Stopping The Steal
We tell how concerted pressure brought to bear on Republican state legislatures could force the exposure of fraudulent votes in contested states.
By Alex Newman
Amid unprecedented voter fraud and even what many analysts have described as an attempted “coup d’état,” America is in a constitutional crisis of incredible significance. Fortunately, the Constitution provides solutions. President Donald Trump has vowed to keep fighting. Top Republicans from Congress to governors’ mansions have promised to stand with him as investigations, lawsuits, and other efforts to overturn the fraud attempts work their way through the system. All over the nation, patriots furious about the half-baked effort to rig the election and steal the presidency are seeking guidance and leadership. There is much that can be done.
The U.S. Constitution offers many potential remedies, including a trump card. In Article II, Section 1, the Constitution explains: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” In other words, just because Democrats and Deep State operatives were able to stuff the ballot boxes or rig the outcome with computer programs, state legislators have a winning strategy at their disposal. Most of the states that are most hotly contested have solidly Republican legislatures, including Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
Electors will meet on December 14 this year. And on January 6, votes cast by those electors from the Electoral College will be counted in Congress. Typically, those functions are seen as a mere “formality,” as the outcome of the election is already known. However, this time, it may not be so simple. In fact, a vast coalition of organizations and prominent media personalities including The John Birch Society, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles, Fox News host Mark Levin, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, commentator David Horowitz, and many more are advocating for GOP legislatures to overturn the obvious vote fraud by sending pro-Trump electors.
Leaders Rally
In an e-mail to GOP legislators in Pennsylvania, prominent attorney Andy Schlafly, a leader with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and the son of the late conservative legend, urged them to do their duty to save America from vote fraud. “The voting in this presidential election has been tainted beyond repair,” he explained. “Poll watching and transparency were blocked; improper ballot harvesting is evident from the severely imbalanced mail-in results; and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overstepped its authority by expanding mail-in voting. Those who voted on Election Day in compliance with federal law have been disenfranchised by ballot-box stuffing by mail.”
As such, Schlafly argued, the Pennsylvania legislature “should fulfill its duty under the U.S. Constitution” by appointing electors to honor the legitimate votes cast on Election Day. “Last year an election board in North Carolina overturned a congressional election won by a Republican, based on an anecdote about ballot harvesting,” he said. “When, as now, an election result is tainted and lacks the confidence of the American people, then the Constitution calls on the state legislature to act. The governor has no role in this.”
“Please step up and do what is best for our country, and honor the votes cast on Election Day rather than disenfranchising them by improperly voted and improperly counted mail-in ballots,” Schlafly concluded. “There needs to be a check-and-balance against election misconduct and the Constitution authorizes the statute legislature for this. As a legislature please select the Electors and end this crisis. Let the other side litigate this issue to the U.S. Supreme Court if they like, which will enforce the Constitution as it was written in favor of your authority. When the Pennsylvania legislature leads on this issue, other states will follow.”
Very high-profile media figures and legal experts have joined the fray too. Fox News personality Mark Levin, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese III during the Reagan administration, is among the prominent voices calling on legislatures to override the fraud. “Reminder to the Republican state legislatures, you have the final say over the choosing of electors, not any board of elections, secretary of state, governor, or even court,” he posted on Facebook as the fraud was becoming clear. “You have the final say — Article II of the federal Constitution. So, get ready to do your constitutional duty.” One of Trump’s sons re-tweeted the message, prompting a meltdown among those pretending Biden is the president-elect already.
Justice: Fox News personality and former Justice Department chief of staff Mark Levin is urging GOP-controlled legislatures in states stolen by Biden to send Trump electors to the Electoral College. (Photo credit: AP Images)
Former CEO Arthur Thompson of The John Birch Society, an organization that has had some high-profile disagreements with Levin in recent years, also called on lawmakers to use the Constitution to block the fraud. “What we need to do — what you need to do — is to contact your state representative and senator and point out to them that they have the power to overturn the fraud in their state if they simply will meet and do so,” said Thompson. “It’s their responsibility. They must be made to accept it, and then do something about it. For instance, if the governor, with or without the state courts, changes the means by which the people vote for president, then the legislature must intervene and restore the power where it belongs — in this case, the legislature.”
“If the votes show overwhelming evidence of fraud, then it is the responsibility of the legislature to invalidate the votes cast that have not followed the standard, normal means of voting,” the retired JBS CEO continued. “However, don’t get caught up in the investigations into the fraud. Leave it to Trump and his legal team. For us citizens, this is a dead end. We can’t do anything about it anyway. Instead, focus your energy on contacting your state representative and senator and have them convene and rectify the problem in your state. The results of the recent election can be rectified if the president doesn’t give up, the state legislatures in the questionable states assume their responsibility, the Supreme Court does its duty if the case is brought before them, and you don’t give in.”
Could It Work?
So far, GOP leaders in the key states have resisted calls to try it. But, pointing to the U.S. Constitution, former Clinton advisor and master political operative Dick Morris has also been advocating such a move. “We have to move the fight from the executive branch of the states to the legislative branch of the states. In all of these four key states — North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin — there are Democratic governors, but both houses of the legislature are Republican. Those guys need to wake up,” Morris told Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield. “And if you live in those states, you need to call your state rep and your state senator and say, get on the ball. Get to the state capitol, demand that the legislature be called into session, and take over the counting process.”
“The U.S. Constitution does not say that the states shall decide the procedure for electoral votes. They say the legislature should decide. Not the governors, the legislature,” added Morris. “And what they should do is step in and say the evidence of missing votes, suddenly discovered votes, unexplained delays, not granting access to poll watchers shows the corruption of this process, and we the state legislature are taking it over. We’re going to set up a joint committee to run this process, and then we the legislature will do what our Constitution charges us to do: determine who won the election and to get the electoral votes of our states. That’s what they should do.”
The strategy has attracted some high-profile backers in elected office, too, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Speaking on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham, DeSantis urged legislators to use all means at their disposal. And in particular, he called on citizens to lean on their elected officials to ensure the vote fraud is overturned by state legislators.
“Under Article II of the Constitution, presidential electors are done by legislatures and the schemes they create in the framework,” DeSantis said. “If there’s departure from that and they’re not following the law, if they’re ignoring law, then they can provide remedies as well, so I would exhaust every option to make sure we have a fair count.” He called out Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as particularly egregious examples, blasting the “4 a.m. dump of massive votes for one candidate and almost none for the other.”
Already, more than a few lawmakers in key states are working behind the scenes to try to build a coalition that would overturn the fraudulent election results by sending Trump electors to the Electoral College. And the calls and e-mails from Trump supporters urging them to do so are flooding in faster and faster as the word spreads.
In response to an e-mail about it, Pennsylvania State Senator Mario Scavello said, “I agree.” He also included a link to a video he made about the massive fraud in his state. Referring to the controversial secretary of state and state court decisions to change election rules before the vote, Senator Scavello blasted the judicial and executive branches for trying to usurp the legislature’s role in elections. “It’s the best court money can buy,” he said. “But if they want to legislate, don’t do it from the bench, they should run for state senator or run for state representative. And governor, same for you, if you want to legislate, run for legislature…. That’s not your job.”
He also accused the governor — whom he described as a “phony” — of trying to “steal elections.” Noting that Philadelphia sometimes has more votes than registered voters in certain precincts, and that top executive-branch officials called Pennsylvania for Biden even while Trump was 700,000 votes ahead, Scavello suggested something was truly amiss. And he vowed that lawmakers would not let it slide without a response.
In Michigan, lawmakers have taken action, too. The weekend after the election, the legislature even met for a highly unusual Saturday session. At the top of the agenda was a “software glitch” that mysteriously recorded some 6,000 Trump votes as Biden votes in rural Antrim County — a “glitch” that was only discovered when the votes were manually recounted. Similar “glitches” are being discovered in numerous other jurisdictions, giving GOP legislatures plenty of ammunition and cover if they decide to send Trump electors to the Electoral College. Trump pointed to massive irregularities in voting machines by Dominion Voting Systems, too.
Governors sing the same tune: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is one of the high-profile elected officials urging GOP legislatures to send Trump electors to the Electoral College to overcome Biden’s fraud. (Photo credit: AP Images)
While the fake “fact checking” industry has been working overtime in an effort to discredit voter-fraud claims, the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” at USA Today did acknowledge the fact that legislatures will choose electors. “We rate this claim TRUE, based on our research,” wrote Chelsey Cox for the paper in response to claims about legislators being able to save the day despite the fraud. “The Constitution grants state legislators the power to choose electors for the Electoral College. But the electors have the ‘final say’ in the outcome of the presidential election.”
In fact, even recently, in the Bush v. Gore case, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that state legislatures “can take back the power to appoint electors” at any time. That means regardless of the phony outcome achieved through fraud, the GOP legislatures — without any consent or input from the governor or the courts — could choose to send a slate of Trump delegates to the Electoral College. The Constitution is clear, and virtually every analyst agrees that it would be upheld by the courts if a lawsuit were to be filed.
Even if the Electoral College vote is not clear by the deadline, Trump still has a strong opportunity to win. If no candidate secures the needed 270 electoral votes for a clean victory, which could happen if delegates from fraud-ridden states are not certified, the Constitution’s 12th Amendment kicks in. “The House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President,” it states for a scenario where there is no Electoral College winner. “But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” Of course, Republicans currently control a majority of state delegations and are almost certain to retain that majority in the new Congress. That means Trump would have another path to victory. Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said on Newsmax that may be what Trump is hoping to accomplish by challenging the fraud in multiple states.
Lawfare: Investigations, Lawsuits, and More
Lawsuits and criminal investigations at the local, state, and federal level can and must be another important part of the strategy. At the federal level, the Trump administration has filed an array of lawsuits, many of which legal experts believe are likely to be successful. Already, the U.S. Supreme Court has intervened in Pennsylvania, ordering authorities to segregate those ballots that were received after the election was officially over. Whether a series of rogue rulings from state courts and the executive branch in violation of state law will be allowed to stand remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, lawmakers are pushing U.S. Attorney General William Barr to get involved. In a letter to Barr, 39 House Republicans said it was time for the law to take action. “While each state runs its own election process, the United States Department of Justice is ultimately responsible for the integrity of federal elections,” explained the U.S. lawmakers. “The American people must have the utmost confidence that the outcome of the presidential election is legitimate.”
Blasting the decision to ignore court orders mandating that observers be allowed to observe the process, among other brazen lawlessness, the congressmen called on Barr to get busy. “What are you doing to ensure the integrity of the voting and counting process right now?” they asked, demanding that the attorney general provide an “immediate” response. “Will you commit to using all the resources at your disposal to ensure that only legal votes are being counted and being counted in a fully transparent and manner immediately?”
State-level officials are also pursuing that avenue. The Nevada GOP, for instance, announced shortly after the election that its legal team was asking the Justice Department to investigate widespread “criminal voter fraud” across the state. “Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud,” the state party said on social media. “We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”
Congress: If no candidate gets the required 270 Electoral College votes, the 12th Amendment instructs Congress to select the president by giving each state one vote — most of which would be Republican. (Photo credit: inhauscreative/E+/GettyImagesPlus)
In a letter to the DOJ providing proof that thousands of illegal votes were cast in Nevada, the Trump campaign noted that “voter fraud is a serious federal felony.” Responding to the concerns, Barr ordered the prosecutors across America to begin investigating “substantial allegations” of election fraud. While he said the probe was not in itself a claim that voter fraud had occurred, it is important that the American people have confidence in their elections.
Republican state attorneys general are joining the fray, too. Noting that electoral shenanigans in Pennsylvania and other states affect citizens in all states, attorneys general from Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas filed a brief at the Supreme Court supporting the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s scandalous election. More action is expected.
Information War
A key element of the ongoing “Color Revolution” against Trump and America is control of the narrative. Right now, the establishment’s propaganda machine — including controlled opposition outlets such as Fox News and other News Corporation properties such as the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal — is working overtime to create the impression that a Biden presidency is inevitable. The “Big Tech” totalitarians in Silicon Valley behind Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and other outlets are also working to censor anyone (including this writer) who exposes the dishonest narrative.
That means bypassing the propaganda machine will be critical to winning the fight. To begin with, all those seeking to ensure election integrity and block an illegitimate Biden presidency must find ways to disseminate information. The John Birch Society already has an architecture in place, as well as tools (such as this magazine) that enable members to educate their communities — and especially opinion molders — despite the best efforts of Big Tech and the establishment media. The JBS has been doing this successfully for over six decades.
Separately, all over America, AM and FM radio stations continue to broadcast truth and conservative voices over the airwaves. And a growing variety of cable news options including One America News (OAN) and Newsmax have proven their willingness to defy the establishment narrative by broadcasting information about the ongoing effort to steal the 2020 election — at least for now. They are benefiting enormously from the exodus of Fox viewers.
Meanwhile, “Stop the Steal” rallies are already happening nationwide. With his ability to draw tens of thousands of passionate supporters almost anywhere in America, Trump has a means to communicate with people directly — and prove that the media narrative and psychological warfare is failing. Facebook has been trying hard to stop the organizing going on, but so far has been unsuccessful. Nobody, including the dishonest media, will be able to ignore massive Trump rallies demanding election integrity without losing all credibility.
Of course, the effort to silence all those who speak out is escalating. This writer was recently put in “Facebook jail” for 30 days right after posting an article on election fraud. YouTube has been removing some of The New American’s videos. However, there is also a growing array of alternatives when it comes to social media that can be used: Parler, MeWe, Gab, BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, and more, all of which are experiencing explosive growth amid the escalating Big Tech censorship.
If Biden Is Inaugurated
If Biden somehow is selected by the Electoral College, despite the obvious voter fraud and the best efforts of Trump and his supporters to stop it, that does not mean that patriots give up. In fact, they must redouble their efforts, and there will be plenty of work to do.
One of the most important tools will be exercising the power of nullification at the state and local level. Biden has promised all manner of unconstitutional programs and power grabs. However, if state and local governments across the nation refuse to cooperate or submit, all the lawless executive orders in the world will be impotent. With their “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states,” along with ending marijuana prohibition, Democrats have provided valuable lessons in how it is done.
For instance, Biden promised he would seek to confiscate Americans’ “AR-14” firearms. Setting aside the fact that no such weapon exists (they are AR-15s), gun confiscation would be utterly impossible if sheriffs, police chiefs, governors, city councils, county commissions, state legislatures, and other authorities resist. And there is good reason to believe that — with enough support from the public — those “lesser magistrates” will indeed fight back.
No matter what happens in the weeks and months ahead, it will be more critical than ever that American patriots be involved in the fight at every level. Liberty and the future of the United States hang in the balance.
The New American publishes a print magazine twice a month, covering issues such as politics, money, foreign policy, environment, culture, and technology.
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