Radical Democrats Sending Letters To Trump Supporters Threatening To BURN DOWN Their Homes If Trump Wins
By A.M. Smith
Trump supporters in Milford and Brookline, New Hampshire have received disturbing letters saying “You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter” and threatening to burn down their family homes “should Trump not concede the election.”
The New Hampshire homeowners who received the threats have one thing in common: they are displaying Trump 2020 signs on their yards.
WMUR reported that police in Milford, New Hampshire are working with the US Postal Inspection Service to identify and track down the violent leftists who threatened the Trump supporters.
“I was kind of quite shocked that anyone would send a letter out with that type of threat,” said Brookline police Chief Bill Quigley.
The threatening letter says “You have been given fair warning” — “Always remember, that it was ‘you’ that started this Civil War.”
The letter read: “Dear neighbor, You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter.”
“Your address has been added into our database as a target for when we attack should Trump not concede the election,” the threatening letter continues. “We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage.”
“You have been given fair warning” — “Always remember, that it was ‘you’ that started this Civil War.”
“Be prepared to face the severe consequences of your pre-emptive actions against democracy.”
Chief Quigley said the terrorists behind the threatening letters could face serious federal charges.
“Not only with us, with criminal threatening,” Quigley said. “It’s on a felony level, because of the threat of burning homes down and causing injury, but it could also be with the postal inspectors, something on the federal level.”
From en-volve.com