Now that Inslee is planning his third coronation as Governor of Washington State, and he feels politically safe enough – he is back to inventing massive new citizen lockdown mandates as dictated by the Governor’s office (no legislature involved). Inslee demands that these lockdown dictates not be called “lockdowns” due to the negative connotations of this word. The tame media will probably obey him. However, this punishment of the peasant residents (the term “citizen” is considered triggering in the land of political correctness) of Washington State is an ugly thing. Inslee does not want you to think about it. It is all “temporary,” of course. We’ve heard it all before, and the statements and promises now are just as empty as they were in the past. Let the lockdowns begin again.

The panic buying at Costco and the other stores have begun again. A little deja vu for you. A visit to the Tumwater Costco last night just verified this is true. Don’t worry about the crowded stores, however – Inslee allows that. He will just restrict people from visiting your home this time.
On the other hand, Inslee is not alone. Apparently, there is a contest between some of the Governors who are also vying for cabinet posts in a new Biden administration to see who can force the peasants and serfs to submit to the most absurd government abuses possible. We can only imagine the governor with his senior bureaucrats going over the details – sitting around a table – socially distanced and all masked up – muffled conversation as follows:

“Let’s see if we can kill Thanksgiving AND Christmas.” Laughter ensues.
“Hey, let’s restrict gatherings at homes to 12 people?”
“I heard New Jersey is restricting it to 10.”
“Let’s go with 6. I like that number. I mean, nobody can make it more restrictive than that right? We’ll just say it’s science”
“It isn’t like anyone will dare to question us, right? After all, we have “science” on our side and our PIOs (Public Information Officers) control the media narrative anyway.”

“Yeah, if they start to ask questions, just let them know we can always drop their B&O exemption or just go talk to someone else.”
“That’s funny. Come on guys, they are our friends, the real media will cover for us – they always do.”
“Yeah, besides, the people this hurts the most are the ones who didn’t vote for you anyway, so screw them.”
“Yep, this will show them. Dumb hicks.”
“Don’t forget, this is all about saving lives. Just talk about how anyone who dares to question us just wants to kill everyone including Grandma at the Christmas dinner.” Laughter fills the room.
“This is going to be fun. We don’t have to worry about the election any more, so let’s make this happen.”
The simmering anger and resentment directed at the Governing Class in Washington State is palpable outside the Blue Bubble urban core, the High-Tech 1%, and the Capital District. Widespread civil disobedience of the Governor’s efforts to restrict who you can visit for Christmas or who can visit you in your home for Thanksgiving is inevitable. It appears Inslee and his minions are counting on this rebellion so they can use it as another excuse for even more absurd abuse. The snitch list hotlines are sure to light up. Good times are coming for the bureaucracy and their ability to selectively punish the deplorables and the unwashed peasants. This is a great way to justify their existence, maybe catch another Federal grant.

The lie “we are all in this together” has been exposed starkly for all to see. Inslee is not taking a 40% pay cut. He is not laying off 25% of the state workforce (his political allies), nor is he giving them a 40% pay cut either. The government worker “furlough” joke is like a paid vacation with the extra bonus of qualifying for Federal stimulus checks. Plus, they get to binge watch all your favorite Netflix shows and catch up on their home projects. It isn’t like the government bureaucracy is going to “audit” itself (transparency is dying). A lot of people would love to take that deal. Christmas will be great at government family homes this year – particularly the senior bureaucrats. Not so much for those who do not collect government paychecks and who have to work for a living. It sucks to be a serf.
Of course, if you work for a high-tech company in the Seattle area, you are also probably enjoying life right now too. Working from home is efficient (who misses the nasty commute and expensive parking in Seattle?), and most of these folk are too woke to have any direct social contact with the people whose livelihoods, hopes, dreams, and families are being destroyed by the Governor’s random rule-by-mandate. Sure, it might be a little annoying to get that soy latte at Starbucks, but it has been nine months since they enjoyed the free wi-fi anyway. The idea of eating out is becoming a distant memory anyway, and besides it is cheaper to have meals delivered at home.

The analogy of the Hunger Games dystopian world seems apt more than normal this time around. We really are witnessing the Capital District abusing the red rural rubes in the outlying districts and rubbing their nose in the power, control, and abuse that the rulers can whimsically inflict without negative political consequences to themselves – yet. The bureaucrats might not be pitting the children of Republicans in contrived death matches against each other yet (they only fantasize about it now), but at least they got their graphic sex ed curriculum shoved down the peasant throats in the government schools – THAT was a higher priority than math or language literacy ever was. The rulers in Olympia do not care what damage they do to the workers or families in this state. THOSE people did not vote for our benighted rulers anyway. There is no spine in the Republican opposition despite the forlorn hope the spaghetti spines can be stiffened. For now, the limp-wristed handwringing and pathetic whining seems to be the only response they can whimper to the few who listen. Maybe they will be different via the Zoom legislature Inslee is concocting for next year’s session.

Inslee is competing with the various Blue Governors around the nation who are seeking a position in a Biden administration in DC. Inslee’s recent longtime Chief of Staff – David Postman has already jumped ship to the Biden transition team. The abuse Inslee is happily inflicting on the residents of Washington State is part of his loyalty demonstration for that future plumb position. Governor Heck can clean up the mess, and who cares if he can’t? Inslee and his cronies will be putting this Washington in the rearview mirror first chance they get.
Hope springs eternal, and so does faith. People want to have hope that it will get better (remember 9 months ago – just a few weeks to “flatten the curve”? Yeah, I was suckered into believing them for a few weeks too). Lockdown forever is here to stay and dangling the carrot that “someday it will end” is just part of the game. The lies come easy to these guys, and it has only become a game now. It will only end when the people demand it ends, and that is sure to be an ugly process too.
Inslee lied about not raising taxes when he ran for Governor in 2012. He has raised taxes 30+ times since then and advocated additional taxes which the state barely managed to avoid. There is no tax too big or price too high which he can’t make others pay.

Inslee lied about “protecting people” while his Department of Corrections released thousands of violent felons early and some deaths occurred due to a “computer glitch.” Then he released more violent felons because “Covid.” Does he really care about saving lives? Not so much…
Inslee lied about knowing the CHAZ/CHOP autonomous secession zone in Seattle even existed, despite the fact it was on every major news station in the nation for almost two days. Then, during the Governor’s debate, he lied about his original lie. Does Inslee even know what the truth is anymore? Does he care? Obviously his supporters love his lies too.
Inslee lied about Covid deaths – exaggerating the statistics and including people who died of gunshot wounds. When confronted about this lie, he denied it. Then, was forced to quietly go back and correct the records – EXACTLY as they had been exposed by the Freedom Foundation at the time.

Inslee installed his mega-donor and campaign bundler Suzi Levine as head of the Employment Security Department. In addition to being entirely unqualified and way over her head, she also managed to oversee the biggest botched fraud operation in state history where somewhere between $500 million and $1 billion dollars were lost to a Nigerian Fraud Scheme. This happened because employees turned off the fraud prevention systems internally, but I’m sure nobody on the inside was involved in the crime. No sir! Inslee danced around this story and pretends there is nothing to see here. A mountain of corruption can be concealed in an ocean of incompetence.

Inslee pretended to be concerned about public gatherings (Covid, don’t you know), but he happily encouraged mass riots and protests around the state when BLM and Antifa demanded it. Inslee even gave away the primary bridge between Oregon and Washington for a mass protest march. He pretends to be the masked man, but will take off his own mask when he feels like it. The rules in Washington State, of course, are never applied equally to all. Political friends have different rules than the rest of us peasants for whom the bell is always tolling.