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Are “Armed Marches” Planned for Inauguration a False Flag?
In the wake of last Wednesday’s tragic events at the U.S. Capitol, reports are claiming that a call has gone out for a large-scale armed revolt to take place at all state capitols and the U.S. Capitol. ABC News Radio correspondent Aaron Katersky tweeted that ABC has obtained an FBI bulletin stating that “Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the US Capitol from 17 January through 20 January.”
Replies to his tweet include samples of what appear to be flyers promoting the “armed protests” planned in case President Trump is removed from office ahead of his planned departure on January 20.
The flyers call for “armed march[es] on Capitol Hill and all state capitols” and provides the addresses of all capitols.
CBS News reported:
And the Washington Post reported:
And from CNN:
In an era of such uncertainty, it is not known whether this threat is real or manufactured. This writer thinks it stinks of either a false flag or a Deep State disinformation campaign. But this much is certain: Participation in any such “armed protest” is both a recipe for disaster (of the deadly kind) and counterproductive. Because regardless of who created and distributed the plans for this event on social media, it plays right into the hands of the Deep State and radical leftists.
With Wednesday’s stretches-the-imagination impeachment of President Trump for “incitement of insurrection,” many who read of these planned events may feel just frustrated enough to participate.
The end result of an “armed march” on and “storming of” government buildings would be the massive bloodshed of Americans and the advent of martial law under Democrat control. The narrative would be that this proves the rhetoric of the Left. America — as we know and love her — would die, then and there. She would never be seen alive again.
This writer (mostly) agrees with the Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoff, who wrote:
Think about this — Last week the demonic left used the assault on the US Capitol to take away your First Amendment right of Free Speech. Tens of thousands of Americans were removed from social media along with the US President.
The far left tech giants took away President Trump’s ability to communicate freely to the American public.
The next planned operation is to take your guns.
The left is unafraid.
The Democrats just STOLE a massive landslide election from President Trump.
They removed your right to freely communicate online last weekend.
While there is no evidence that the FBI’s bulletin or the flyers are absolutely the false-flag work of the leftist establishment, the better part of wisdom calls for staying away from any such “armed protests.” That is not the way to win back our country from those who have stolen the election and perverted the rule of law. To borrow from the establishment line about COVID-19, “Stay home, save lives.”
Concerted action to build an informed electorate is the only solution that will work to save America.
This magazine’s parent organization, The John Birch Society, offers just such a plan. With professional field staff and dedicated volunteer members in all 50 states, the JBS has been working since 1958 for “Less Government, More Responsibility, and — With God’s Help — A Better World!” The only thing that has ever been lacking is more patriotic Americans to help in that worthwhile endeavor. Concerned patriots who would like to learn what they can do to restore America should consider joining the JBS and becoming involved.
It is a choice between watching America be torn apart by violence on the one hand and using moral, legal means to create an informed electorate on the other hand. For moral, patriotic Americans, that is a simple choice.
Mitchell Shaw is a freelance writer and public speaker who addresses a range of topics related to liberty and the U.S. Constitution. A strong privacy advocate, he was a privacy nerd before it was cool.
Published with Permission of thenewamerican.com