Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY
By Mike Adams
Because of the increasing popularity of the Situation Update podcast, information came my way that lays out a path for justified optimism on what’s coming in the days ahead.
As I say in the podcast, “I now know what Lin Wood knows.” This statement does not in any way imply that Lin Wood is the source of this information, because he isn’t. It’s just that Lin Wood’s unfettered optimism now makes total sense to me.
As Scott Kesterson recently said in his Bards FM podcast, the DC military encampment is actually a holding facility for enemies of America, and it will soon host military tribunals.
Once that happens, the radical Left will engage in Chinese weapons-augmented kinetic attacks on the US Capitol. These are not attacks by Chinese troops, but rather by radicalized Leftists — long since radicalized by the left-wing media — wielding weapons which have been smuggled into the United States by the CCP. Those weapons include:
- Full-auto drop-in trigger upgrades for AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. (Some of these shipments have already been interdicted by Customs and Border Protection, as we have previously covered. See one press release from the CBP here.)
- RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades, used by enemy forces to attack fortified positions or armored vehicles.)
- 60mm mortars, allowing attacking enemy forces to theoretically strike the Capitol Building or White House through indirect fire from range. These are known in the modern military as M224 mortars, which reportedly have a range of several thousand meters.
- Rifle suppressors, which allow more covert operations by enemy forces.
- Club-K concealed rockets and missile systems, hidden on standard shipping containers and boasting ranges of a few miles to 100+ miles, depending on the weapon.
In today’s Situation Update, I warn that if these missile systems are deployed, their most likely targets will be US power grid infrastructure and military installations. China may even attempt to detonate an EMP weapon over North America to take down the national power grid. Just in case this happens, be prepared to survive in a grid-down scenario (and pray it doesn’t happen).
As early as 2016, China was showing off its “Club-K” shipping container missile and rocket systems, which conceal remotely fired weapons in standard 40 ft. shipping containers:
These systems, which receive targeting and activation commands via satellite, may also be deployed from the surface containers of large shipping vessels, launching from several hundred miles offshore:
According to scattered sources who are emailing eyewitness reports from across America, many shipping containers are mysteriously appearing in locations across America where they previously were never seen. Note that these missile systems can be fired from containers sitting in parking lots, or still attached to transport trucks or rail systems.
This may explain why Patriot missile batteries are reportedly being spotted in Georgia and Tennessee, and Patriot missiles are now widely known to be deployed in the DC area.
Patriot missiles are ground-to-air defensive missile systems. They are deployed when the military anticipates incoming missiles or aircraft-based attacks.
Notably, patriot protesters do not possess jet fighters or cruise missiles. This indicates that Chris Miller at the DoD is anticipating a sophisticated attack on DC, including air-to-ground weapons of some sort, possibly including missiles or rockets as shown above.
And why would such an attack be unleashed against DC? Because DC is being turned into a detainment / holding encampment to hold all the thousands of traitors who committed treason against the United States. Thus, the now 40,000+ troops, F-16 fighter jets, Stryker vehicles, Patriot missiles and everything else is actually in place to defend DC against a kinetic overthrow attempt by the shock troops of the radical Left, who are augmented by CCP weapons.
Here’s what a patriot missile battery looks like:
We are also getting reports that US Marines (full-time soldiers) are being deployed to the DC area, which means this has moved way beyond National Guard troops (“weekend warriors”).
Listen to the full podcast here to learn more details about this current situation. And pray for America:
From naturalnews.com