Deep Dive Into the Deep State
Deep State by Alex Newman not only points out the harmful actions of the members of what has been dubbed the “Deep State,” it also names names and tells how to fight back.
By William F. Jasper
Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes, by Alex Newman, Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 2020, 221 pages, paperback
Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes
In Alex Newman, truth and liberty have a fearless, tireless advocate. And just as importantly, their advocate possesses a brilliant mind, a stout heart, a true moral compass, and writing talent to boot. His new book, Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes, is the must-read book for our chaotic times. For everyone trying to make sense of the confusion, violence, and mayhem that threaten to destroy our civilization (and are perilously close to doing so), and for every patriot searching for “what to do about it” answers, Newman’s Deep State is the essential guide.
Newman has shown that he is not only a top-flight investigative reporter, but a non-stop dynamo of thought, word, and action, as well, producing a profusion of perceptive articles, video commentaries, radio and television interviews, speaking tours, and more. As foreign correspondent (and now a senior editor) for The New American, Newman has covered important global conferences around the world, including especially a number of United Nations summits promoting the global-warming hoax, which threatens to extinguish liberty for every person on this planet. Almost single-handedly he exposed, in a series of articles, the effort to place Bulgarian communist Irina Bokova, the former director-general of UNESCO from 2009–2017, as secretary-general of the United Nations. And years before the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) launched the 2020 COVID-19 “pandemic” hysteria (too strong a word? — read the relevant chapter in Deep State), Newman was warning that WHO’s top leaders were in bed with China, Russia, Cuba, and other dictatorships.
In Deep State, Alex Newman delivers a tremendous volley in the fight for freedom. And it is a very timely volley, indeed, for, as millions of Americans are belatedly realizing, we are in a most desperate hour, very likely the most desperate hour of our nation’s existence. Only the willfully blind or completely obtuse can fail to realize that we are now witnessing (as we have witnessed for the past four years) an incredible coup attempt aimed at removing the legally, constitutionally elected president of the United States of America, President Donald J. Trump. The maliciousness, intensity, and pervasiveness of the attacks have been jaw-dropping, including not only nonstop scathing editorials and fabricated media attacks, but unprecedented rioting and urban destruction by subsidized revolutionaries, sabotage of the president’s agenda by Obama holdovers in the federal bureaucracy, obstruction and impeachment efforts by “progressive” Democrats in Congress, and, perhaps most alarming of all, treasonous efforts by politically appointed (and globalist-minded) leaders of the “Intelligence Community” to “take out” President Trump — by any means necessary.
Most everyone can see that the depth and breadth of this effort, along with the obvious coordination among many disparate and seemingly unconnected players, evinces orchestration by behind-the-scene forces, a “shadow government,” if you will. Thus, we have the “Deep State,” the real rulers of what remains of our nearly eviscerated constitutional Republic. Over the past four years, the existence of this Deep State cabal has become so screamingly apparent, and the perfidious actions of Deep State actors — from James Comey (FBI), John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (DNI), and Robert Mueller (DOJ-FBI), to H.R. Mc Master and John Bolton (former Trump national security advisors), Rex Tillerson (former Trump secretary of state), Anthony Scaramucci (former Trump director of communications), John Kelly (former Trump chief of staff) and many more — have come so dangerously close to toppling and taking over our government that every patriot must realize our nation is in imminent, deadly peril.
Fortunately, for America and for liberty-lovers everywhere, Alex Newman has provided a primer on the Deep State that peels away the confusion, misinformation, and disinformation that surround most treatments of this topic. While the term “Deep State” has come into vogue in the past four years, particularly among Trump supporters, many of those who write about or discuss it evince a very deficient grasp and analysis of the subject. Many critics take a primarily partisan view of the issue, considering the Deep State to be left-wing Democrats and “Obama holdovers” that are intent on sabotaging Trump in order restore Democratic control of the White House and Congress. That does, in fact, comprise a component of the Deep State cabal. Critics on the left (such as, for instance, author Mike Lofgren) speak of the Deep State as a corporatist cabal of fat cat Wall Street GOP plutocrats. That too, is a component (although fat cat Wall Street plutocrats have in recent years been giving more campaign loot to Democrats than Republicans). Others note that the defining characteristic of the Deep State is the fanatical commitment of its operatives to “globalism” and world government. Hence, the ferocious animosity of Deep Staters to President Trump’s denunciations of globalism and the United Nations, as well as his announced commitment to nationalism and to putting “America First.”
The globalist vs. nationalist analysis strikes closest to the reality of the current battle raging inside the higher circles of power. But who are the “globalists”? And, what, concretely, is the real object of their “globalism”? That is the vital missing context in most of the analyses by conservatives of Trump vs. the Deep State. Failure to provide this crucial context is fatal to an understanding of the danger and dooms effective countermeasures. The nationalist vs. globalist conflict is not merely an ideological struggle between shadowy, unidentifiable forces; it is a struggle with organized globalists who have very real, identifiable, powerful organizations and networks operating incessantly to undermine and subvert our constitutional Republic and our Christian-style civilization.
Alex Newman understands this and has been writing and speaking trenchantly for years about the individuals, organizations, and networks that comprise the Deep State, naming names and exposing their globalist deeds and schemes. Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes is comprised of chapters drawn from what first appeared in the pages of The New American. In fact, a considerable portion of the book is reprised from the collection of articles Newman wrote for this magazine’s special report on the Deep State in January 2018. That was a herculean effort, and he deftly dissected and explained the many confusing events swirling around us and perceptively exposed the Deep State machinations behind the planned chaos.
However, this book is not merely an anthology of previously published articles; Newman has reworked and updated his previous articles to serve as chapters in an integrated whole. In the first six chapters of the book, he identifies the various organizational branches of the Deep State and shows their penetration of our governmental, academic, scientific, media, business, financial, and philanthropic institutions, as well as their malignant current and historical impact on our nation’s foreign and domestic policies. Here you will find a reliable guidebook to the glob-alist elites who populate such Deep State cliques as the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the World Economic Forum, the World Government Summit, the Aspen Institute, Skull and Bones, and of course, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has served as the main brain trust for the globalist advocates of world government and a New World Order since the CFR’s founding a century ago. Whether out of ignorance or fear of being labeled “conspiracy theorists,” many of the pro-Trump pundits and conservative media personalities fail to “go there,” which means they fail to give their audiences the vital information they need to understand where the danger is coming from and how to combat it.
However, this book is not merely an anthology of previously published articles; Newman has reworked and updated his previous articles to serve as chapters in an integrated whole. In the first six chapters of the book, he identifies the various organizational branches of the Deep State and shows their penetration of our governmental, academic, scientific, media, business, financial, and philanthropic institutions, as well as their malignant current and historical impact on our nation’s foreign and domestic policies. Here you will find a reliable guidebook to the glob-alist elites who populate such Deep State cliques as the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the World Economic Forum, the World Government Summit, the Aspen Institute, Skull and Bones, and of course, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has served as the main brain trust for the globalist advocates of world government and a New World Order since the CFR’s founding a century ago. Whether out of ignorance or fear of being labeled “conspiracy theorists,” many of the pro-Trump pundits and conservative media personalities fail to “go there,” which means they fail to give their audiences the vital information they need to understand where the danger is coming from and how to combat it.
Alex Newman names names and shows the malevolent influence of such globalist insiders as George Soros, Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Rothschild and Rockefeller families, and many more. In the second part of Deep State (chapters 7-14), he exposes the Deep State operatives in action, demonstrating how they repeatedly create “global crises” that then require “global solutions,” which always involve transferring more power and sovereignty to the United Nations and other globalist institutions. Some of the faux crises he adroitly unmasks are completely phony fabrications, such as the global-warming (aka climate-change) non-crisis, while others — such as, for instance, the “refugee crisis” and the COVID-19 “pandemic” — involve serious problems that were initiated by the globalists and have been purposely exaggerated and manipulated by them to justify “solutions” that are far more dangerous to life and liberty than the alleged crises. The Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots are yet another example of the Deep State in action, with the riot makers enjoying lavish funding from globalist foundations and cheerleading from the globalist media.
Deep State is not merely a catalog of globalist connivance and conspiracy, it is an urgent call to action. Following the old maxim, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness,” Newman shines light not only on the darkness, but on the solutions as well. In his concluding chapter, he offers practical actions that every American who loves God, family, and country can take to avert the destruction that is bearing down on us. Hurry to get your own copy of Deep State, and get additional copies to share with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.
A final note: A welcome feature of the book is an appendix reproducing the latest (2019) official CFR roster listing all 5,099 members. Now, when trying to ascertain the leanings of various newsmakers — whether politicos, pundits, professors, poohbahs, etc. — you will have easy access to an authoritative source identifying most of the Deep State’s key actors.
The New American publishes a print magazine twice a month, covering issues such as politics, money, foreign policy, environment, culture, and technology.
Published with Permission of thenewamerican.com