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Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup
By Alex Newman
Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across the country — especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats — continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can censor it and the fake “fact-checking” industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it. At this point, virtually anybody who is not depending on the fake-news media as their only source of information can see it clearly. The outcome of the election is at stake. And Trump supporters are already rallying nationwide against the “Big Steal.”
Some analysts have suggested that the Democrats’ vote fraud is so brazen in this election that it was as if the fraudsters did not even care if it was known — or worse, that they wanted conservatives to realize the vote was rigged. In any case, despite blatant censorship by Silicon Valley “Big Tech” totalitarians, President Trump is fighting hard to expose and defeat the fraud. Lawsuits have been filed by the Trump campaign across the nation, especially in crucial swing-states where much of the voter fraud appears to have taken place. And Trump is gearing supporters up for a long fight.
“The Democrats will try to steal this election,” President Trump warned in an e-mail to supporters after facing blatant censorship and other shady antics from far-left social-media services such as Twitter and Facebook. “Just like I predicted from the start, mail-in ballots are leading to CHAOS like you’ve never seen, plain and simple! The Radical Left is going to do whatever it takes to try and rip a TRUMP-PENCE VICTORY away from you.”
Trump, who has already publicly suggested that he won, warned for months that Democrats would try to cheat and steal the election, with help from their Deep State allies in the press and social-media firms. “I warned the Nation this would happen,” he said in the e-mail to supporters vowing to fight on. “I knew the Democrats wouldn’t be able to accept another CRUSHING defeat, so now they’re trying to mess with the results. It’s madness!” Still, Trump promised to “fight back” to ensure the integrity of the election. Evidence of fraud is turning up all over the place.
Indeed, a number of arrests have already been made, stretching back months, as more and more evidence of fraud emerges. In Vanderburgh County, Indiana, for example, Janet Reed was arrested on felony charges for sending out hundreds of ballot applications with the Democratic party box pre-checked. In Gregg County, Texas, a county commissioner and three others were arrested in September on 134 felony charges of election fraud, illegal voting, and more in a scheme to help Democrats in a recent election. Numerous other arrests on elections charges have been made nationwide, and police are investigating many more cases.
In Wisconsin, which is crucial to the 2020 election, the results are more than a little suspicious, critics said. For one, the state counted more votes in 2020 than it had registered voters in 2018. However, even comparing the latest official numbers on voter registration, 3.68 million, with the number of votes counted, 3.3 million, reveals that about 90 percent of registered voters turned out. Unlike many states, Wisconsin allows eligible voters to register on the day of the election, and so the state calculates turnout differently than many jurisdictions, using all eligible voters rather than all registered voters. But still, more than a few critics, including the president’s sons, argued that the numbers do not make sense.
Breaking down the numbers even further, a number of precincts in Milwaukee reportedly included voter turnout above 200 percent of registered voters. In the city’s 274th precinct, for instance, there are 640 total registered voters, according to publicly available data posted online. A total of 1,290 votes were recorded. In precinct 273, the same situation: just 634 registered voters, yet records indicating 1,272 total votes, or 202-percent turnout among registered voters. At least five other districts also recorded more than 100 percent turnout. Of course, it is possible that some of those registered the same day, but analysts across the nation and beyond cried foul. County Elections Director Julietta Henry did not respond to a request for comment by press time.
Michigan, another key state in the election, has also been plagued by reports of fraud and irregularities. The investigative journalist group Project Veritas, for instance, released an interview with a U.S. Postal Service worker who explained that he was ordered by his superior to post-mark ballots for the day before they were received. “Separate them from standard letter mail so they can hand stamp them with yesterday’s date and put them through,” the worker said he was told. Another video, this one from Nevada, includes a postal worker pledging to use voter fraud to remove Trump from office.
While counting the mailed-in votes in Detroit, observers and Republicans were barred from watching, with cardboard and other obstructions placed in the way. The bizarre spectacle led to widespread accusations of impropriety and a lawsuit by the Trump campaign. Similar antics are occurring in Democrat strongholds across the state and beyond as lawless efforts to block GOP poll watchers and election observers are caught on tape by concerned citizens.
And those were hardly the only problems with mail-in voting in Michigan. For instance, according to publicly available data on the Department of States Michigan Voter Information Center, a 118-year-old man named William Bradley received an absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan, and voted with it. The problem is that Bradley actually died in 1984. Similarly, a 120-year-old woman named June Aiken also voted absentee in Jackson County, Michigan. Same for Donna Brydges, who was born in 1901 and voted absentee in Michigan’s Mason County.
Obviously, none of those votes were legitimate. Republican Party officials nationwide are calling for law-enforcement officials to visit the addresses and determine what is going on so that criminals involved in election fraud can be prosecuted and punished. Countless similar examples from Michigan and other states will undoubtedly be discovered in the days and weeks ahead. In Florida, a man has already been arrested for voting using ballots belonging to the dead.
Even conservative states run by Republicans have not been immune to Democrat fraud. In Texas, for example, Harris County, home to left-leaning Houston, appears to be the epicenter of most of the fraud. Raymond Stewart, a poll watcher and retired police officer, submitted a sworn affidavit to the district attorney about a Houston precinct judge — identified in news reports as a Democrat — and election staff who unlawfully used a “large stack of Texas driver’s licenses” to allow people to vote illegally at a “drive-through voting window.”
“Staff would come inside from the drive-through voting booth and scan a driver’s license from someone outside and get a ticket and return outside,” Stewart said. “But sometimes a staff member would search through the stack of driver’s license on the table, then scan it, receive a ticket and also go outside to the drive-through booth. As a Police Officer, I quickly became suspicious that they were committing a crime by having the unattended D.L.’s just sitting on the table and that possible voting crimes were being committed using these forms of ID.”
The problems in Texas appear to go very deep. The state political director for Joe Biden’s campaign, Dallas Jones, has been accused in affidavits filed at the Texas Supreme Court of operating a massive, illegal ballot-harvesting scheme involving as many as 700,000 ballots. The affidavits making the accusations, filed by a former FBI agent and retired police officer, allege that Jones was also ordering those ballots to be filled out in the names of homeless, dead, and elderly people. National File broke the story.
“This scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale,” explained retired Houston Police Department Captain Mark Aguirre in his sworn statement. Using interviews, documents, and other information, Aguirre publicly identified Jones, Texas State Senator Borris Miles, political consultant Gerald Womack, and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. “This entire operation is being run by the elite politicians of the Democrat Party in Houston/Harris County,” the retired lawman explained, adding that he had video evidence as well.
Project Veritas also released video footage from San Antonio suggesting electoral fraud there, with somebody “helping” an elderly citizen to change her votes from Republican to Democrat. “What’s shown in the video is shocking and should alarm all Texans who care about election integrity,” Texas Attorney General Paxton said in a statement. “We are aggressively investigating the serious allegations and potential crimes that Project Veritas’s documentary audio and video recordings shed light on today.”
One of the non-profit organizations at the forefront of ensuring election integrity is the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). Attorneys backed by the group already announced that they would be representing an unknown number of voters in Arizona, including Laurie Aguilera and anonymous plaintiffs, whose ballots were rejected after they were instructed to fill them out with Sharpies instead of pens that can be read by the machine. The scandal is being referred to as “Sharpiegate” by those fighting voter fraud across the nation.
“Plaintiff fed her ballot into the ballot box. The ballot box failed to properly register her vote, causing a poll-worker to cancel her ballot in the presence of Plaintiff,” the lawsuit explains. “Plaintiff requested a new ballot but, upon information and belief, upon consultation with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office, the poll workers refused to provide her with one.”
That means the system “failed to provide for the maximum degree of correctness because at least some voters experienced issues having their ballots read because of the use of the Sharpie marking devices,” the lawsuit states, arguing that upwards of 80 percent of ballots at some locations were affected by the issue. The law requires integrity in elections so that citizens can be confident that their elected officials were legitimately elected by the people.
PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams, an expert on vote-integrity issues, emphasized the seriousness of the issue. “These voters were denied the right to vote. Arizona election officials allegedly were part of the problem, and denial of the right to vote should not occur because of failures in the process of casting a ballot,” he said. “We are asking that all ballots that were uncured or denied be identified and allowed to be cured.”
Even more sophisticated methods are also being alleged. Former intelligence and military officials interviewed by Dave Janda on Operation Freedom and Brannon Howse on Worldview Weekend alleged that computer code would be used. “Scorecard steals the elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points,” explained Lieutenant General Tom McInerney, referring to a computer program known as Scorecard used by vote-fraud perpetrators to rig the vote in an imperceptible way.
In the run-up to the election, Biden bragged about having the largest “voter fraud organization” in history. “We’re in a situation where we have put together — and youse guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said in an interview. The fake media and fake “fact checkers” dismissed it as Biden misspeaking. However, the evidence suggests Biden may have been speaking the truth.
As evidence of massive, widespread fraud from Democrat-controlled jurisdictions continues to pile up, and as the establishment media and the Big Tech firms try frantically to cover it up so they can declare Biden the winner, more than a few experts have suggested that an attempted coup d’etat is underway. In fact, The New American magazine warned that the very same shadowy officials who ran “Color Revolution” operations across Eastern Europe were making plans to target the U.S. president at home.
Whether they succeed or not will depend on what happens in the coming days.
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Published with Permission of thenewamerican.com