity and conspiring to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts. Additional charges of sex trafficking and recruitment of underage girls were later added.
Maxwell’s trial is scheduled to begin this fall. Time will tell whether her trial will end up revealing further details about Gates’ involvement with Epstein. Either way, the timing of the Gates’ split is interesting, considering how Bill’s reputation as a global do-gooder is suddenly slipping.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.
The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.
In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.
From articles.mercola.com