Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 – Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?
By Mike Adams
The CIA clowns who spread deliberate disinformation across the ‘net are doing an outstanding job of pushing noise and confusion. As a result, my sources are have now fractured into split realities, where in one reality Trump has given up and surrendered while in another reality Trump is about to achieve a decisive victory and astonish the world.
In today’s podcast, I discuss both arguments for what’s happening now, and I lay out details on how the US Secret Service tried to set up Alex Jones to be arrested on terrorism charges in D.C.
Most importantly, I discuss whether the troop expansion in DC is actually part of an unconventional warfare strategy being carried out by President Trump and Chris Miller, the Secretary of Defense. If Biden isn’t inaugurated on the 20th, the radical Left will stage an attempted color revolution siege of Washington D.C., but thanks to these maneuvers by Trump and Miller, there are 15,000 troops in place with the support of the Democrats and the media. Perhaps they are being played and don’t yet realize it.
Here are the two Whitehouse.gov documents mentioned in the podcast:
President Donald J. Trump Approves District of Columbia Emergency Declaration
Here’s what else I cover in today’s podcast:
- The FBI is planning to run false flag operations at state capitol buildings in order to further demonize conservatives and set the stage for nationwide gun confiscation.
- The real story of how US Secret Service tried to set up Alex Jones to be charged with terrorism on Jan 6th. But they failed and Jones averted the trap. (This is based in part on my private phone call with Alex Jones yesterday.)
- There has been a coup in America, carried out by the globalists, the deep state and the CCP.
- My sources are now fractured, with some saying Trump has surrendered and others saying Trump will achieve a decisive victory.
- The bad news sources say everyone around Trump is refusing to follow orders for fear they will be charged with treason.
- The good news sources say Trump is still maneuvering for a decisive counterinsurgency attack against the coup plotters and deep state traitors.
- Chris Miller of the DoD signed the order for 15,000 National Guard troops to be mobilized into the DC area.
- Importantly, when Trump announces the Insurrection Act, all National Guard troops are federalized under Trump.
- Note: We still believe Trump has already invoked the Insurrection Act, but this has not yet been made public.
- Sources say Democrats and left-wing media were tricked into supporting a massive build-up of troops in DC because they mistakenly think those troops will protect Biden. In reality, they say, Trump will command them.
- Most National Guard troops are loyal to Trump and despise Biden.
- The Jan 6th “siege” theater at the capitol was necessary to acquire Pelosi’s laptop and also trick the Left into supporting a massive troop buildup in DC.
- The troops are necessary to protect Trump from the “color revolution” attempt of the radical Left, which will activate the moment they see Biden not getting inaugurated.
- No outcome is certain. There are two paths, and many traitors still inside the Trump administration. Trump’s own plans may be thwarted at the last minute.
- Discussion of consciousness, God, divinity and the role of suffering for the journey of self-discovery.
- Why the real war is beyond the 3D realm and exists in the realm of spirituality and consciousness.
- Is humanity ready to move to a higher state of existence, paired with self-responsibility? Or will we stay stuck in the “infant” stage of fighting and suffering?
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