Oregon State Police officers in Portland deputized as federal officers to avoid having rioters repeatedly released by Left-wing Soros-funded prosecutors
By JD Heyes
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President Donald Trump has, for months, asked Portland’s riot-enabling mayor, Ted Wheeler, to step up, be the man he was elected to be, and accept federal help to protect citizens of Portland who have been terrorized by mobs of anarchists for months.
But like a good Lefty, Wheeler has consistently refused the president’s offers of federal officers and agents, even claiming recently that the protests will simple ‘burn themselves out.’
Of course, that was just a few days before many of those same rioters launched mortars and other fireworks at the apartment complex where he lives and is now moving out of because his neighbors will probably toss him out if he doesn’t leave on his own.
That said, if Wheeler’s refusals of help weren’t bad enough, there is always the fact that Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, himself an Antifa enabler, wasn’t going to prosecute anyone who was arrested anyway…because he isn’t now.
Time and again, many of the same rioters are arrested and quickly released, never to be charged, because Schmidt enacted a policy in recent weeks informing everyone that his office isn’t going to make criminals out of young criminals. So while Portland Police make the arrests over and over again, Schmidt repeatedly lets the same perps walk.
Now, however, the Trump administration has found a way around both problems: Not getting federal agents into Portland and not getting the local prosecutor to act.
Oregon State Police (OSP) personnel sent to Portland in a renewed bid to end the unrest there have been federally deputized, a spokesman confirmed to The Epoch Times.
“Most of OSP resources assigned to Portland have been cross deputized by the U.S. Marshals” Service, Capt. Timothy Fox, the spokesman, said in an emailed statement on Sept. 2.
“OSP is not criticizing any officials and we respect the authority of the District Attorney, but to meet the Governor’s charge of bringing violence to an end we will use all lawful methods at our disposal.”
Translated, this means that Oregon State Police officers are now doubling as federal officers, which means a) Trump wins; and b) repeat rioters will be charged with federal crimes when, if they’re convicted, they will spend their full sentences behind bars because there is no parole in the federal system. (Related: All that’s wrong with our society: GoFundMe account for Kenosha THUG Jacob Blake raises millions while good cops are slandered, fired, ruined.)
Already, state police are working with the local U.S. Attorney’s Office to look over arrests they have made for potential prosecutions.
“Seventy-six people arrested in relation to Portland unrest have been charged on a federal level, a Department of Justice spokeswoman said this week. Approximately 774 arrests have been made since May 28, according to city and federal data,” The Epoch Times added.
It should be noted that Oregon troopers were in Portland recently to assist city cops with the endless rioting. But a day after Schmidt announced his new policy of non-punishment, they withdrew and haven’t been back.
What’s more, a recent plan developed by Left-wing Gov. Kate Brown’s office that would utilize deputies from local sheriff’s departments was widely rejected by a number of them because there is no law and their is no order when it comes to Schmidt declining to prosecute — a shameless act of irresponsibility that puts officers’ lives at risk for absolutely no reason.
The rejection by Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts was typical.
“The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence. That will require the DA to charge offenders appropriately and a decision by the Multnomah County Presiding Judge not to allow offenders released on their own recognizance, and instead require bail with conditions,” he wrote.
“The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office. The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again.”
Sources include:
From naturalnews.com