Trump Must Release The Kraken
By Cliff Kincaid
President Trump ordered the GSA to start a “transition” to a Biden Administration after GSA administrator Emily Murphy said she received “threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely.” So why didn’t Trump order Attorney General Barr or FBI Director Wray to investigate these threats and bring the perpetrators to justice?
Has Trump been president? Or hasn’t he? Isn’t he still in power?
I asked super-lawyer Larry Klayman these questions. He founded Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and said about Trump: “He’s been taking bad advice for four years. He’s been told that he is the chief executive in one area but not in the other area. Trump is the head of the Justice Department.”
Klayman offered to do the job for Trump. All Trump has to do is appoint Klayman as an interim special counsel (who doesn’t need Senate confirmation) and he can investigate and uncover wrongdoing. He’s probably the most aggressive lawyer ever seen on the conservative side.
“Barr is scared of his own shadow,” Klayman observed, “and Barr has done nothing.” He noted that Barr’s special prosecutor in Obama-gate, John Durham, has produced nothing, except for a guilty plea from a low-level FBI official. “Nobody is going to be held accountable.” All of the big crooks are still free.
Meanwhile, another false friend of Trump’s, Fox News, is gloating over Trump’s surrender, reporting Biden as saying that the Trump administration’s outreach on the transition is “sincere.”
“Immediately, we’ve gotten outreach from the national security shop to just across the board,” Biden told Deep State mouthpiece Lester Holt of NBC News. “They’re already working out my ability to get presidential daily briefs, we’re already working out meeting with the COVID team in the White House and how to not only distribute but get from a vaccine being distributed to a person able to get vaccinated, so I think we’re going to not be so far behind the curve as we thought might be in the past,” Biden said. “And I must say the outreach has been sincere — it has not been begrudging so far and I don’t expect it to be.”
Even so, Trump and his sons and other members of the Trump 2020 team are desperately trying to raise money for a legal defense of Trump. But where was the president when his own GSA administrator was being threatened? Where was Barr? Where was Wray? Many Trump supporters are demoralized and think they’re being played for fools.
I wrote the column, “The big steal is underway, but Trump won’t surrender,” and now I’m not so sure.
Trump ally and Bay of Pigs veteran Fran De Varona said, “If the President does not act quickly, Biden will be in the White House in 2021 and our Republic will be destroyed!” That was two weeks ago. All Trump has done is go golfing, pardon a turkey, give a one-minute speech about the stock market, and authorize the transition to Biden.
Now we hear he has pardoned his former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, whose case was still tied up in the courts. His lawyer is Sidney Powell, the same lawyer helping Trump’s legal team. She’s an expert on Justice Department corruption.
A Flynn pardon may be another sign that Trump realizes he’s on the way out and has to act fast.
I hope I’m wrong.
The same forces who targeted Flynn four years ago also targeted Trump, and they are still in charge of the justice system. What a sad state of affairs.
There’s still time, Mr. President. Order Barr and Wray to investigate the threats against your own GSA administrator. Order them to protect Joe Oltmann, the activist who documented a link between Antifa and Dominion Voting Systems. He told me in an interview he had to hire security guards.
Rush Limbaugh says he was disappointed in Sidney Powell’s evidence at the national news conference. Did he not listen to Powell discuss Eric Coomer of Dominion, the guy heard on an Antifa conference call referring to how he rigged the election against Trump? Oltmann revealed all of that. There’s enough evidence here to blow the case wide open.
In the same way the election was stolen in plain sight, the evidence of wrongdoing is out there, in the form of interviews with people like Joe Oltmann. Why do some conservatives persist in saying there’s no evidence of fraud?
Bring Joe Oltmann forward, into the White House if necessary, and let him tell his story. It is harrowing. Let GSA administrator Emily Murphy come forward and tell her story about being threatened. Then let Barr and Wray explain why they are doing nothing.
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