Confused? What is “Futurewise” and why should CAPR care??
A good place to start–CAPR is pro-private property rights, pro-Constitutional rights organization. “Futurewise is not”.
So when we sent out our morning newsletter, we certainly weren’t endorsing this 30 year-old environmental, socialist organization!! We wanted to show you what they are up to–which is ACTIVISM!! Then don’t just talk the talk, they walk it with numbers of loud and proud advocates–on the streets, in the media, at the legislature, which is also where CAPR and our allies need to be!
So what does Futurewise believe and why do we have a problem with them?
Futurewise Framework for the Future
(From their website)
Futurewise works throughout Washington state to encourage healthy, equitable and opportunity-rich communities, and to protect our most valuable farmlands, forests and water resources through wise land use policies and practices.
- Concentrate Growth in Existing Cities
- Create Great Cities with Access to Housing, Transit, Jobs and Basic Services
- Make it Easier for People To Get To Where They Need To Go
- Ensure Clean Healthy Water and Protect Critical Fish and Wildlife Habitat
- Protect Working Farms and Forests
- Encourage Economic Development
Sounds good? Let’s take the problems one by one:
- All growth within existing cities to the point of drawing the Growth Management line around the cities and stuffing as many people into struggling cities as they can force! “We must all be equal” is their Marxist cry.
- Send as much money and resources as possible to cities, starving rural areas and small cities. Force big spending on expensive transit systems that rural residents pay for. Drain jobs from farms and rural areas. Provide government run care from birth to death for city residents whether they want it or not!
- Get rid of all cars and trucks. Confine movement of people to cities on buses. Take away citizens’ rights to travel when and where they want. (Get a permit from the government–like Russia!)
- Ensure clean healthy water by regulating it by government; ignore the science (there is no water shortage in the Pacific Northwest.) Protect fish to the point that people get less water, fish get more whether they really need it or not.
- Protect working farms and forests by regulating them. Take away local control and private lands so government bureaucrats decide how to farm and manage forests. (Like Russia!!) Expand predator rights–more wolves, more grizzlies, less ranchers!!!
- Decide how “economic development” gets done and who does it! (Friends of Futurewise?? Or China?)
This is just the tip of the iceberg (or coming ice age) that is Futurewise.
Why are they so excited about HB 1220 and HB 1099? (These are headed for Senate votes)
HB 1220–Our own Rep. Timm Ormsby was a sponsor of this environmentalist/socialist dream fest!! “Do not Pass” recommended by Reps. Stokesberry, Chambers, Corry, McEwen, Boehnke, Caldier, Chandler, Dye, Harris, Hoff, Jacobsen, Rude, Schmick, Steele
Where to start? “Relating to improving the state’s climate response through updates to the states’ comprehensive planning framework.” Amends a slew of existing RCW’s. Goals Futurewise loves:
Encourage urban growth; reduce “sprawl” (pack and stack into cities); encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems and REDUCE greenhouse gas emissions and PER CAPITA VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (look out rural residents–county government will be monitored more closely!!); affordable housing (subsidized by taxpayers); enhance fish and wildlife habitat (more land for wolves and grizzlies); historic preservation ; climate change mitigated (this does not mean an end to rain storms that flood especially if dams are breached); more shoreline management; special consideration for environmental justice, and so on. (That’s only the first 9 pages of this monster!) Tell your legislators “Vote NO!!”
HB 1099–“Do Not Pass” recommended by Reps. Chandler, Dye, Hoff and Schmick. Update Housing goals of ([heinous, local control- killing)] Growth Management Act to include planning for and accommodating–giving “special consideration” (funding) to–diverse moderate, low, very low, extremely low, emergency housing, emergency shelters, and permanent supportive housing. We guess Futurewise will want taxpayers to provide most of this for free. Try fighting this state “centralized planning” onslaught on the local level??!!! This will be expensive, and enviros will run the show!! Vote No dear legislators!!
My view: Cindy Zapotocky, Spokane CAPR