What is REALLY happening in Washington DC? We are NOT preparing for an “Inauguration.” Look at the evidence…
By Dr. Ignatius Piazza
WHAT is REALLY going on in Washington DC?
25,000 troops are currently in DC. This is four times more than the number of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq combined!
5,000 more are expected to arrive in the next few days.
Barricades and armored checkpoints are everywhere in DC.
All of this for the anticipated civil unrest by Trump supporters when Biden is inaugurated? I think not.
First, Trump supporters are not violent. This was proven, and now finally accepted by the government and even the Left Wing Media, after video evidence revealed BLM, Antifa, and even an imbedded CNN reporter were caught instigating the breach of the Capitol.
Second, President Trump is still in charge of the country, the military and our military leaders. This massive build up is NOT under Joe Biden’s control or even his request. President Trump is orchestrating this military build-up. WHY?
Take a look at this evidence of the build-up and you may get some clues…
Look at all these checkpoints and closures on this map…
Here is video of what all these checkpoints look like… (Do not watch this one if hearing the F-Bomb offends you.)
Military personnel are stopping people at check points who are LEAVING DC and asking to see their ID. WHY stop and ID people LEAVING? WHO are they looking for?
There is so much confusion, misinformation, and speculation being circulated right now, but one thing is undeniably real. Washington, DC is readying for something VERY BIG to happen. In our lifetimes we have never seen a military build-up like this in Washington, DC.
Here are some videos where people are making their predictions on what is going to happen come January 20. If you are asking me, my gut tells me the military build-up is NOT to protect the Inauguration, but the inauguration plays into it. For your entertainment and education, enjoy these different views and predictions…
Start at 8:10 on this video to see and hear Doug Billings share his 22 bullet point views and predictions…
And under the categories of “This Sounds Incredible!” or “This Does Not Sound Credible.” or “I Hope it is True!” or “How Could this Be True?” I present you with this video to prepare you at best, or your entertainment at least… (I like this one the best)
President Donald Trump has every RIGHT to FIGHT. Over the last four years, he has been the victim of every imaginable form of lies, slander, deceit, sabotage, treason, insurrection, threats and theft of his re-election. He has shown amazing restraint, but in the next 5 days it is time President Trump and General Flynn to take the gloves off and give the Corruptocrats EVERYTHING they deserve…
Previously, I shared the HOLD…HOLD…HOLD video from one of my favorite movies, Braveheart. Now I share with you my favorite scene from Braveheart…