Returning the USA to its rightful position as a Constitutional Republic
The End of 200+ Years of the US Constitution or the Beginnings of Renewed Liberty?
By Sher Zieve
The United States of America was established July 4, 1776…244 years ago. Today—September 21, 2020—there is a possibility that it may end—as founded—on November 3, 2020 or shortly thereafter.
The upcoming election will—no more and no less—determine whether or not the USA will remain as a strong and credible world power, be restored to its Constitutional-Republic governance, adhere to the Bill of Rights and retain consent of the governed via its ideology of individual sovereignty; that is the people control the politicians…not the other way around.
Free Speech now includes the “right” to tear down statues, burn cars, privately-owned buildings, wantonly loot privately-owned stores, beat up and even murder individuals
For many years, now, the USA’s laws have suffered erosion; from its government’s allowances of killing babies in the womb, Democrat Party-run States passing laws to weaken the Bill of Rights’ Second Amendment via the addition of myriad restrictions to gun ownership and in today’s current “social” (a definitive misnomer) environment and weakening the First Amendment by companies’ disallowing conservative beliefs and speech to appear on the various “Social media” platforms. Note: Other Amendments to the US Constitution are also being attacked but, although one may disagree, I consider the preceding to be the most egregious.
In Democrat-run States, Free Speech now includes the “right” to tear down statues, burn cars and privately-owned buildings—even entire sections of cities—wantonly loot privately-owned stores, beat up and even murder individuals who don’t agree with movements like ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Antifa’ who call all those who disagree with their destructive—even annihilative—actions fascists in foolish attempts to disguise the fact that they are the true fascists. Note: Despite the fact that the president of the United States has called on the Democrat-run cities and States to allow federal troops in to help, except for one or two his aid has been rejected. With the Democrat leaders’ rejections, the chaos has not only been allowed to continue…it has been encouraged by said leaders. One of the ‘encouragements’ is that the looters and pillagers are immediately bonded out of jail via funds that presidential candidate Joe Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris both supports and applauds!
As US citizens we, currently, find ourselves in the position of a national election for the US presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate on November 3. Throughout the last year, we have seen the planned and activated chaotic movement spread throughout the US cities…with threats from rioters that they will “come to the suburbs and begin burning them down.” They are also demanding that White people give them their homes.
The choices for US president, and Congressional representation in both its upper and lower chambers could not be more diametrically opposed. The Democrats have chosen to end our Constitution and country as founded and replace it with a Marxist government ruled by the few and the Republicans under the exceptional governance of President Donald J. Trump who—during his current tenure—has worked diligently to restore the concept of US Constitutional liberties that have been denigrated over decades of corrupt leadership. And, if we do not retake the House of Reps, we will continue impeachment after impeachment attempts. Speaker Pelosi has already said she wants to impeach President Trump for his plan to begin the nomination procedures for a new SCOTUS Associate Justice. This nomination is not his prerogative but, is mandated as one of his sacred duties in Article II of the US Constitution. If we do not maintain the Senate—despite the RINOs contained therein—we will have no chance of completing the job President Trump has begun; that of returning the USA to its rightful position as a Constitutional Republic.
As I see it…those are our choices. Please vote…and, if possible, in person. And, pray my friends. These are the foretold times. We need our God more than ever, now.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan”—Proverbs 29:2
BLM ‘activists’ celebrated as Trump supporter was killed:
They say Black lives matter…How left-wing chaos kills kids:
Biden VP pick Harris promoted group that put up bail for alleged violent criminals:
Groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter are trying to destroy America from the inside. It’s working:
Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes | New York Post (Video):
Sher Zieve — Bio and Archives
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.
From canadafreepress.com