Situation Update, Mar. 2nd – ASIANS are finally fed up with leftist race theory bullcrap
By Mike Adams
The Left’s “Critical Race Theory” bullcrap is a racist, bigoted philosophy that even punishes Asian people for being academically gifted. The smarter you are, the more you’re punished under Critical Race Theory, and if you’re really, really smart, you’re labeled a “racist” for out-performing People Of Color (POC) who, on average, struggle with academic aptitude.
In today’s podcast, I jokingly remark that maybe Bill Gates will roll out Microsoft Office, BLM Edition, where the Excel spreadsheet does all the math incorrectly to make you feel more “progressive” and “inclusive.” Because in the world of deranged, insane Leftists, getting the right answer to a math question means you’re racist.
“Ethnomathematics” means People Of Color get extra credit for the color of their skin, even if they can’t do “maff.” Because maff is racist.
Finally, it seems, Asians are fed up with all the bigotry and manipulative race fraud. They’re speaking out against the blatant discrimination that punishes those of Asian descent for being strong cognitive performers. And they’re calling for an end to the Critical Race Theory bigotry that Leftists have now seized upon to try to rig the academic game just like they rigged the 2020 election.
As PJ Media reports:
Backlash is rising against the Marxist critical race theory (CRT) behind The New York Times‘ “1619 Project” and other efforts to indoctrinate Americans with the idea that American society is fundamentally or “structurally” racist. This week, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY) issued a powerful statement condemning critical race theory and urging Chinese Americans to oppose it.
“Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud,” CACAGNY declared. “One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of too many Asians in good schools. Asians are over-represented. CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real hate crime against Asians” (emphasis original).
Critical race theory teaches that any racial disparities must ipso facto be proof of some hidden racial bias or discrimination, regardless of civil rights laws explicitly forbidding such discrimination. Since Americans of Asian ancestry are overrepresented in colleges, universities, and certain high-income professions, CRT effectively teaches that American society is structurally biased in favor of Asians.
Also in today’s Situation Update:
- Ben Carson declares transgender indoctrination of children to be “child abuse.”
- The US Supreme Court declares election fraud is now legal everywhere in America.
- The UK Daily Mail attributes the comical words of an Alex Jones puppet on the Howard Stern Show to Alex himself, pretending that the puppet is actually a real life human being.
- Massive food inflation has begun in America and will only get worse.
- Sloan Kettering scientists discover that mRNA suppresses anti-cancer proteins in the human body, meaning the wrong mRNA can actually promote cancer.
- The covid “relief” bill is nothing more than an elaborate money laundering operation for corrupt Democrats.
- Demi Lovato labeled “bat sh#t crazy” for claiming that biology is illusion, but “gender identity” is “reality.”
- Covid-19 vaccines causing stillbirths, which is why the vaccine industry keeps targeting blacks. (Depopulation.)
Those subjects and many more are covered in today’s Situation Update:
From naturalnews.com