Members of Congress are seeking to pass an extreme and unconstitutional gun control bill that would effectively nullify the Second Amendment.
By The John Birch Society
Members of Congress are seeking to pass an extreme and unconstitutional gun control bill that would effectively nullify the Second Amendment. The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a gun control hearing for tomorrow, March 23, at 10 am EDT.
H.R. 127, titled the “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act,” was introduced by Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and would enact a number of extreme gun control measures.
Among the bill’s other provisions, it would create a national firearm registration system that every gun owner would need to submit to. Although maintained by the U.S. Attorney General, it would be “accessible to all members of the public.” Not only this, but gun owners would need to inform the government where they store their firearms and identity any person they loan it to.
And if that wasn’t enough, gun owners would need to undergo a “psychological evaluation,” take a training course, and have “firearm insurance” that would cost $800 to obtain.
Additionally, the U.S. Attorney General would have relatively broad authority to deny, suspend, or revoke licenses. Not only this, but after only three years, one would have to renew their license – subject to taking another training course.
If passed, H.R. 127 would make it illegal to own magazines with more than 10 rounds, along with ammunition at or over 0.50 caliber. Last, but not least, the penalties for violating any of H.R. 127’s provisions range up to a 40-year prison sentence and/or a $150,000 fine.
Additionally, Congress is seeking to pass the following other unconstitutional gun control bills:
• H.R. 8, titled the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021”
• H.R. 1446, titled the “Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021”
• H.R. 1808/ S. 736 both titled the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021”
H.R. 127 represents an assault on the Second Amendment, and if passed, it would directly infringe upon it in multiple ways. Additionally, its provisions would enable the federal government to more easily implement further gun control measures, including confiscations.
The ability of a person to defend him or herself is a fundamental God-given right. Stripping individuals of this right would make them utterly dependent upon the government for their very lives and allows it to strip them of other rights without fear of reprisal.
That is why it is imperative that we protect the Second Amendment by urging your U.S. representatives and senators to oppose H.R. 127 and any other legislation that infringes upon the right to self-defense.
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