Western Canada has already fallen to Communist China – America may have a chance, but only if it stands united
By Zoey Sky
(Sarah Westall, the host of the nationally syndicated show “Business Game Changers,” recently talked to Kevin Annett to discuss the buildup of Chinese troops in Canada and what this means for America and the rest of the world. The pair also discussed how to fight back against Chinese tyranny.
Fighting back means changing your mindset
Annett is a seventh-generation Canadian of Scots-Irish-Metis ancestry. He is a leader of the global Common Law movement and of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). He works actively with many victims of Crimes against Humanity in Kanata and around the world.
A Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, award-winning author and human rights figure, Annett was born on the prairies and west coast. He is a former United Church minister. In 1995, he first exposed and documented Genocide by Church and Crown in the Indian residential schools.
Annett explained that to make a difference, people should remove their mental constraints and realize their own right to sovereignty.
Annett, who has been thoroughly investigating the Chinese developments on Canadian and American borders, has personally seen Asian troops doing maneuvers on Salt Spring Island. He also checked out a YouTube video featuring Chinese women in military fatigues jogging down the island, which is near Vancouver Island on the West Coast.
When Annett went over to investigate, he saw army vehicles without insignias. The cars were khaki-colored, but they were obviously not Canadian military vehicles. He also brought up two other reports about Chinese naval maneuvers near Comox, right where the main U.S. and Canadian naval bases are.
Annett also talked about other things happening on the ground aside from the overt Chinese military presence. Last September, Woodgrove Centre was bought by Weihong Liu, a Chinese woman.
Liu, who isn’t a Canadian citizen, acquired the property from Ivanhoe Cambridge through her family business. She has owned and managed shopping centers in China for the last 20 years.
Liu then immediately ordered that anyone entering those malls had to have a medical test. Entry was denied even though people were wearing masks unless they underwent temperature and medical testing.
Once people protested about this change, six Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) cars showed up to handcuff protesters and drag them away. The Nanaimo City Council simply went along with the arrests.
Acts of treason in Canada
The trouble in Canada first began when the Trudeau government committed two acts of treason. First was when they removed all restrictions on Chinese foreign investment in Canada.
Second, Canada brought in the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA) within one week of Trudeau coming to power. FIPA allows China to station security troops, including the military, on Canadian soil.
Another indicator is that one of the few remaining artillery regiments in the Canadian army on the West Coast, stationed at Seafort Armouries in Vancouver, was withdrawn and to the East. They’re not in British Columbia (B.C.) anymore.
Why would Canada pull out some of its last land military units from Vancouver? Annett posits that Trader was then handed over the west coast China. One of the main ways that China is coming in is through the superport in Prince Rupert, a port city in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The city is also close to where a lot of indigenous families and women have gone missing.
If you trace the line where a lot of these disappearances have happened, it’s right along the line of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) sites now owned by China, said Annett.
After many years of working with indigenous people from Prince Rupert, witnesses, journalists, and police officers have told Annett that death squads sponsored by China are operating to terrorize people off the land and secure it.
Aside from acquiring the LNG in the area, these death squads are setting out to settle Chinese colonists who have come in illegally. These colonists will then be settled throughout North and Central British Columbia.
Chinese funding is behind the brewing civil war in America
Westall then brought up how in America, the Western states are seceding if Donald Trump wins the presidential elections. She added that governors from these states might be in league with the Chinese.
Annett agreed, saying that China owns more than a third of U.S. debt., along with politicians on both sides of the aisle. It shouldn’t be surprising that politicians in America and in Canada are directly on Beijing’s payroll.
Annett suggested that the civil war being incited across America is made possible because of Chinese funding. As students of Sun Tzu and “The Art of War,” it makes sense that China would try to defeat a bigger enemy by getting it to destroy itself from within instead of attacking America head-on.
He warned that the public must stop fighting each other and unite to face China, their common enemy.
Westall added that America is trying to pin the blame on Russia, but this is only a distraction from politicians and mainstream media. Even major institutions, like Harvard, Stanford, Silicon Valley, Google and YouTube, seem to be working with China.
China’s plans also include the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, which may have been in the works for decades. Annett urged patriots and anyone who believes in the constitution and the republic to put aside political differences to unite. Otherwise, America as you know it may cease to exist and soon be reimagined as a colony of China.
Both the Democratic Party and a lot of people in the Republican Party are bought out, highlighting the need to fight back, said Westall.
Trump can help save America, but only if citizens unite
Annett explained that counting on the courts is futile since they are not operating anymore. People must take a stand.
He added that he has been working hard to set up republic assemblies throughout Canada, but these assemblies have been targeted hard in British Columbia.
Since February, Annett has helped create 11 republic assemblies across B.C. But as of November 2020, eight of these assemblies have been destroyed by forces using old tactics, such as spreading rumors and reusing the RCMP smear campaign from 20 years ago. They have also tried bribing people.
Annett warned that Americans need to look past the election and the Presidential issue to focus on their basic identity since people have more in common than they realize.
Westall suggested that it’s better to vote for Trump, who has America’s best interests at heart, than Joe Biden, who could take the country down the direction of China. (Related: The Joe Biden transition team is compromised by Chinese elites who have already taken advantage of Hunter Biden’s White House connections.)
She warned that unless Trump wins by a landslide, the opposition will do whatever it can to fix the election. But even if Trump wins, there are plans for a military coup to take Trump out.
Sovereignty and the fight for freedom
In every political ideology, there’s a totalitarian impulse and a liberation impulse from below. This is why Annett has worked with others to set up republic assemblies: To allow people to create it themselves from the grassroots. He explained that you don’t surrender your sovereignty just because you mark a ballot.
Westall brought up the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has plans to “completely restructure society under a state-controlled regime” throughout the world.
Annett added that the WEF will bring about one “world corporation” that everyone will work for as the organization plans to have people plugged in as components of a machine that will completely control your brain.
The idea sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but Annett warned that the technology for this already exists. He warned that this is only the first step in the extermination of the human race.
It is the biggest threat humans have ever faced as a species.
Once the public realizes this, it’s now or never. Lives are at stake, and children have no future unless Canada and America “fights and resists” to take back their sovereignty because this is a “war to the death.”
From naturalnews.com