By The John Birch Society
We would like to update you on the outcome of three Article V convention application resolutions in the Washington State Legislature this session.
We have good news: the push to pass these resolutions has failed this year. There were three such resolutions this session: SJM 8002 was a Wolf-PAC application, calling for restrictions on the First Amendment; while SJM 8000 and HJR 4001 followed the wording of Mark Meckler’s Convention of States Project, or COS Project, application.
All three of these resolutions missed the March 9 deadline to be passed by their respective chambers. In fact, none of them even made it out of committee. Thus, they are dead for the 2021 legislative session.
Congratulations! Your efforts to defend our Constitution have successfully paid off. Nonetheless, our vigilance and fight for freedom continues. The John Birch Society encourages you to remain in contact and educate your state legislators about the dangers of an Article V Con-Con and other topics imperative to keeping our Republic and promoting individual liberty.
As Robert Welch wrote, education is our total strategy, and truth is our only weapon.
Thank you,
Your Friends in The John Birch Society